Antunes, Carlos Alberto LopesCaldeira, IldaPedro, SoraiaCanas, SaraAnjos, O.2023-08-042023-08-042022ANTUNES, C. [et al.] (2022) - Vibrational spectroscopy applied to Arbutus unedo fruit spirit characterization. In XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Castelo Branco, 2022 - Bio-sustentabilidade e bio-segurança alimentar, inovação e qualidade alimentar : livro de resumos. Castelo Branco : SPQ. P. 237.978-989-8124-36-4 unedo spirit (AUS) is a typical beverage of Mediterranean countries, which is usually produced without wood ageing. However, nowadays there is a trend related to the innovation and search for new market options related to this beverage. This work aimed to identify a technique to distinguish the AUS aged with different times and different toasting levels by an easier and cheaper way.engArbutus unedoSpiritVibrational spectroscopy applied to Arbutus unedo fruit spirit characterizationconference object