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  • Free software as tool for students of computer engineering courses: a case study
    Publication . André, Gonçalo; Costa, Mónica; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Lopes, Eurico
    Free software has been recognized for many as a differentiated culture of development and use of software that can be strategically and cause economic impact. One of the basic aspects for the success of this paradigm is the capacity of professionals to be able to absorb and to spread the culture of the free software of ample form. In this mission, and several others, the University must assume its role of generation and diffusion of new knowledge, thus contributing for the propagation of the culture of free software development. It was based on this idea that the work that we will present on the present article as appeared. Thus, based on a partnership with a commercial company, the idea of to build a project based on three components: a software application; a base philosophy (use of free software); a goal (that the pupils acquire in the end of its project know how with applicability in "the real" world outside of the Education Institution).
  • Coloured fuses position control
    Publication . Monteiro, Filipe; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M; Costa, Mónica; Lopes, Eurico; Conceição, J. Pedro
    This document describes an application for automatic visual inspection of automotive fuse boxes. The presented system is being developed to allow the fuse boxes quality test by colour detection. The software was developed using the IMAQ Vision for LabVIEW software-developing tool. The system uses a low price USB web cam as an image acquisition device. The paper along its sections describes the main system blocks.
  • A target environment programming language to improve developer's productivity: a case study
    Publication . Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Costa, Mónica; Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Lopes, Eurico
    This paper presents a target-specific programming language (TSL) that was designed to improve the design cycle of code generation for an industrial embedded system. The native assembly code, the new language structure and their constructs, are presented in the paper. The proposed TSL is expressed using words and terms that are related to the target’s domain and consequently it is now easier to program, understand and to validate the desired code. It is also demonstrated the language efficiency by comparing some code described using the new language against the previous used code. The design cycle is improved with the usage of the TSL because description time and debug time are significantly reduced with this new software tool. This is also a case of university-industry partnership.
  • Software livre: da Academia para o mundo empresarial
    Publication . André, Gonçalo; Costa, Mónica; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Lopes, Eurico
    Cada vez mais se questiona a importância de utilizar plataformas de desenvolvimento referidas vulgarmente por software free e projectos open source. É neste contexto que surge o presente artigo o qual descreve o desenvolvimento de um trabalho no âmbito de um curso de Engenharia Informática. O objectivo consiste na implementação de um site de comércio electrónico assente sobre a filosofia de utilização de ferramentas free. Ao longo das secções do artigo é apresentada a arquitectura e as opções que a aplicação desenvolvida permite. Ainda tendo por base o trabalho aqui descrito, refira-se a interligação e colaboração entre a instituição de ensino e o “mundo real” permitindo ao aluno tomar conhecimento com o que poderá ser o seu ambiente de trabalho num futuro próximo, ou seja, preparando-o para a realização de trabalhos no domínio da Engenharia Informática.
  • Can based domotic system using TMS320F243 controller
    Publication . Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Pereira, António; Costa, Mónica; Cardoso, José C.; Lopes, Eurico
    The increasing demand of comfort levels in the home area stimulates the development of systems to reach several goals. Some features of this kind of systems are: energy savings, environmental control, safety monitoring, remote definition of the system set points, etc. This kind of systems is made up of several units spread in the target areas of the house where they are implemented. Those units communicate between them and the master stations through different sort of links: cable, radio frequency, optical fibre, power line, etc. Also, they can use different kind of communications protocols like: Controller Area Network (CAN), Profibus, Bitbus, user defined, etc. To implement the mentioned systems there are a large quantity of devices, furnished from several chip manufacturers. For example, T exas Instruments as Digital Signal Processors (DSP) that have embedded CAN modules to allow easy and powerful solutions like for instance the improving of motor control applications using the above-mentioned communication protocol. This paper describe a CAN based system that uses a DSP Controller and allows the control of several actuation/acquisition devices that form a flexible, robust and easy maintained Domotic network.