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- Planeamento, gestão e monitorização de recursos agroflorestais: ferramentas de apoio à decisãoPublication . Alegria, C.M.M.No início da década de 90 do século 20, o pinheiro-bravo era a espécie mais representativa da floresta de Portugal Continental (40%; 1252,3 mil ha). Esta floresta situava-se principalmente na região Centro do País constituída por uma grande mancha florestal contínua. É sabido que a Norte do rio Tejo o regime de propriedade é essencialmente privado e de pequena dimensão. Assim, a floresta de pinheiro-bravo da região Centro, embora ocupando geograficamente uma extensa área contínua, é no plano cadastral um imenso retalho de pequenas propriedades privadas (minifúndio), que tem dificultado a execução de estudos nesta floresta. Numa perspetiva do proprietário florestal, um dos procedimentos que se revelam de marcado interesse é a cubagem das árvores, com vista à determinação do seu volume. A avaliação do volume da árvore, e consequentemente o volume do povoamento, é vital para a comercialização da madeira. Porém, a determinação do volume da árvore por medições diretas implica o abate das árvores o que nem sempre é possível. Assim, os volumes da árvore são estimados recorrendo a modelos de simulação, tendo por base a medição de variáveis expeditas e de recolha pouco dispendiosa, como sejam o diâmetro da árvore e a altura da árvore. Existem diversas tipologias de modelos (e.g., para simulação do volume total, dos volumes percentuais e do perfil de tronco), que de forma integrada permitem simular o volume total da árvore e os volumes mercantis de acordo com a toragem desejada e dimensão comercial dos diâmetros dos toros, exigidos para um determinado fim industrial. Tal, é de extrema importância na medida em que o preço de venda da madeira de pinheiro-bravo varia consoante o seu destino industrial (e.g., madeira, rolaria e lenha). Quando da realização deste estudo os modelos existentes para o pinheiro-bravo eram generalistas, aplicáveis para Portugal Continental ou para grandes regiões do País, e não permitiam obter os volumes mercantis da árvore de forma flexível e detalhada. Assim, foi objetivo deste estudo realizar o ajustamento de várias tipologias de modelos, designadamente, modelos de volume total, de volume percentual e de perfil de tronco, para os povoamentos puros de pinheiro-bravo no distrito de Castelo Branco. Para o efeito, teve-se por base os dados recolhidos entre 1987 e 1989 em 146 árvores (1588 observações) em povoamentos puros desta espécie na área em estudo. Os modelos de simulação obtidos são ferramentas indispensáveis para apoiar a decisão e rentabilizar economicamente a venda da madeira de pinheiro-bravo na região em estudo de acordo com as especificações comerciais para o destino industrial pretendido. Estes modelos são ainda uma das componentes necessárias para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de crescimento e produção para a espécie e área de estudo.
- Irrigation, engineering and food producionPublication . Duarte, A.C.; Melian Navarro, Amparo; Lovelli, Stella; Castronuovo, Donato; Ruiz Canales, Antonio; Gonçalves, José ManuelThe present chapter will focus on the water use in agricultural activity, under Mediterranean edaphoclimatic conditions, with very particular characteristics, such as climatic irregularity, the absence of precipitation in the summer months, and, in many years, much rainfall in the winter months, that can require the installation of drainage systems. Despite these climatic adversities, these climatic conditions are very good, many times the best conditions, for some crops, like olives, tomatoes, grapes, dry fruits, some vegetables, and others less important (Neira et al, 2024). Considering the importance of water in these climatic conditions, this chapter will look at three realities in three different countries in the Mediterranean basin, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, which highlight the importance of using water to obtain qualified agricultural production and high yields for farmers (Zagaria et al, 2023). In addition, climate change is altering precipitation patterns, leading to longer and more frequent droughts, as well as flooding during short periods (CanatárioDuarte et al, 2022). Overexploitation of aquifers and contamination of water sources has led to a reduction in the availability of freshwater, raising serious concerns for agricultural production (Rojas-Downing et al, 2017). The Mediterranean region is known for its agricultural diversity, where the production of crops such as olives, grapes, citrus fruits, and vegetables is essential for the local economy and the culture of the countries that comprise it. However, this region also faces significant challenges related to climate change, which affect water availability and, consequently, agricultural production. Agriculture is a key component of food security, which refers to access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs of a population. As the global population and food demand continue to grow, more intensive agricultural production approaches are required, especially in the Mediterranean region, where agriculture is vital for local economies. In a context where the population continues to grow, efficient water management becomes crucial to ensure food security and the sustainability of agriculture in the Mediterranean basin (FAO, 2020). Water is a vital resource, not only for crop growth but also for the livelihood of rural communities that depend on agriculture as their main source of income. Also, water is fundamental for photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and temperature regulation in plants (World Bank, 2016).
