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Este presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão acerca da obra de dois compositores brasileiros de extrema importância no cenário musical do século XX, um momento de grandes transformações estéticas, tanto na música quanto nas demais áreas artísticas. Heitor Villa-Lobos e Camargo Guarnieri se inserem nesse contexto como pioneiros e traduzem na escrita musical o grande apreço que têm pela grande riqueza da cultura popular e folclórica brasileira. A maneira pela qual cada um deles constrói seu estilo nacional é bastante divergente, porém almejam o mesmo objetivo: apresentar uma música ao mesmo tempo original em seu tempo, e de forte representação nacional.
Para o intérprete é de extrema importância tentar captar a intenção estética do compositor, bem como conhecer e reconhecer os elementos de inspiração extramusicais que envolvem uma enorme gama de costumes, práticas culturais, observação da natureza, etc. Caso o contrário, há um grande risco de se tornar uma interpretação mecânica e desinteressada ao ouvinte.
O Ciclo Brasileiro de Villa-Lobos e Ponteios e Estudos para Piano de Camargo Guarnieri são obras de grande importância para o repertório de piano e reúnem diversos elementos de inspiração e referência nacional interessantes de serem abordados. Para tanto, será feita uma breve reflexão sobre o contexto nacionalista brasileiro dos séculos XIX e XX, em seguida, uma análise das peças anteriormente mencionadas, com o objetivo de buscar nelas tais elementos a fim de auxiliar o intérprete na construção de uma interpretação musicalmente rica.
Abstract : This essay presents a reflection on the work of two Brazilian composers of great importance for the music scenario of Twentieth Century. This period is considered a milestone concerning aesthetic transformations in all artistic areas. Heitor Villa-Lobos and Camargo Guarnieri are part of this context as pioneers and translate the great appreciation they have for the rich Brazilian popular and folk culture into musical writing. The way each of them builds their nationalist style is quite divergent, but they aim for the same goal: to create original Music with strong national feeling. For the performer it is extremely important to try to capture the composer’s aesthetic intentions, as well as to know and recognize the elements of extra-musical inspiration, which involves an enormous range of customs, cultural practices, nature observation, etc. Otherwise, there is a great risk of becoming a mechanical and uninteresting performance for the listener. The Ciclo Brasileiro of Villa-Lobos and Ponteios and Piano Etudes of Camargo Guarnieri are works of great importance for the Brazilian piano repertoire. They bring together several interesting elements of nationalist inspirations to be recognized and valued. The present study shows some considerations about the nationalist aesthetic around the 19th and 20th Century in Brazil. Then, shows a brief analysis of the mentioned pieces with the purpose of searching for nationalistic elements in order to assist the performer to construct a musically rich performance.
Abstract : This essay presents a reflection on the work of two Brazilian composers of great importance for the music scenario of Twentieth Century. This period is considered a milestone concerning aesthetic transformations in all artistic areas. Heitor Villa-Lobos and Camargo Guarnieri are part of this context as pioneers and translate the great appreciation they have for the rich Brazilian popular and folk culture into musical writing. The way each of them builds their nationalist style is quite divergent, but they aim for the same goal: to create original Music with strong national feeling. For the performer it is extremely important to try to capture the composer’s aesthetic intentions, as well as to know and recognize the elements of extra-musical inspiration, which involves an enormous range of customs, cultural practices, nature observation, etc. Otherwise, there is a great risk of becoming a mechanical and uninteresting performance for the listener. The Ciclo Brasileiro of Villa-Lobos and Ponteios and Piano Etudes of Camargo Guarnieri are works of great importance for the Brazilian piano repertoire. They bring together several interesting elements of nationalist inspirations to be recognized and valued. The present study shows some considerations about the nationalist aesthetic around the 19th and 20th Century in Brazil. Then, shows a brief analysis of the mentioned pieces with the purpose of searching for nationalistic elements in order to assist the performer to construct a musically rich performance.
Villa-Lobos Guarnieri Cliclo brasileiro Ponteios Estudos Piano