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O desenvolvimento de novos agregados geopolimericos artificiais (AGA) para utilização em processos de tratamento de águas residuais é uma área de investigação recente, cujos resultados preliminares, alguns obtidos nesta tese, permitem antever uma solução vantajosa.
Realizaram-se vários ensaios com um tipo de AGA desenvolvido a partir de lamas residuais das minas da Panasqueira, curado à temperatura ambiente, para utilização em tecnologias de tratamento de águas residuais. Os resultados permitiram observar que as amostras curadas até 28 dias em seco, não apresentavam consistência após imersão em água. O pH inicial da água baixou com o aumento do tempo de cura.
As amostras curadas a 91 dias apresentaram, após imersão, o dobro da resistência mecânica à compressão das curadas a 35 dias. A porosidade intersticial manteve-se constante ao longo do tempo de imersão em água, mas a superfície específica e o diâmetro médio dos poros variaram ao longo do tempo de imersão, o que deverá estar associado à continuidade do processo de cura em água, sendo variações vantajosas para o objectivo deste trabalho.
Os resultados dos ensaios de adsorção mostram que o AGA utilizado apresenta capacidade de remoção significativa de fósforo e baixa capacidade de remoção de acetato e azoto amoniacal. Este estudo evidencia que este AGA pode ser utilizado para a remoção de nutrientes em processos de tratamento de águas residuais, apesar de ser necessário prosseguir com os ensaios de tratabilidade.
Abstract: The development of new waste artificial geopolymeric aggregates (AGA) for use in wastewater treatment processes is an area of recent research. Preliminary results have showed, some obtained in this research. Several experiments were carried out with a type of AGA developed from waste mud from Panasqueira mines, cured at room temperature, to be used as substrate in wastewater treatment technologies. The results showed that the samples cured during 28 days did not show consistency after immersion in water. The initial pH of water decreases with increasing curing time. Samples cured at 91 days had twice the mechanical strength than the cured at 35 days after immersion in water. The last ones showed, however, sufficient strength for use in wastewater treatment technologies. The interstitial porosity remained constant throughout the period of immersion in water, but the specific surface area and average pore diameter varied during the immersion time, which should be linked to the continuing curing process in water. These variations are, however, favorable taking in account the objectives of the work. The results of the adsorption tests showed that the AGA tested in this work has significant capacity to remove phosphorus and low capacity to remove nitrogen and acetate. Accordingly, this study shows that this AGA can be used for nutrient removal processes in wastewater treatment, although it is necessary to continue with the treatability tests.
Abstract: The development of new waste artificial geopolymeric aggregates (AGA) for use in wastewater treatment processes is an area of recent research. Preliminary results have showed, some obtained in this research. Several experiments were carried out with a type of AGA developed from waste mud from Panasqueira mines, cured at room temperature, to be used as substrate in wastewater treatment technologies. The results showed that the samples cured during 28 days did not show consistency after immersion in water. The initial pH of water decreases with increasing curing time. Samples cured at 91 days had twice the mechanical strength than the cured at 35 days after immersion in water. The last ones showed, however, sufficient strength for use in wastewater treatment technologies. The interstitial porosity remained constant throughout the period of immersion in water, but the specific surface area and average pore diameter varied during the immersion time, which should be linked to the continuing curing process in water. These variations are, however, favorable taking in account the objectives of the work. The results of the adsorption tests showed that the AGA tested in this work has significant capacity to remove phosphorus and low capacity to remove nitrogen and acetate. Accordingly, this study shows that this AGA can be used for nutrient removal processes in wastewater treatment, although it is necessary to continue with the treatability tests.
Trabalho apresentado à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão Agro-Ambiental de Solos e Resíduos.
Agregados artificias geopoliméricos Geopolimeros Adsorção Águas residuais Geopolymeric artifical aggregates Geopolymers Adsorption Wastewater