Browsing by Author "Silva, Ana Paula"
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- Uma abordagm integrada para o sucesso dos estudantes do IPCBPublication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, Ana Paula; Ribeiro, Ana RaquelSaraivaA promoção do sucesso escolar e o combate ao abandono exigem uma ação integrada por parte das instituições de ensino superior. Atuar em contexto de sala de aula não é suficiente, pelo que as estratégias devem abranger outros domínios que estão relacionados com a integração dos estudantes. A mudança do nível de ensino secundário para o ensino superior congrega um conjunto de novos desafios relacionados, em muitos caso, com o afastamento da família e a adaptação a um novo contexto, que provocam algum stress e ansiedade nos novos estudantes.
- Learn as a team to work in a teamPublication . Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Silva, Ana Paula; Silva, Arlindo F.; Barbosa, Fernando SérgioExiste atualmente em Portugal uma forte procura de profissionais na área das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Esta procura exige que as Instituições de Ensino Superior preparem os seus diplomados adequadamente, não só tecnicamente, mas também ao nível de competências que são vulgarmente designadas por soft skills. Este artigo pretende descrever uma estratégia recentemente implementada, e ainda a decorrer, em dois cursos do ensino superior da área das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Nela adotaram-se práticas que acreditamos poderem ser conducentes a uma sólida formação dos alunos não só ao nível técnico, como também ao nível da aquisição de conhecimento e prática das melhores metodologias de trabalho em equipa. O feedback dos empregadores foi, e tem sido, bastante importante para o delinear desta estratégia. Isto porque nos permitiu aferir o grau de facilidade com que os recémlicenciados se integram nas empresas após serem recrutados, e os aspetos que a influenciam. Pudemos, assim, constatar que para uma integração com sucesso, contribuem, não só os conhecimentos e competências técnicas que estes evidenciam, mas também um conjunto de aspetos comportamentais relacionados com as relações interpessoais, motivação manifestada, atitude perante desafios, entre outras. A abordagem que propomos visa orientar a formação dos alunos finalistas no sentido de facilitar a sua integração num futuro ambiente de trabalho. O propósito deste artigo é partilhar esta experiência, que avaliamos como positiva, com aqueles que trabalhem nesta área, contribuindo assim para a tão desejada aproximação Academia-Empresas.
- Literature review of location-based mobile games in education: challenges, impacts and opportunitiesPublication . Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Silva, Arlindo F.; Silva, Ana Paula; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.With the universal use of mobile computing devices, there has been a notable increasein the number of mobile applications developed for educational purposes. Gamification strategiesoffer a new set of tools to educators and, combined with the location services provided by thosedevices, allow the creation of innovative location-based mobile learning experiences. In this literaturereview, we conduct an analysis of educational mobile location-based games. The review includesarticles published from January of 2010 to October of 2020, and from 127 records screened, 26 articleswere analysed in full-text form. This analysis allowed us to answer the following six predefinedresearch questions: Who are the target audiences for location-based games? In which subjects arelocation-based games most used? Which strategies are implemented with mobile devices to improvethe student’s learning process? What are the main impacts of location-based games on students’learning? What are the main challenges to the development of location-based games for education?What future tendencies and research opportunities can be identified from the analysis of the currentstate of the art?
- Mobile applications for accessible tourism: overview, challenges and a proposed platformPublication . Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Silva, Arlindo F.; Barbosa, Fernando Sérgio; Silva, Ana Paula; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.In the Travel & Tourism sector, mobile applications could do much more than simply provide information about specific locations or recommend places and itineraries based on the user location. They could leverage a wide range of technologies to be aware of the interests and specific needs of disabled tourists, providing them with appropriate and tailored information. This information should be presented using appropriate interaction mechanisms, able to help this specific, but large, group of the population in their everyday tourist activities, thus contributing to even more accessible tourism and travel activities. We present an overview of mobile applications that, in some perspective, may be used to support people with disabilities in their tourist activities. This overview allows us to explore the key challenges involved and some available alternatives, as well as to identify their positive aspects. However, it also underlines some issues that could be addressed more carefully and extensively in the application ecosystem. We also present some preliminary recommendations for a collaborative and personalized system framework to support people with disabilities in their tourist and travel activities. Ongoing work on a first prototype has already given us valuable insights into the identified challenges and we expect it to be a major step towards a more formal specification of our platform, as well as its development and test.
- Mobile applications for pandemic monitoring: approaches, challenges and opportunitiesPublication . Alves, Bernardo; Afonso, Vera; Silva, Ana Paula; Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Silva, Arlindo F.In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, mobile applications have been widely used and promoted to help prevent the spread of the pandemic. Many countries have proposed these applications with the aim of improving contact tracing and thus helping “flatten the curve” of infection case numbers. However, even though there were many campaigns to promote the use of these apps, their adoption was relatively low, which significantly affected their success. The success of COVID-19 contact tracing apps, in terms of its massive use and effectiveness, seems to have been deeply affected by issues associated with privacy and anonymity and the perception that its potential users have about the cost/benefit. In this paper, we analyze some applications for monitoring and contact tracing of infectious diseases to identify the most common approaches and features. We then proceed to discuss the challenges and risks that may influence the success of this type of applications, and we present some recommendations that can contribute to improve their acceptance. Considering the proposed recommendations, we describe the main features and the development of an app that includes additional functionalities alongside the contact tracing feature, in order to increase user perceived value from the use of the application.
- A new framework for accessible tourism mobile application developmentPublication . Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Silva, Arlindo F.; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Silva, Ana Paula; Barbosa, Fernando SérgioRecent years have seen an increasing realization of the importance and potential of accessible tourism. To support it, the ICT industries have provided many different applications, especially for mobile computing frameworks. An analysis of these applications allows us to identify some issues that are not yet fully addressed. These include the absence of collaborative features; the lack of involvement of all stakeholders; the inexistence of synergies; the lack of widely accessible geographic databases and the limited scope of focus within the disability range. To tackle some of these issues, we propose a common framework for development of tourism accessible related applications. This framework stores and manages tourism information and makes this information available to be used by mobile applications developers through specific web services. This approach can represent an important contribution to accessible tourism, by decreasing the cost and facilitating the development of new applications supporting new products and services.