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  • Effects of a senior exercise program on functional capacity in institutionalized elderly in the municipality of Mação
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Mendes, Marcelo Cândido; Serrano, João; Silveira, Paulo; Maia, Luis
    The aim of this study was to study the effects of a Senior Gymnastics Program (SGP), with duration of 12 weeks 2 times per week, on the functional capacity of the elderly in the municipality of Mação, through the application of the Senior Fitness Test (SFT). On the other hand, to perceive how Functional Capacity evolved in the elderly who did not benefit from the program. We tried to verify if an SGP, specific for this age group, caused significant effects in both genres in the improvement of the functional capacity of the institutionalized elderly. It was sought to evaluate the evolution of the functional capacity (FC) of the institutionalized elderly. who did not benefit from SGP. A quantitative, experimental, analytical and longitudinal research was carried out. The sample consisted of 2 groups of elderly institutionalized in the House of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação, one that we designated as experimental (GE) with 13 individuals (10 women and 3 men 87,15±6,09) who carried out the 12 week program and one that we denominated sedentary group (GS) with 10 (7 women and 3 men79,6 ±6,45 individuals who did not benefit from the program. As a conclusion, the experimental group showed statistically significant differences in all SFT battery tests, except for the 8 foot Up and Go again (p≥0.06).
  • Self-perception of life quality and the practice of physical activity in elderly
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Cardoso, Rui Fernando da Silva; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Maia, Luis
    The aging of population is an increasingly observable fact in several developed countries. We know that this life period can mean loss of life quality due to biological losses, psychological problems and social relations. The present study intends to verify if elderly people practicing a regular program of formal physical activity have a better perception of their quality of life compared to non-practicing elderly. The number of participants consisted of 64 elderly people (n = 64), living in Proença-a-Nova, being divided into two groups of 32 elements, in which one group had formal physical activity and the one was non-practitioners. The perceived quality of life was measured using the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. The results revealed that the perception of the quality of life presents only statistically significant differences in the physical and social functions and the health change item, in which that the group of practitioners presents higher values