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Este trabalho de investigação pretende mostrar a visão que os docentes/investigadores de uma instituição de ensino superior (IES), o Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB) têm sobre a biblioteca digital b-on, designadamente se a conhecem, utilizam, como acedem e com que frequência, como a classificam do ponto de vista dos conteúdos e qual o grau de complexidade que lhe imputam. A sua realização fundamenta-se na necessidade de compreender a razão pela qual os níveis de utilização da b-on no IPCB, ao longo dos últimos anos são baixos eem sequência, desenvolver estratégias que ajudem a melhorar estes níveis. Para realizar o estudo recorreu-se à distribuição de um inquérito por questionário a todos os docentes/investigadores (n=288) do IPCB tendo-se obtido uma amostra de 33,7%. Os docentes/investigadores foram agrupados segundo as áreas científicas da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), considerando a área de investigação atual. Os dados foram tratados com recurso ao programa SPSS. Determinaram-se as percentagens e, em alguns casos, calculou-se a média e o desvio padrão. Verificou-se que 94,0% dos respondentes conhecem a b-on, embora apenas 82,9% indique utilizá-la. Verificou-se, também que, de um modo geral, os docentes/investigadores classificam a b-on, nos diversos parâmetros, com valores superiores a 3,5, numa escala de 1 a 5 sendo que, maioritariamente, indicam os artigos científicos como a tipologia de documentos mais utilizados para realização de trabalho de investigação. A b-on é a segunda ferramenta mais utilizada para localizar documentos científicos mas é o recurso mais utilizado para descarregar documentos científicos. Dos respondentes, 89,6% indicaram necessidade de formação para utilizar bem o recurso e 57,0% indicaram que a formação deve ser obrigatória. Conclui-se que a maioria dos docentes conhece e utiliza a b-on, todavia a frequência com que a utiliza é baixa. Verifica-se também que os docentes que não utilizam ou que utilizam menos são da área
Abstract: Present work aims to know how teachers and researchers from the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (PICB) uses the digital library b-on, namely if they know it, how they use it, how they accede, and how often they use it, its value and if they find it is difficult to utilize. It was based on the need of understanding the low levels of its use despite being the more important digital resource of PICB and in sequence to develop strategies that allow to reverse this situation. Is was done using a survey that was distributed among all teachers and researchers (ETI) (n=288). 33,3% of valid answers were obtained. The respondents were grouped following the scientific areas of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Data were processed with SPSS program. The percentages were determined and, in some cases, the mean and standard deviation were calculated. It was verified that 94.0% of the respondents know the b-on, although only 82.9% indicate to use it. It was also verified that, in a general way, the teachers / researchers classify the b-on, in the several parameters, with values greater than 3.5, in a scale of 1 to 5 and, in the main, they indicate the scientific articles as the typology of documents most used to carry out research work. B-on is the second most commonly used tool for locating scientific documents but it is the most widely used resource for downloading scientific documents. Of the respondents, 89.6% indicated a need for training to use the resource well and 57.0% indicated that training should be compulsory. It is concluded that most teachers know and use b-on, but the frequency with which they use it is low. It is also verified that teachers who do not use or use less are from the Social Sciences and Humanities Scientific Domain including the Arts (CSHiA) which may be related to the availability of contents. It is also noted that b-on is a tool with some complexity in that most of the teachers / researchers consider the need for training to be used and that the librarian should provide this training.
Abstract: Present work aims to know how teachers and researchers from the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (PICB) uses the digital library b-on, namely if they know it, how they use it, how they accede, and how often they use it, its value and if they find it is difficult to utilize. It was based on the need of understanding the low levels of its use despite being the more important digital resource of PICB and in sequence to develop strategies that allow to reverse this situation. Is was done using a survey that was distributed among all teachers and researchers (ETI) (n=288). 33,3% of valid answers were obtained. The respondents were grouped following the scientific areas of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Data were processed with SPSS program. The percentages were determined and, in some cases, the mean and standard deviation were calculated. It was verified that 94.0% of the respondents know the b-on, although only 82.9% indicate to use it. It was also verified that, in a general way, the teachers / researchers classify the b-on, in the several parameters, with values greater than 3.5, in a scale of 1 to 5 and, in the main, they indicate the scientific articles as the typology of documents most used to carry out research work. B-on is the second most commonly used tool for locating scientific documents but it is the most widely used resource for downloading scientific documents. Of the respondents, 89.6% indicated a need for training to use the resource well and 57.0% indicated that training should be compulsory. It is concluded that most teachers know and use b-on, but the frequency with which they use it is low. It is also verified that teachers who do not use or use less are from the Social Sciences and Humanities Scientific Domain including the Arts (CSHiA) which may be related to the availability of contents. It is also noted that b-on is a tool with some complexity in that most of the teachers / researchers consider the need for training to be used and that the librarian should provide this training.
Comunicação oral apresentada ao VIII Congresso Ibérico EDICIC que decorreu em Coimbra, na Universidade de Coimbra de 20 a 22 de novembro de 2017.
b-on Biblioteca digital Bibliotecas do ensino superior Estudos de utilizador
RODRIGUES, M.E.P. ; PULGARÍN GUERRERO, A.; PÉREZ PULIDO, M. (2017) - Perspetiva sobre o uso da biblioteca digital b-on pelos docentes do ensino superior – O caso do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. In VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC, Coimbra, 2017 - Atas : A ciência aberta : o contributo da ciência da informação. Coimbra : Universidade de Coimbra. p. 1425-1434.