Pintado, Cristina MiguelCatulo, LuísPeres, Maria de FátimaPeres, CidáliaBrito, M.2023-04-192023-04-192006PINTADO, Cristina Miguel [et al.] (2006) - Green olives fermentation profile by using Lactobacillus pentosus DSM 16366 as a starter culture. In Second International Olivebioteq 2006: proceedings. Vol II, p. 533-536. large-scale production of fermented foods i focused on the use of defined stain starter systems to ensure consistency and quality in the final product. In Spanish-styles green olives process, initial conditions are usually somewhat restrictivefor the growth of desirable microorganisms.engTable olivesFernentationLactobacillus pentosusPhysico-chemicalMicrobilogicalMediterranean dietGreen olives fermentation profile by using Lactobacillus pentosus DSM 16366 as a starter cultureconference object