- Manual de apoio à produção bovina. Métodos de contenção de bovinosPublication . Rodrigues, A.M.; Primo, Ângelo Soares; Matos, Luís Filipe Lopes de; Pereira, Madalena D' Oliveira; Jorge, Rafaela Alexandra LaurinoCom este trabalho pretendemos evidenciar a importância que deve ser dada à segurança quando trabalhamos em explorações de bovinos de leite e de carne. Os bovinos são animais de grande porte, pesados e muito poderosos fisicamente. Podem provocar danos graves no homem. Ao longo do texto, com desenhos e pinturas, descrevem-se um conjunto de técnicas de contenção. Apresentam-se técnicas de contenção com corda para imobilizar o animal de pé (contenção da cabeça, dos membros anteriores e dos membros posteriores) e técnicas para derrubar e imobilizar o bovino no chão. Também se mostram os pontos mais sensíveis da cabeça e do corpo do bovino e os equipamentos de contenção que podem ser utilizados para sujeitar o animal. O conhecimento destes pontos de sensibilidade e dos equipamentos de contenção será uma vantagem para o operador, facilitando o maneio diário com os animais. A aplicação correta das técnicas de contenção que são descritas neste livro vai permitir que produtores e técnicos atuem com maior segurança individual durante as várias operações de maneio que ocorrem numa exploração de bovinos. Considera-se prioritário garantir a proteção do operador, dos seus ajudantes e dos animais.
- A spatial decision support system to assess the nature-based tourism development potential in the Centro Interior region of PortugalPublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.With its potential to conserve environmental values, integrate local communities, boost sustainable development, generate jobs, improve infrastruc-ture, and support the local economy, nature-based tourism is a significant source of income for local communities, stimulating entrepreneurship and economic di-versification. Based on this principle, this study aims to assess the potential of existing natural resources in the Centro Interior region that can anchor the crea-tion of tourism products that respect the fundamental criteria of nature-based tourism. Identifying areas suitable for developing tourism activities and their con-straints was based on integrating a set of criteria using multicriteria spatial anal-ysis tools in a GIS environment. The following descriptors were integrated: the bird and plant richness, target species of plants and animals, protected areas, land-scape diversity, hemeroby level, geologic values, road network, accommodation offer, existing water bodies and watercourses, and pedestrian routes. The criteria were classified into three suitability levels by applying the Hierarchical Analyti-cal Process. The results indicate the region's favorable conditions for engaging in nature-based activities. The study, with its comprehensive analysis, suggests that the information produced could prove valuable in formulating new policies to enhance the value of natural assets through tourism, empowering stakeholders and policymakers to make informed decisions for the Centro Interior region.
- Suitability analysis of alternative agroforestry systems in Beira Baixa (Portugal) in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptationPublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.The proliferation of single-species tree plantations, predominantly consisting of pine or eucalyptus trees, poses a significant challenge in Portugal. These monoculture plantations, driven by the pulp and paper industry, have expanded extensively across the country. Unlike mixed forests or agroforestry systems, monoculture plantations are more prone to fire spread and lack the benefits of water retention and erosion control. A diverse landscape with various land uses and vegetation types is a crucial natural barrier against large-scale forest fires. This study, conducted with rigorous scientific methods, aims to assess the viability of cultivating cork oak (Quercus suber L.), holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.), and strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) in agroforestry mode in the Beira Baixa region. Biophysical criteria related to soil and climate were analyzed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) for present and future scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5 for 2050 and 2070). The suitability analysis employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), involving hierarchical decision-making levels and pairwise comparison of criteria to determine weights. The suitability for the strawberry tree will reduce significantly in both RCP scenarios, with the highest decrease observed in the worst-case scenario. The area with high potential for holm oak will expand in both scenarios, and cork oak will be relatively stable for RCP 4.5 and will be highly reduced for RCP 8.5. The study confirms AHP's efficacy in evaluating tree species suitability and underscores the importance of resilient agroforestry systems in adapting to climate change.
- Recent land use land cover change tendencies in Continental Portugal: Are they sustainable?Publication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.The Land Use Land Cover (LULC) pattern of landscapes is a key element of basic landscape structure; accordingly, this pattern has a vital role in landscape management, nature conservation, and preservation. On the other hand, the human impact on the ecological environment has attracted significant attention. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between human disturbance intensity and landscape pattern configuration and quality. The objectives are: (1) to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape and human disturbance in the process of land use change in Continental Portugal between 1990 and 2018, and (2) to explore the relationship between the landscape change trajectories and human disturbance/ naturalness metrics, to reveal how landscape-pattern-change tendencies can be used as indicators of the level of sustainability. We quantified the landscape configuration through a set of land use metrics, such as Mean Patch Size, Mean Shape Index, Total Edge, and Mean Patch Fractal Dimension. The LULC Corine Land Cover databases from 1990, 2006, and 2018 were used to calculate the landscape metrics. Patch level and landscape level metrics were calculated for 163 quadrats of 25 km2 each, covering the country, with the Patch Analyst extension of the Arc GIS 10.8 software. The Hemeroby Index (HI) was calculated to measure the level of human-induced disturbance in the landscape. Correlation analysis revealed the statistical connections between the change in landscape metric parameters and the change in HI. The change in Total Edge metrics negatively correlates with the change in human disturbance. That suggests that the increase in complexity of the landscape corresponds to low levels of disturbance. Landscape metrics could be appropriate for describing the landscape's human disturbance/naturalness status, confirming the results obtained in previous studies. Using a set of structural and quality indicators can be helpful for planners and decision-makers to analyze trends in land use patterns at a regional level.
