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O presente Relatório de Estágio está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte relata a experiência de aprendizagem realizada no contexto das práticas supervisionadas em Educação Pré-Escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Nesta, são apresentadas as instituições, os grupos onde foi implementada, a organização da prática, algumas planificações da intervenção pedagógica e as respetivas reflexões.
Na segunda parte surge a descrição e análise do processo investigativo que decorreu durante a prática supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar. A temática em análise centra-se no desenvolvimento das competências sociais e emocionais em contexto da Educação Pré-Escolar. A opção por este tema deve-se a uma curiosidade e interesse pessoais de compreender os comportamentos sociais e emocionais das crianças e, ao mesmo tempo, de desenvolver nas crianças essas competências por forma a que no futuro consigam assumir um papel interventivo e cooperante, sendo capazes de enfrentar positivamente os desafios e conflitos socio-emocionais.
Como opção metodológica o estudo organiza-se como uma investigação-ação. O grande objetivo desta metodologia é a reflexão sobre a ação, ou seja, tem como finalidade a transformação da realidade, relacionando a ação com a investigação. Recorrendo a um processo cíclico passa pela observação, planificação, ação e reflexão crítica.
Os participantes do estudo são crianças, com quatro anos de idade, que frequentam o jardim de infância onde foi implementada a Prática Supervisionada em Educação Pré-escolar. Para verificar a evolução dessas crianças ao longo do estudo, foi aplicado um inquérito de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ). Este foi respondido pela educadora no início da investigação para verificar o nível de competências socioemocionais do grupo. Ao longo da prática supervisionada foram aplicadas atividades de promoção de competências socioemocionais e no final do processo de implementação dessas atividades a educadora cooperante respondeu a uma versão follow-up do questionário. A análise dos dados centrou-se na comparação dos resultados obtidos nas duas fases de administração do SDQ, bem como na observação e registo dos comportamentos e respostas das crianças aquando da exploração do material didático “Uma caixa cheia de emoções” e de uma história infantil As Girafas não Dançam, de Giles Andrae.
Tendo consciência de que os resultados obtidos não são unicamente resultantes da intervenção efetuada, mas da conjugação de vários fatores em interação, dos quais quero ressaltar as aprendizagens proporcionadas com a frequência do Jardim de Infância, penso poder afirmar que a intervenção proporcionou vivências promotoras de competências socioemocionais junto dos participantes no estudo.
This Training Report is divided into two parts. The first part describes the learning experience carried out in the context of practices supervised in pre-school education and 1st cycle of basic education. In this, the institutions are presented, the groups where it was implemented, the organization of practice, some flat patterns of pedagogical intervention and the respective reflections. In the second part there is the description and analysis of the investigative process that took place during supervised practice in pre-school education. The theme for analysis focuses on the development of social and emotional skills in the context of pre-school education. The choice of this theme is due to a curiosity and personal interest to understand the social and emotional behaviors of children and at the same time, to develop in children these skills so that in the future able to take an interventionist and cooperative role, and able to positively face the challenges and socio-emotional conflicts. As methodological approach the study is organized as a research-action. The main objective of this methodology is to reflect on the action, or is intended to transform reality by relating the action with the investigation. Using a cyclic process involves the observation, planning, action and critical reflection. Study participants are children, four years old, who attend kindergarten which was implemented Supervised Practice in Preschool Education. To check the progress of these children throughout the study, we applied a Strengths and Difficulties survey (SDQ). This was answered by the teacher at the beginning of the investigation to check the level of socio-emotional skills of the group. Throughout supervised practice were applied promotion activities of socio-emotional skills and at the end of the implementation process of these activities the teacher cooperative responded to a follow-up version of the questionnaire. The data analysis focused on comparing the results obtained in the two phases of SDQ administration, as well as the observation and recording of behavior and children's responses during the operation of courseware "Uma Caixa cheia de Emoções" and a children's story the “As Girafas não Dançam” Giles Andrae. Being aware that the results are not only due to the effected intervention, but the combination of several factors interacting, of which I want to emphasize the learning provided with the frequency of kindergarten, I can say that the intervention provided experiences that promote skills socioemotional on the participants in the study.
This Training Report is divided into two parts. The first part describes the learning experience carried out in the context of practices supervised in pre-school education and 1st cycle of basic education. In this, the institutions are presented, the groups where it was implemented, the organization of practice, some flat patterns of pedagogical intervention and the respective reflections. In the second part there is the description and analysis of the investigative process that took place during supervised practice in pre-school education. The theme for analysis focuses on the development of social and emotional skills in the context of pre-school education. The choice of this theme is due to a curiosity and personal interest to understand the social and emotional behaviors of children and at the same time, to develop in children these skills so that in the future able to take an interventionist and cooperative role, and able to positively face the challenges and socio-emotional conflicts. As methodological approach the study is organized as a research-action. The main objective of this methodology is to reflect on the action, or is intended to transform reality by relating the action with the investigation. Using a cyclic process involves the observation, planning, action and critical reflection. Study participants are children, four years old, who attend kindergarten which was implemented Supervised Practice in Preschool Education. To check the progress of these children throughout the study, we applied a Strengths and Difficulties survey (SDQ). This was answered by the teacher at the beginning of the investigation to check the level of socio-emotional skills of the group. Throughout supervised practice were applied promotion activities of socio-emotional skills and at the end of the implementation process of these activities the teacher cooperative responded to a follow-up version of the questionnaire. The data analysis focused on comparing the results obtained in the two phases of SDQ administration, as well as the observation and recording of behavior and children's responses during the operation of courseware "Uma Caixa cheia de Emoções" and a children's story the “As Girafas não Dançam” Giles Andrae. Being aware that the results are not only due to the effected intervention, but the combination of several factors interacting, of which I want to emphasize the learning provided with the frequency of kindergarten, I can say that the intervention provided experiences that promote skills socioemotional on the participants in the study.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
Competências sociais Competências emocionais Educação pré-escolar Social skills Emotional skills Preschool education