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Marques Oliveira, Angela Cristina

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  • The extended information systems success measurement model : e-learning perspective
    Publication . Lolić, Teodora; Stefanovic, Darko; Lalic, Danijela Ciric; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Oliveira, Ângela; Pržulj, Đorđe
    This study investigated the crucial factors for measuring the success of the information system used in the e-learning process, considering the transformations in the work environment. This study was motivated by the changes caused by COVID-19 witnessed after the shift to fully online learning environments supported by e-learning systems, i.e., learning emphasized with information systems. Empirical research was conducted on a sample comprising teaching staff from two European universities: the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Serbia and the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco in Portugal. By synthesizing knowledge from review of the prior literature, supported by the findings of this study, the authors propose an Extended Information System Success Measurement Model—EISSMM. EISSMM underlines the importance of workforce agility, which includes the factors of proactivity, adaptability, and resistance to change, in the information system performance measurement model. The results of our research provide more extensive evidence and findings for scholars and practitioners that could support measuring information system success primarily in e-learning and other various contextual settings, highlighting the importance of people’s responses to work environment changes.
  • IOT and cloud-based technologies for efficient use of resources in almonds crop - The Veratech project
    Publication . Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Ribeiro, Fernando; Oliveira, Ângela; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Fidalgo, Filipe; Santos, Osvaldo; Candeias, Antonino; Serpa, Rodrigo; Rodrigues, Paulo; Rebelo, Jorge
    Efficient use of resources is a critical factor in almond crops. Technological solutions can significantly contribute to this purpose. The VeraTech project aims to explore the integration of sensors and cloud-based technologies in almond crops for efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental impact. It also makes available a set of relevant and impactful performance indicators in agricultural activity, which promote productivity gains supported by efficient use of resources. The proposed solution includes a sensor network in the almond crops, the transmission of data and its integration in the cloud, making this data available to be consumed, processed, and presented in the monitoring and alerts dashboard. In the current state of the development, several data are collected by sensors, transmitted over LoRaWAN, integrated using AWS IoT Core, and monitored and analysed through a cloud business analytics service. This project is implemented on a farm located in the Beira-Baixa region of Portugal and involves a partnership between Vera Cruz (owner of the farm), Veratech, and the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco.
  • Cloud services for smart farming : a case study of the Veracruz Almond Crops in Portugal.
    Publication . Fidalgo, Filipe; Santos, Osvaldo; Oliveira, Ângela; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M.; Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Candeias, Antonino; Rebelo, Jorge; Rodrigues, Paulo; Serpa, Rodrigo; Dionísio, Rogério Pais
    Efficient use of resources is a critical factor in almond crops. Technological solutions can significantly contribute to this purpose. The VeraTech project aims to explore the integration of sensors and cloud-based technologies in almond crops for efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental impact. It also makes available a set of relevant and impactful performance indicators in agricultural activity, which promote productivity gains supported by efficient use of resources. The proposed solution includes a sensor network in the almond crops, the transmission of data and its integration in the cloud, making this data available to be consumed, processed, and presented in the monitoring and alerts dashboard. In the current state of the development, several data are collected by sensors, transmitted over LoRaWAN, integrated using AWS IoT Core, and monitored and analysed through a cloud business analytics service.
  • Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação multimédia na área da saúde para crianças: patologias para minorcas
    Publication . Oliveira, Inês; Oliveira, Ângela; Silva, Pedro Moreira da; Leal, André
    Na segunda metade do século XX mudanças importantes ocorreram na comunicação, na forma e no local onde ocorre. Vários exemplos demonstram que, também na saúde, a forma como a comunicação é feita é um factor muito importante no sentido de informar e influenciar as decisões de indivíduos e de comunidades. Sobre esta problemática José Teixeira do Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada de Lisboa diz que a comunicação efectiva em saúde tem influência importante a nível individual e comunitário. Desta forma este estudo para além de explorar novas formas de comunicação recorrendo à utilização de ferramentas informáticas, propõe o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação multimédia intitulada Patologias para Minorcas, que possibilita novas formas de comunicação das principais patologias em crianças. O desenvolvimento desta aplicação enquadra-se no trabalho efectuado no final do curso de Informática para a Saúde da Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco, em colaboração com a Escola Superior de Saúde do mesmo Instituto. Este projecto surge no seguimento de uma necessidade sentida pelos profissionais de saúde no que diz respeito á comunicação de patologias em crianças uma vez que a comunicação em saúde, a crianças e jovens, tem que ser específica, não se podendo comparar à que é feita a um adulto, desta forma criou-se um ambiente multimédia que facilita o processo de comunicação bem como o entendimento do tipo de patologia e das suas especificidades. Esta deve funcionar, como auxiliar do profissional de saúde, professores e educadores de infância, na explicação do tipo de patologia existente, pretendendo facilitar a aprendizagem dos conceitos através da utilização de jogos intuitivos e construídos em função da idade da criança.
  • Development and test of a low power sensor device in intensive almond crops : a case study in the Region of Beira Baixa
    Publication . Candeias, Antonino; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Ribeiro, Fernando Reinaldo; Metrôlho, J.C.M.M; Fidalgo, Filipe; Santos, Osvaldo; Oliveira, Ângela; Lolić, Teodora
    In recent years the Internet of Things, in addition to use cases in 'smart cities', has also increasingly been used in precision agriculture. As in the rest of the world, it has been a growing reality in Portugal. In an agricultural environment, where energy resources can be scarce and dispersed, the implementation of a LoRa network with autonomous sensor nodes must consider the limitations imposed by the energy consumed by the sensor node, when powered by a battery and a solar panel. For this, experimental tests must be carried out so that there is enough data for the implementation and optimization of the devices. This article presents a work focused on the study of the autonomy and energy efficiency of the sensor device, using algorithms capable of managing energy consumption as a function of the luminosity of the place. Preliminary results attest to the relevance of this approach, keeping the sensor node in operation without interruptions.