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Esta pesquisa debruçou-se sobre o estudo do risco de queda, da dor e da qualidade de vida em idosos institucionalizados. Através de uma metodologia descritiva objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade de vida dos idosos institucionalizados, e determinar a existência de relações entre esta variável, o risco de queda e a presença de dor, numa amostra aleatória e estratificada de 56 idosos institucionalizados.
O estudo empírico recorreu a quatro instrumentos de avaliação: Mini Exame do Estado Mental, Escala de Morse para Risco de Queda, Escala Numérica da Intensidade da Dor e Instrumento Abreviado de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial de Saúde.
Os resultados permitiram confirmar que os sujeitos estudados estão globalmente satisfeitos com a sua qualidade de vida. A maioria da amostra (44,6%) apresenta risco de queda não elevado e uma dor moderada (média de 5,21).
Constatou-se a existência de uma correlação moderadamente forte negativa entre qualidade de vida e dor, isto é, ao aumento da dor corresponde uma diminuição da qualidade de vida. Entre as restantes variáveis não se observou relação contudo, apesar de não se poder afirmar que existe uma associação entre idade e risco de queda, observou-se uma correlação muito fraca positiva, ou seja, ao aumento da idade corresponde um aumento do risco de queda.
Os achados do estudo poderão ser significativos para a discussão e consequente melhoria dos cuidados de saúde dispensados aos idosos nas instituições.
This research focused on the study of the risk of falling, pain and quality of life in institutionalized elderly. Through a descriptive analysis we aimed to evaluate the quality of life of institutionalized elderly, and determine the existence of relationships between this variable, the risk of falling and the presence of pain, on a random stratified sample of 56 institutionalized elderly. The empirical study employed four assessment instruments: Mini Mental State Examination, Morse Fall Scale, Numerical Scale of Pain Intensity and Abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire. The results allowed to confirm that the subjects studied are globally satisfied with their quality of life. The majority of the sample (44.6 %) have no high risk of falling and moderate pain (mean 5.21). It was found that there was a moderately strong negative correlation between pain and quality of life, i.e., increased pain corresponds to a decreased quality of life. Among the remaining variables no relationship was observed however, although it can not be said that there is an association between age and fall risk, we observed a very weak positive correlation, i.e., the increase in age corresponds to an increased risk of falling. The study findings may be significant for the discussion and consequent improvement of health care provided to the elderly in institutions.
This research focused on the study of the risk of falling, pain and quality of life in institutionalized elderly. Through a descriptive analysis we aimed to evaluate the quality of life of institutionalized elderly, and determine the existence of relationships between this variable, the risk of falling and the presence of pain, on a random stratified sample of 56 institutionalized elderly. The empirical study employed four assessment instruments: Mini Mental State Examination, Morse Fall Scale, Numerical Scale of Pain Intensity and Abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire. The results allowed to confirm that the subjects studied are globally satisfied with their quality of life. The majority of the sample (44.6 %) have no high risk of falling and moderate pain (mean 5.21). It was found that there was a moderately strong negative correlation between pain and quality of life, i.e., increased pain corresponds to a decreased quality of life. Among the remaining variables no relationship was observed however, although it can not be said that there is an association between age and fall risk, we observed a very weak positive correlation, i.e., the increase in age corresponds to an increased risk of falling. The study findings may be significant for the discussion and consequent improvement of health care provided to the elderly in institutions.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo
Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Pessoas idosas Institucionalização Risco de queda Dor Qualidade de vida Older people Institutionalization Risk of falling Pain Quality of life