Morgado, Margarida2011-12-062011-12-061997MORGADO, Margarida (1997) - Caught in the culture(s) war : the teacher training colleges in Portugal. Educare/Educere : Revista da Escola Superior de Educação. ISSN 0873-0504. Ano II, nº Especial, p. 31-39.0873-0504 paper addresses issues of power in the Portuguese higher education system by comparing and contrasting universities and polytechnics frameworks for educating teachers of English as a Foreign Language. It highlights from a cultural perspective ‘the culture wars’ being fought over notions of learning and what should constitute ‘culture’.engUniversity and PolytechnicTeaching English as a Foreign LanguageHigher education in PortugalCaught in the culture(s) war : the teacher training colleges in Portugaljournal article