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A sociedade está permanentemente submetida a mudanças tecnológicas, ideológicas, económicas e sociais, aspetos que têm de ser analisados cuidadosamente se quisermos compreender as necessidades dos indivíduos, nomeadamente dos idosos, que nasceram numa época em que não existiam tecnologias digitais inseridas no seu quotidiano e que hoje se vêm confrontados com a sua implementação sólida em todos os domínios do comportamento humano.
No presente estudo, desenvolve-se a temática relacionada com a (I)Literacia digital das pessoas idosas com recurso a uma metodologia de caráter descritivo-exploratório onde o corpus de análise é composto por 9 cartoons de autores portugueses cuja obra é reconhecida a nível nacional e internacional. Pretende-se investigar a conotação do estereótipo (negativo versus positivo) veiculado na mensagem do humor de cada cartoon. Os cartoons foram apresentados aos 4 grupos que compõe a amostra - alunos das licenciaturas de Desenho e Belas Artes, Ciências da Comunicação e Jornalismo e a um grupo de idosos. A seleção da amostra foi intencional uma vez que pretendíamos que a formação dos indivíduos estivesse relacionada com o objeto de investigação. Posteriormente, é feita uma análise comparativa dos resultados dos grupos através de uma triangulação de resultados com as entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas a um reconhecido cartoonista português e a um psicólogo da área da gerontologia.
Procurámos recolher informação que nos permitisse estabelecer algumas conclusões, através das quais formalizámos a nossa opinião sobre a pertinência do estudo. Concluímos que os idosos ainda não dominam as tecnologias digitais nomeadamente, a utilização correta do computador nas suas rotinas diárias e que a sua participação nas redes sociais é ainda diminuta. Por outro lado, são os próprios idosos que manifestam a necessidade e vontade em aprender a utilizar as tecnologias digitais. No entanto, existe um aspeto que não pode nem deve ser descorado, a (in)segurança na internet associada e potenciada pela falta de literacia digital que se acentua mais no meio rural o que implica a necessidade de reforçar a melhoria das qualificações dos idosos, nomeadamente no âmbito das Tecnologias de Informação e
Comunicação (TIC) através da promoção de formação adaptada às necessidades deste grupo podendo envolver também as gerações mais jovens, numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento da aprendizagem intergeracional como mais valia social, económica e cultural.
Tendo em conta a escassez de cartoons de autores portugueses que retratem os idosos e a sua relação com as tecnologias digitais este trabalho tem uma amostra e um corpus de análise restrito o que implica que os seus resultados não possam ser generalizados.
Finalizámos este estudo com uma reflexão sobre as limitações do mesmo, problemas e obstáculos detetados assim como sugestões para estudos futuros.
Society is permanently subjected to technological, ideological, economic and social change, aspects that have to be analyzed carefully if we want to understand the needs of individuals, particularly the elderly, who were born at a time when there were no digital technologies in their daily lives and that today are confronted with their steady implementation in all areas of human behavior. In the present study it is developed the topic of digital (il)literacy of the elderly by using a descriptive-exploratory methodology where the corpus of analysis is composed of 9 cartoons of national authors whose work is recognized nationally and internationally. It is intended to investigate the connotation of the stereotype (negative vs. positive) conveyed by the message of each cartoon. The cartoons were presented to the 4 groups that compose the sample – university students of Design and Fine Arts, Communication Sciences and Journalism and a group of senior citizens. The selection of the sample was intentional since we wanted that the training of individuals was related to the subject of this research. Subsequently, it is made a comparative analysis of the results of the groups through a triangulation of results with the semi-structured interviews made to a famous Portuguese cartoonist and a psychologist from the field of Gerontology. We tried to collect information that allows us to reach some conclusions, through which we built our opinion about the relevance of the study. We concluded that the elderly do not master yet digital technologies, namely the proper use of the computer in their daily routines and that their participation in social networks is still negligible. On the other hand, the elderly themselves stress the need and desire to learn how to use the digital technologies. However, there is one aspect that cannot and must not be overlooked, the (in) security on the internet associated and enhanced by the lack of digital literacy - higher in rural areas-, which implies the need to foster the improvement of the qualifications of the elderly, particularly in the context of information and communication technologies (ICT) through the promotion of training adapted to the needs of this age group. The younger generations can play a role in this process, in a perspective of intergenerational learning as social, economic and cultural added value. Taking into account the scarcity of cartoons from Portuguese authors who portray the elderly and their relationship with digital technologies, this work has a sample and a limited corpus of analysis, which implies that its results cannot be generalized. We finalized this study by reflecting on its limitations, problems and obstacles and also with suggestions for future studies.
Society is permanently subjected to technological, ideological, economic and social change, aspects that have to be analyzed carefully if we want to understand the needs of individuals, particularly the elderly, who were born at a time when there were no digital technologies in their daily lives and that today are confronted with their steady implementation in all areas of human behavior. In the present study it is developed the topic of digital (il)literacy of the elderly by using a descriptive-exploratory methodology where the corpus of analysis is composed of 9 cartoons of national authors whose work is recognized nationally and internationally. It is intended to investigate the connotation of the stereotype (negative vs. positive) conveyed by the message of each cartoon. The cartoons were presented to the 4 groups that compose the sample – university students of Design and Fine Arts, Communication Sciences and Journalism and a group of senior citizens. The selection of the sample was intentional since we wanted that the training of individuals was related to the subject of this research. Subsequently, it is made a comparative analysis of the results of the groups through a triangulation of results with the semi-structured interviews made to a famous Portuguese cartoonist and a psychologist from the field of Gerontology. We tried to collect information that allows us to reach some conclusions, through which we built our opinion about the relevance of the study. We concluded that the elderly do not master yet digital technologies, namely the proper use of the computer in their daily routines and that their participation in social networks is still negligible. On the other hand, the elderly themselves stress the need and desire to learn how to use the digital technologies. However, there is one aspect that cannot and must not be overlooked, the (in) security on the internet associated and enhanced by the lack of digital literacy - higher in rural areas-, which implies the need to foster the improvement of the qualifications of the elderly, particularly in the context of information and communication technologies (ICT) through the promotion of training adapted to the needs of this age group. The younger generations can play a role in this process, in a perspective of intergenerational learning as social, economic and cultural added value. Taking into account the scarcity of cartoons from Portuguese authors who portray the elderly and their relationship with digital technologies, this work has a sample and a limited corpus of analysis, which implies that its results cannot be generalized. We finalized this study by reflecting on its limitations, problems and obstacles and also with suggestions for future studies.
Tese apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Cartoons Cidadãos idosos (i)Literacia digital Estereótipo Cartoons Senior citizens Digital (il)literacy Stereotypes