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As matérias fertilizante provenientes das atividades agro-pecuária e agro-industrial, tais como estrumes, chorume, digestatos e compostos, avaliadas através de ensaios agronómicos referidos neste livro, mostraram (i) apresentar valor fertilizante, (ii) conduzir a uma economia de recursos naturais no que respeita aos
nutrientes vegetais e (iii) contribuir (algumas) para um aumento do stock em carbono orgânico do solo, com vantagens para a saúde dos solos agrícolas ajudando também na mitigação das alterações climáticas por diminuição do teor em CO2 da atmosfera. Atualmente há cada vez mais um reconhecimento destes produtos
não como resíduos, mas como recursos indispensáveis aos objetivos da economia verde no que respeita à implementação de práticas/tecnologias com zero de desperdício. Neste âmbito, também a produção de fertilizantes minerais de base biológica, obtidos através da extração de nutrientes vegetais a partir das referidas matérias fertilizantes, enquadradas aqui como fontes de nutrientes (matérias primas) mostrou ser uma tecnologia promissora, com resultados agronómicos semelhantes aos obtidos com os fertilizantes minerais tradicionais. Deste modo, a utilização destas práticas de fertilização permite fechar o ciclo
antropogénico dos nutrientes em agricultura aproximando as atividades agrícola, pecuária, florestal e agro-industrial num ciclo de reutilização, recuperação e reciclagem com benefícios agronómicos e ambientais significativos.
Abstract: Fertilizer materials obtained from agriculture, livestock and agro-industrial activities were evaluated through agronomic experiments. These fertilizer materials were manures, slurries, digestates and composts. They showed to (i) have fertilizing value, (ii) save natural resources with regard to plant nutrients and (iii) contribute (some of them) for an increase of the soil organic carbon stock, with benefits for the soil health, and helping also to mitigate climate change by reduc ing atmospheric CO2 content. Currently, there is an increasing recognition of these products not as a waste, but as essential resources for the green economy goals, with regard to the implementation of practices/technologies of zero waste. In this context, the production of biologically-based mineral fertilizers, obtained through the extraction of plant nutrients from the aforementioned fertilizer materials, which behave like nutrient sources (raw materials), also proved to be a promising technology. These biologically-based mineral fertilizers showed agronomic behavior similar to that obtained with the traditional mineral fertilizers.Therefore, the use of the fertilization practices referred in this book makes possible to close the anthropogenic cycle of nutrients in agriculture, bringing together agricultural, livestock, forestry and agro-industrial activities in a cycle of reuse, recovery and recycling with significant agronomic and environmental benefits.
Abstract: Fertilizer materials obtained from agriculture, livestock and agro-industrial activities were evaluated through agronomic experiments. These fertilizer materials were manures, slurries, digestates and composts. They showed to (i) have fertilizing value, (ii) save natural resources with regard to plant nutrients and (iii) contribute (some of them) for an increase of the soil organic carbon stock, with benefits for the soil health, and helping also to mitigate climate change by reduc ing atmospheric CO2 content. Currently, there is an increasing recognition of these products not as a waste, but as essential resources for the green economy goals, with regard to the implementation of practices/technologies of zero waste. In this context, the production of biologically-based mineral fertilizers, obtained through the extraction of plant nutrients from the aforementioned fertilizer materials, which behave like nutrient sources (raw materials), also proved to be a promising technology. These biologically-based mineral fertilizers showed agronomic behavior similar to that obtained with the traditional mineral fertilizers.Therefore, the use of the fertilization practices referred in this book makes possible to close the anthropogenic cycle of nutrients in agriculture, bringing together agricultural, livestock, forestry and agro-industrial activities in a cycle of reuse, recovery and recycling with significant agronomic and environmental benefits.
Agricultura sustentável Estrume Chorume Compostos Digestato Economia circular Recuperação de nutriente Circular economy Composts Digestate Manure Nutrients recovery Slurry Sustainable agriculture
MONTEIRO, M.C.H. ; OLIVEIRA, Verónica (2022) - Avaliação do potencial fertilizante de resíduos orgânicos de agro-pecuária e de fertilizantes de base biológica em solos agrícolas. Castelo Branco : IPCB. 53 p. DOI: 10.53681/2022.l01/02 .