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As famílias multiproblemáticas caraterizam-se por um vasto conjunto de problemas complexos e graves em variadas áreas da sua vida, com consequências nos diferentes elementos que as compõem. As crianças oriundas de famílias multiproblemáticas estão expostas a múltiplos fatores de risco, aumentando a probabilidade de comprometer o seu desenvolvimento. Estas são mais propensas a apresentar dificuldades de aprendizagem, insucesso escolar, fraco funcionamento cognitivo, baixa autoestima, dificuldades de adaptação à escola, insegurança e fracas competências socioemocionais (Sousa et al., 2007). A escola, enquanto contexto de desenvolvimento, aprendizagem e socialização assume um papel fundamental, em colaboração com a família, na proteção destas crianças e na promoção do seu desenvolvimento integral.
O presente trabalho de projeto, intitulado rendimento escolar e competências socioemocionais em crianças oriundas de famílias multiproblemáticas, resulta de uma investigação realizada num agrupamento de escolas de uma localidade da “raia”, junto à fronteira com Espanha. Os seu principais objetivos são analisar o rendimento escolar e o comportamento socioemocional em crianças oriundas de famílias multiproblemáticas; identificar e analisar os tipos de dificuldades de aprendizagem e de comportamentos socioemocionais nas crianças oriundas de famílias multiproblemáticas; analisar o impacto dessas dificuldades e desses comportamentos no rendimento escolar e identificar as estratégias adotadas pela escola para dar resposta às dificuldades manifestadas por este grupo de crianças. Do ponto de vista metodológico, optou-se por um estudo de natureza qualitativa, mais especificamente um estudo de caso, com recurso às seguintes técnicas de recolha de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas aos professores, inquéritos por questionário aos Encarregados de Educação e focusgroup com as crianças. Os participantes foram 9 crianças do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 anos e os 10 anos, os respetivos Pais/Encarregados de Educação e os docentes.
A análise dos resultados obtidos revela que as crianças apresentam dificuldades em algumas disciplinas, sobretudo as que mobilizam competências concetuais mais complexas como é o caso do português e da matemática, assim como alguns comportamentos reveladores de dificuldades de atenção/concentração, hiperatividade, impulsividade… O apoio pedagógico e emocional dos professores das turmas, do professor do Ensino Especial e do Psicólogo, tem contribuído para uma melhoria progressiva das aprendizagens e das competências socioemocionais das crianças. As relações interpessoais estabelecidas no contexto escolar têm permitido transmitir-lhe sentimentos de segurança e afeto, potenciando competências de regulação socioemocional. Neste sentido, apresentamos uma proposta de intervenção que tem como objetivos: promover o desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais em crianças oriundas de famílias multiproblemáticas; compreender a perspetiva das crianças acerca do papel das competências socioemocionais na sua vida escolar; esclarecer conceitos inerentes às emoções; contribuir para a capacitação destas crianças na resolução de problemas e conflitos socioemocionais e, por fim, desenvolver valores de interajuda, amizade e cooperação.
Multi-problem families are characterized by a wide range of complex and serious problems in various areas of their lives, with consequences in the different elements that compose them. Children from multi-problem families are exposed to multiple risk factors, increasing the likelihood of compromising their development. They are more likely to present learning difficulties, school failure, poor cognitive functioning, low self-esteem, difficulties in adapting to school, insecurity and poor socio-emotional skills (Sousa et al., 2007). The school, as a context of development, learning and socialization assumes a key role, in collaboration with the family, in protecting these children and promoting their full development. The present project work, entitled school performance and social and emotional competences in children from multi-problem families, is the result of an investigation carried out in a school grouping in a locality of the "raia", near the Spanish border. Its main objectives are to analyze school performance and socioemotional behavior in children from multi-problem families; identify and analyze the types of learning difficulties and socioemotional behaviors in children from multi-problem families; analyze the impact of these difficulties and behaviors on school performance and identify the strategies adopted by the school to respond to the difficulties manifested by this group of children. From the methodological point of view, we chose a qualitative study, more specifically a case study, using the following data collection techniques: semi-structured interviews with teachers, questionnaire surveys with parents and focusgroups with children. The participants were 9 elementary school children between 6 and 10 years old, their parents/guardians and the teachers. The analysis of the results shows that the children have difficulties in some subjects, especially those that require more complex conceptual skills such as Portuguese and mathematics, as well as some behaviors that reveal attention/concentration difficulties, hyperactivity, impulsiveness... The pedagogical and emotional support of the class teachers, the Special Education teacher and the Psychologist, has contributed to a progressive improvement in learning and socio-emotional skills of the children. The interpersonal relationships established in the school context have allowed them to transmit feelings of security and affection, enhancing socioemotional regulation skills. Therefore, we present an intervention proposal with the following objectives: to promote the development of socioemotional skills in children from multi-problem families; to understand the children's perspective on the role of socioemotional skills in their school life; to clarify concepts related to emotions; to contribute to the empowerment of these children in solving socioemotional problems and conflicts and, finally, to develop values of mutual help, friendship, and cooperation.
Multi-problem families are characterized by a wide range of complex and serious problems in various areas of their lives, with consequences in the different elements that compose them. Children from multi-problem families are exposed to multiple risk factors, increasing the likelihood of compromising their development. They are more likely to present learning difficulties, school failure, poor cognitive functioning, low self-esteem, difficulties in adapting to school, insecurity and poor socio-emotional skills (Sousa et al., 2007). The school, as a context of development, learning and socialization assumes a key role, in collaboration with the family, in protecting these children and promoting their full development. The present project work, entitled school performance and social and emotional competences in children from multi-problem families, is the result of an investigation carried out in a school grouping in a locality of the "raia", near the Spanish border. Its main objectives are to analyze school performance and socioemotional behavior in children from multi-problem families; identify and analyze the types of learning difficulties and socioemotional behaviors in children from multi-problem families; analyze the impact of these difficulties and behaviors on school performance and identify the strategies adopted by the school to respond to the difficulties manifested by this group of children. From the methodological point of view, we chose a qualitative study, more specifically a case study, using the following data collection techniques: semi-structured interviews with teachers, questionnaire surveys with parents and focusgroups with children. The participants were 9 elementary school children between 6 and 10 years old, their parents/guardians and the teachers. The analysis of the results shows that the children have difficulties in some subjects, especially those that require more complex conceptual skills such as Portuguese and mathematics, as well as some behaviors that reveal attention/concentration difficulties, hyperactivity, impulsiveness... The pedagogical and emotional support of the class teachers, the Special Education teacher and the Psychologist, has contributed to a progressive improvement in learning and socio-emotional skills of the children. The interpersonal relationships established in the school context have allowed them to transmit feelings of security and affection, enhancing socioemotional regulation skills. Therefore, we present an intervention proposal with the following objectives: to promote the development of socioemotional skills in children from multi-problem families; to understand the children's perspective on the role of socioemotional skills in their school life; to clarify concepts related to emotions; to contribute to the empowerment of these children in solving socioemotional problems and conflicts and, finally, to develop values of mutual help, friendship, and cooperation.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Intervenção Social Escolar.
Famílias multiproblemáticas Competências socioemocionais Rendimento Escolar Multiproblem families Socio-emotional skills School performance