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O contexto de pandemia que vivenciamos, provocado pela COVID-19, implicou a adoção de várias medidas na tentativa de limitar a sua disseminação. Entre estas, destaca-se o isolamento social e a proibição de visitas a idosos institucionalizados. Estas medidas favorecem o agravamento ou aparecimento de doenças mentais nos idosos, entre as quais a depressão. Como forma de diminuir estas consequências, começaram a ser realizadas videochamadas nas instituições para que os utentes conseguissem ver e falar com os seus familiares/amigos. Para a realização das
videochamadas, os cuidadores informais começaram a solicitar em especifico a aplicação WhatsApp, por ser atualmente a aplicação mais utilizada neste contexto pelo facto de lhes ser solicitado pelos familiares. É desta forma que se chega à questão deste estudo: Estará a aplicação digital WhatsApp adaptada para a população idosa institucionalizada? Este estudo tem então como objetivos: conhecer a opinião dos idosos acerca do WhatsApp; identificar as vantagens, obstáculos, limitações por eles apontadas acerca desta aplicação; diminuir a infoexclusão entre a população idosa;
estimular a criação/manutenção de redes sociais digitais; diminuir as consequências do isolamento causado pela COVID-19. A metodologia adotada para este estudo foi a Qualitativa, tratando-se de um Estudo de Caso de cariz Exploratório, pautado pela lógica Descritiva. Foi selecionada uma amostra não probabilística, de
conveniência, composta por 5 sujeitos institucionalizados numa instituição de Idanha-a-Nova. Para a recolha dos dados foi aplicado um questionário de caracterização, realizada a observação do participante na interação com o WhatsApp, durante a qual foi feito o registo de notas de campo e em grelha de observação e, finalmente utilizada a técnica de Focus Group. Concluiu-se que a aplicação e o próprio equipamento não estão adaptados aos idosos institucionalizados pertencentes a este estudo, principalmente pela dificuldade em aceder de forma eficaz, eficiente e satisfatória.
The context of the pandemic we experienced, caused by COVID-19, implied the adoption of several measures, in an attempt to limit its dissemination. Among which, there is social isolation and the prohibition of visits to institutionalized elderly people. These measures favor the worsening or onset of mental illnesses in the elderly, including depression. As a way to reduce these consequences, video calls began to be made in the institutions so that users could see and talk to their family/friends. For the realization of video calls, the informal caregivers began to request the WhatsApp application, because it is currently the most used application in this context. This is how we get to the question of this study: Is the digital application WhatsApp adapted for the institutionalized elderly population? This study then aims to: to know the opinion of the elderly about WhatsApp; identify the advantages, obstacles, limitations pointed out by them about this application; reduce the infoexclusion among the elderly population; stimulate the creation/maintenance of digital social networks; decrease consequences of the isolation caused by COVID-19. The methodology adopted for this study was qualitative, being an Exploratory Case Study, based on descriptive logic. A non-probabilistic convenience sample was selected, composed of 5 subjects institutionalized in an institution ofIdanha a-Nova. For data collection, a characterization questionnaire was applied, and the participant was observed in the interaction with WhatsApp, during which the field notes and observation grid were registered and finally the Focus Group technique was used. It was concluded that the application and the equipment itself are not adapted to the institutionalized elderly belonging to this study, mainly due to the difficulty in accessing effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily.
The context of the pandemic we experienced, caused by COVID-19, implied the adoption of several measures, in an attempt to limit its dissemination. Among which, there is social isolation and the prohibition of visits to institutionalized elderly people. These measures favor the worsening or onset of mental illnesses in the elderly, including depression. As a way to reduce these consequences, video calls began to be made in the institutions so that users could see and talk to their family/friends. For the realization of video calls, the informal caregivers began to request the WhatsApp application, because it is currently the most used application in this context. This is how we get to the question of this study: Is the digital application WhatsApp adapted for the institutionalized elderly population? This study then aims to: to know the opinion of the elderly about WhatsApp; identify the advantages, obstacles, limitations pointed out by them about this application; reduce the infoexclusion among the elderly population; stimulate the creation/maintenance of digital social networks; decrease consequences of the isolation caused by COVID-19. The methodology adopted for this study was qualitative, being an Exploratory Case Study, based on descriptive logic. A non-probabilistic convenience sample was selected, composed of 5 subjects institutionalized in an institution ofIdanha a-Nova. For data collection, a characterization questionnaire was applied, and the participant was observed in the interaction with WhatsApp, during which the field notes and observation grid were registered and finally the Focus Group technique was used. It was concluded that the application and the equipment itself are not adapted to the institutionalized elderly belonging to this study, mainly due to the difficulty in accessing effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily.
COVID-19 Idosos institucionalizados Infoexclusão Isolamento WhatsApp Institutionalized elderly Isolation e-exclusion
Martins, A., Vivas, I., Andrade, D. & Gil, H. (2021). O WhatsApp e a comunicação em estado de pandemia: familiares e idosos institucionalizados: estudo de caso no concelho de Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal). Proceedings of the 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). pp. 1-6. Portugal: Chaves. IEEE Explore Library doi: 10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476260.