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Introdução – O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é caracterizado por uma diminuição focal e repentina do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral, causando défices neurológicos ou a morte.
Os fatores de risco são importantes condicionantes na ocorrência de acidente vascular cerebral,
levando a uma diminuição do estado funcional dos indivíduos. Objetivos – Relacionar o estado
funcional após acidente vascular cerebral em idosos com o número de fatores de risco associados,
bem como as características do triplex scan cervical (TSC) e transcraneano (TST). Método – Realizou-se um estudo observacional longitudinal retrospetivo, composto por uma amostra não
probabilística por conveniência de 93 indivíduos com idade superior a 65 anos com diagnóstico
de AVC isquémico internados no Serviço de Neurologia do Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira. Resultados – Na relação entre fatores de risco e a escala de Rankin modificada (mRS) na alta constatou-se que apenas no grau 1-2 da escala havia uma prevalência superior de indivíduos com mais
de três fatores de risco associados. Nos graus 0 e 4 da escala observou-se uma maior prevalência
de indivíduos com menos de dois fatores de risco associados. Comparando a relação entre as
alterações cervicais e cerebrais e a mRS constatou-se que em todos os graus da escala se registou
uma maior prevalência de indivíduos com menos de duas alterações associadas. A hipertensão
arterial foi o fator de risco mais importante para a ocorrência de AVC, estando presente em 84,8%
dos indivíduos. Discussão – Apesar de não terem sido encontrados estudos que avaliassem o
estado funcional com o agrupamento de fatores de risco e alterações a nível cervical e cerebral de
igual forma ao que foi realizado neste estudo, na presente amostra observou-se que a presença
de um maior ou menor número de fatores de risco e alterações não conduziu significativamente a
um pior estado funcional. Conclusão – Não foi encontrada uma relação direta entre o número de
fatores de risco e alterações no TSC e TST presentes em cada indivíduo com o seu estado funcional
no momento da alta, após o AVC. A hipertensão arterial foi o fator de risco mais prevalente na
amostra e, no que diz respeito às alterações cervicais, a mais prevalente foi a presença de placas
de ateroma.
Abstract: Introduction – Stroke is characterized by a sudden focal decrease in cerebral blood flow and causes physical and neurological deficits or death. Risk factors are important conditioning factors in the occurrence of stroke, leading to a decrease in the individuals’ functional status. Objectives – To relate the functional status after stroke in the elderly with the number of associated risk factors as well as the characteristics of the cervical (TSC) and transcranial (TST) duplex scans. Methods – A retrospective longitudinal observational study was carried out, consisting of a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 93 individuals aged over 65 years with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke admitted to the Neurology department of the Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira. Results – In the relationship between risk factors and the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at discharge, it was found that only in grades 1-2 of the scale there was a higher prevalence of individuals with more than three associated risk factors. In grades 0 and 4 of the scale, there was a higher prevalence of individuals with less than two associated risk factors. Comparing the relationship between cervical and cerebral alterations and mRS, it was found that in all grades of the scale, there was a higher prevalence of individuals with less than two associated alterations. Hypertension was the most important risk factor for the occurrence of stroke, being present in 84.8% of individuals. Discussion – Although no studies were found that assessed the functional status with the grouping of risk factors and changes at the cervical and cerebral level in the same way as what was done in this study, in this sample it was observed that the presence of a greater or lesser number of factors and alterations did not significantly lead to a worse functional status. Regarding arterial hypertension, this study corroborates other studies. Conclusion – We did not find a direct relationship between the number of risk factors and changes in TSC and TST present in each individual with their functional status at discharge, after the stroke. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor in the sample and, with regard to cervical changes, the most prevalent was the presence of atheromatous plaques.
Abstract: Introduction – Stroke is characterized by a sudden focal decrease in cerebral blood flow and causes physical and neurological deficits or death. Risk factors are important conditioning factors in the occurrence of stroke, leading to a decrease in the individuals’ functional status. Objectives – To relate the functional status after stroke in the elderly with the number of associated risk factors as well as the characteristics of the cervical (TSC) and transcranial (TST) duplex scans. Methods – A retrospective longitudinal observational study was carried out, consisting of a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 93 individuals aged over 65 years with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke admitted to the Neurology department of the Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira. Results – In the relationship between risk factors and the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at discharge, it was found that only in grades 1-2 of the scale there was a higher prevalence of individuals with more than three associated risk factors. In grades 0 and 4 of the scale, there was a higher prevalence of individuals with less than two associated risk factors. Comparing the relationship between cervical and cerebral alterations and mRS, it was found that in all grades of the scale, there was a higher prevalence of individuals with less than two associated alterations. Hypertension was the most important risk factor for the occurrence of stroke, being present in 84.8% of individuals. Discussion – Although no studies were found that assessed the functional status with the grouping of risk factors and changes at the cervical and cerebral level in the same way as what was done in this study, in this sample it was observed that the presence of a greater or lesser number of factors and alterations did not significantly lead to a worse functional status. Regarding arterial hypertension, this study corroborates other studies. Conclusion – We did not find a direct relationship between the number of risk factors and changes in TSC and TST present in each individual with their functional status at discharge, after the stroke. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor in the sample and, with regard to cervical changes, the most prevalent was the presence of atheromatous plaques.
Acidente vascular cerebral Fatores de risco vasculares Idoso Triplex scan cervical e transcraneano Stroke Vascular risk factors Elderly Cervical and transcranial duplex scan
LOPES, Adriana [et al.] (2023) - Relação entre fatores de risco vasculares, caraterísticas no triplex scan cervical e transcraneano e o estado funcional pós-AVC em idosos. Saúde e Tecnologia. Vol. 28, p. 61-69. DOI: