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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral investigar a oferta de Cursos de Formação Inicial e Continuada de 13 Unidades Vocacionais do Instituto Estadual de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão - IEMA, que se encontram localizadas em 11 municípios do Estado do Maranhão - Brasil, no sentido de analisar a oferta formativa em relação ao atendimento das necessidades dos estudantes e das demandas do mercado de trabalho local. A parte inicial desta pesquisa apresenta abordagens sucintas sobre as temáticas exploradas na dissertação, os objetivos que impulsionaram a investigação, a problemática, o enquadramento teórico e a metodologia de investigação. O enquadramento teórico, por sua vez, contempla estudo bibliográfico, documental e de dados já pesquisados sobre a evolução histórica da Educação Profissional no Brasil e no Estado do Maranhão, estabelecendo relação entre trabalho e Educação Profissional. A metodologia de investigação contemplou os estudos exploratório e empírico. Na fase exploratória, foram realizados leituras e estudos bibliográficos para coleta de informações secundárias relacionadas à problemática que motivou esta pesquisa. Esse percurso metodológico favoreceu os primeiros contatos com dados históricos, estatísticos, conceitos, ideias e reflexões sobre o objeto desta pesquisa. Na fase empírica, adotou-se o processo de amostragem não-probabilística por conveniência, considerando que a amostra selecionada para a investigação correspondeu ao número de estudantes egressos do ano de 2018 e de estudantes matriculados no ano de 2019, que pertenciam as 13 Unidades Vocacionais do IEMA em funcionamento nos referidos anos. Para atingir os objetivos desta investigação, enviou-se questionários para 4.111 estudantes matriculados no ano de 2019 e obteve-se 2.822 respostas válidas, correspondentes a 68,7% da amostra inicial. Para coleta dos dados dos egressos de 2018, foram enviados questionários para 2.570 estudantes, e obteve-se 822 respostas, equivalentes a 32% da amostra inicial. A partir da análise e exploração desses dados, chegou-se aos resultados de que os estudantes tanto matriculados quanto egressos dos Cursos das Unidades Vocacionais do IEMA opinaram positivamente sobre os itens avaliação, satisfação, possibilidade de geração de emprego e renda, bem como vinculação entre curso e mercado de trabalho. Com esses dados foi possível concluir que a oferta formativa do IEMA Vocacional está alinhada às expectativas, anseios dos estudantes e ao mercado de trabalho.
Abstract: The present dissertation has the general objective of investigating the offer of Initial and Continuing Training Courses from 13 Vocational Units of the State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão - IEMA, which are located in 11 municipalities in the State of Maranhão - Brazil, in order to analyze the training offer in relation to the needs of students and the demands of the local labor market. The initial part of this research presents succinct approaches on the themes explored in the dissertation, the objectives that drove the investigation, the problematic, theoretical framework and the research methodology. The theoretical framework, in turn, includes a bibliographic, documentary and data study already researched on the historical evolution of Professional Education in Brazil and in the State of Maranhão, establishing a relationship between work and Professional Education. The research methodology included an exploratory and empirical studies. In the exploratory phase, readings and bibliographic studies were carried out to collect secondary information related to the problem that motivated this research. This methodological path favored the first contacts with historical, statistical data, concepts, ideas and reflections on the object of this research. In the empirical phase, the nonprobabilistic sampling process for convenience was adopted, considering that the sample selected for the investigation corresponded to the number of students graduating from the year 2018 and students enrolled in the year 2019, who belonged to the 13 Vocational Units of IEMA in operation in those years. To achieve the objectives of this investigation, questionnaires were sent to 4,111 students enrolled in 2019 and 2,822 valid responses were obtained, corresponding to 68.7% of the initial sample. To collect data from 2018 graduates, questionnaires were sent to 2,570 students, and 822 responses were obtained, equivalent to 32% of the initial sample. From the analysis and exploration of this data, it was found that the students, both enrolled and graduates of the Vocational Units' Courses, had a positive opinion on the item’s evaluation, satisfaction, possibility of generating employment and income, as well as the link between the course and the labor market. With this data it was possible to conclude that IEMA's training offer is in line with students' expectations, desires and the labor market.
Abstract: The present dissertation has the general objective of investigating the offer of Initial and Continuing Training Courses from 13 Vocational Units of the State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão - IEMA, which are located in 11 municipalities in the State of Maranhão - Brazil, in order to analyze the training offer in relation to the needs of students and the demands of the local labor market. The initial part of this research presents succinct approaches on the themes explored in the dissertation, the objectives that drove the investigation, the problematic, theoretical framework and the research methodology. The theoretical framework, in turn, includes a bibliographic, documentary and data study already researched on the historical evolution of Professional Education in Brazil and in the State of Maranhão, establishing a relationship between work and Professional Education. The research methodology included an exploratory and empirical studies. In the exploratory phase, readings and bibliographic studies were carried out to collect secondary information related to the problem that motivated this research. This methodological path favored the first contacts with historical, statistical data, concepts, ideas and reflections on the object of this research. In the empirical phase, the nonprobabilistic sampling process for convenience was adopted, considering that the sample selected for the investigation corresponded to the number of students graduating from the year 2018 and students enrolled in the year 2019, who belonged to the 13 Vocational Units of IEMA in operation in those years. To achieve the objectives of this investigation, questionnaires were sent to 4,111 students enrolled in 2019 and 2,822 valid responses were obtained, corresponding to 68.7% of the initial sample. To collect data from 2018 graduates, questionnaires were sent to 2,570 students, and 822 responses were obtained, equivalent to 32% of the initial sample. From the analysis and exploration of this data, it was found that the students, both enrolled and graduates of the Vocational Units' Courses, had a positive opinion on the item’s evaluation, satisfaction, possibility of generating employment and income, as well as the link between the course and the labor market. With this data it was possible to conclude that IEMA's training offer is in line with students' expectations, desires and the labor market.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Gestão de Idanha-a-Nova do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Empresas.
Oferta formativa Educação profissional Mercado de trabalho Training offer Professional education Labor market