- Spatial planning of nature sports in cross-border regions with a focus on orienteeringPublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.As a growing sector, tourism has become a significant contributor to the global economy and has the potential to promote economic growth and development in many regions. Nature sports tourism can be an important aspect of tourism and can have significant economic, social, and cultural impacts on the host communities. Nature sports activities and events are usually integral to tourism market planning. Hosting sporting events has become a key strategy for destinations to gain recognition and is often included in their event portfolios for annual tourism planning. Using events to mitigate seasonality and diversify tourist flows is a common objective, as it can contribute to the local visitor economy and enhance the overall viability of the destination. As the popularity of outdoor events continues to grow, it is important to understand the environmental consequences of outdoor events and to implement sustainable practices. Addressing environmental sustainability is, therefore, a crucial aspect of nature sports tourism planning. This chapter focuses on a particular nature sport—orienteering. The most important factor for selecting areas for orienteering is the difficulty of a challenging terrain that enables a good course setting. Finding a suitable area for foot orienteering involves multiple criteria. The main features that provide the athlete greater opportunities for testing navigation skills are, among others, a detailed representation of the terrain, containing rich landforms, and its cover, since foot orienteering is a sport organized in forests or natural areas. Based on these principles, this study aims to assess the suitability of the Tejo/Tajo International Transboundary Biosphere Reserve for practicing Foot Orienteering. The suitable areas and their constraints were identified based on integrating a set of criteria using multicriteria spatial analysis tools in a GIS environment. For this purpose, the following descriptors were integrated: land cover, slope, slope variation, Topographic position index (TPI), and aspect variation. The criteria were classified into four suitability levels and calculated using the Hierarchical Analytical Process. The impact of orienteering activities on the natural values existing in the Tagus/Tajo International Transboundary Biosphere Reserve was also assessed, with particular emphasis on the impact on vegetation and wildlife
- Predicting the effectiveness of Tagus International Nature Park in protecting vegetation under climate changePublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.; Ribeiro, SílviaClimate change induces a redistribution of life on Earth, affecting protected areas' effectiveness. Species shift their ranges under climate change to track suitable climate, mainly shifting poleward and toward higher elevation. They often face degraded habitats in human-dominated landscapes and a higher extinction threat. Also, climate change may result in the loss of combinations of climatic conditions restricted to a given protected area. On the other hand, species with restricted occurrence might expand their distribution range as a result of climate change. To study the effectiveness of Tagus International Nature Park, located in the center-eastern part of Portugal, Maxent modeling approach was used to model the current distribution of three shrub species—Pistacia terebinthus L., Juniperus oxycedrus L., and Rhamnus lycioides L.—indicators of a typical Mediterranean vegetation with a regional distribution restricted to the Tagus International Natural Park, and project its future distribution considering different General Circulation Models, periods (2060 and 2080), and Representative Concentration Pathways (4.5 and 8.5). The variables most impacting the species distribution were the mean precipitation of the driest quarter, annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, and slope. The results suggested some range expansion in the future for all three species in the studied scenarios. Those species and the vegetation where they occur will probably remain confined to center-eastern Portugal in the future, where they will continue to face relevant threats like human activity, reinforcing the need for its conservation.
- Livro de comunicações: Jornada Técnica e Científica de Peixes de Rio – JTCPR’2023Publication . Rodrigues, A.M.; Carrola, João SoaresA imensa Zona Económica Exclusiva faz com que, em Portugal, o conhecimento científico e técnico tenha sido orientado predominantemente para espécies piscícolas de água salgada. No entanto, no interior do continente português é tradicional o consumo de peixes de água doce, traduzida na organização de muitos festivais gastronómicos e na existência de muitos restaurantes que trabalham com peixe de rio, principalmente nas regiões do Ribatejo, Alentejo e Beira Baixa. Na Beira Baixa existe mesmo uma empresa, a Conserveira do Interior Lda., ( que produz e comercializa iguarias de peixe de rio. O grande objetivo da JTCPR’2023 é debater questões relacionadas com investigação, conservação e valorização económica de espécies de peixes de água doce. Pretende reunir, no mesmo local, peritos portugueses e espanhóis, instituições de ensino superior, centros de investigação, organizações ligadas à conservação de espécies piscícolas e empresas vocacionadas para a transformação e valorização dos peixes de rio. Pretende destacar oportunidades para melhorar a proteção, a gestão e a valorização económica das espécies piscícolas de água doce existentes na Península Ibérica, numa lógica de conservação e preservação das bacias hidrográficas na sua globalidade, partilhando o conhecimento, estimulando a discussão construtiva e criando um ambiente de aprendizagem e colaboração.
- Metodologia de optimização dos parâmetros da infiltraçãoPublication . Duarte, A.C.Metodologia de optimização dos parâmetros da infiltração.