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Existe atualmente em Portugal uma forte procura de
profissionais na área das Tecnologias da Informação e
Comunicação. Esta procura exige que as Instituições de Ensino
Superior preparem os seus diplomados adequadamente, não só
tecnicamente, mas também ao nível de competências que são
vulgarmente designadas por soft skills. Este artigo pretende
descrever uma estratégia recentemente implementada, e ainda a
decorrer, em dois cursos do ensino superior da área das
Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Nela adotaram-se
práticas que acreditamos poderem ser conducentes a uma sólida
formação dos alunos não só ao nível técnico, como também ao nível
da aquisição de conhecimento e prática das melhores metodologias
de trabalho em equipa. O feedback dos empregadores foi, e tem
sido, bastante importante para o delinear desta estratégia. Isto
porque nos permitiu aferir o grau de facilidade com que os recémlicenciados se integram nas empresas após serem recrutados, e os
aspetos que a influenciam. Pudemos, assim, constatar que para
uma integração com sucesso, contribuem, não só os conhecimentos
e competências técnicas que estes evidenciam, mas também um
conjunto de aspetos comportamentais relacionados com as
relações interpessoais, motivação manifestada, atitude perante
desafios, entre outras. A abordagem que propomos visa orientar a
formação dos alunos finalistas no sentido de facilitar a sua
integração num futuro ambiente de trabalho. O propósito deste
artigo é partilhar esta experiência, que avaliamos como positiva,
com aqueles que trabalhem nesta área, contribuindo assim para a
tão desejada aproximação Academia-Empresas.
Abstract: There is currently a strong demand for Information and Communication Technologies professionals in Portugal. This demand requires that higher education institutions prepare their graduates adequately, not only in technical skills, but also in terms of the so-called soft skills. In this paper, we describe a strategy that is being implemented, in recent years, in two higher education Information and Communication Technologies courses. In it, several practices were adopted that we believe will lead to a successful preparation of students, not only on a technical level, but also in terms of the acquisition of knowledge and best practices regarding best teamwork methodologies. Employers' feedback has been essential for the implementation of this strategy, since it has allowed us to evaluate how it facilitates the integration of recent graduates, after being recruited, and the issues that influence that integration. We can conclude that, for a successful integration, there is an important contribution, not only from the technical knowledge and abilities they acquired, but also from a diverse set of behavioral aspects related to interpersonal relations, motivation, attitude towards challenges, among others. The approach we propose is aimed at guiding the training of finalist students in order to facilitate their integration into a future work environment. Our purpose with this paper is to share this experience, which we evaluate as positive, with those who work in the area and thus contribute to the desired Academy-Business proximity.
Abstract: There is currently a strong demand for Information and Communication Technologies professionals in Portugal. This demand requires that higher education institutions prepare their graduates adequately, not only in technical skills, but also in terms of the so-called soft skills. In this paper, we describe a strategy that is being implemented, in recent years, in two higher education Information and Communication Technologies courses. In it, several practices were adopted that we believe will lead to a successful preparation of students, not only on a technical level, but also in terms of the acquisition of knowledge and best practices regarding best teamwork methodologies. Employers' feedback has been essential for the implementation of this strategy, since it has allowed us to evaluate how it facilitates the integration of recent graduates, after being recruited, and the issues that influence that integration. We can conclude that, for a successful integration, there is an important contribution, not only from the technical knowledge and abilities they acquired, but also from a diverse set of behavioral aspects related to interpersonal relations, motivation, attitude towards challenges, among others. The approach we propose is aimed at guiding the training of finalist students in order to facilitate their integration into a future work environment. Our purpose with this paper is to share this experience, which we evaluate as positive, with those who work in the area and thus contribute to the desired Academy-Business proximity.
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Agile Projeto Ensino Empregabilidade Soft skills Agile Project Education Employability Soft skills
METROLHO, J. C. [et al.] (2017) - Learn as a team to work in a team. In Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 12, Lisbon, 2017. [S.l.]: IEEE p.1-4.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers