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O presente relatĂłrio de estĂĄgio incide sobre a unidade curricular de PrĂĄtica de En-sino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino de MĂșsica â instrumento e classe de con-junto â mencionando, por um lado, a prĂĄtica de ensino supervisionada realizada ao longo do ano letivo de 2020/2021 e, por outro lado, a unidade curricular de Projeto de Ensino ArtĂstico na qual foi desenvolvido um trabalho empĂrico.
Desta forma, o relatĂłrio encontra-se dividido em duas partes. A primeira refere-se ao percurso da PrĂĄtica de Ensino Supervisionada, realizada na Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo (AMPB), onde se contextualiza o meio escolar, a classe de instru-mento, a classe de conjunto e o desenvolvimento da prĂĄtica, terminando com uma re-flexĂŁo.
A segunda parte Ă© dedicada Ă investigação e tem como base a influĂȘncia do acom-panhamento parental na aprendizagem do violino segundo o MĂ©todo Suzuki, onde se procura averiguar a pertinĂȘncia deste acompanhamento parental no ensino do violino na Iniciação em MĂșsica, recorrendo ao estudo de caso da Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo. Consequentemente, esta segunda parte encontra-se estruturada da se-guinte forma: uma primeira secção onde se expĂ”e o problema e os objetivos do estudo. Uma segunda secção correspondente a uma revisĂŁo da literatura, onde serĂĄ apresen-tada uma contextualização do acompanhamento parental no ensino de crianças atĂ© aos nove anos de idade no panorama de ensino em geral, e de seguida, e mais especifica-mente, no ensino da mĂșsica, incidindo na Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo. A terceira secção serĂĄ destinada ao plano de investigação e Ă metodologia adotada e a secção final serĂĄ destinada Ă anĂĄlise dos resultados seguidos das conclusĂ”es. A meto-dologia usada nesta investigação consiste numa recolha de dados acerca dos alunos da classe de violino de Iniciação em MĂșsica e dos seus encarregados de educação. Recor-reu-se ao uso de questionĂĄrios, assim como a realização de entrevistas Ă psicĂłloga de uma Escola do Ensino Geral protocolada com a Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de Bran-dĂŁo e aos professores da classe de violino da AMPB.
Abstract : The report here presented relates to the course of Supervised Teaching Practice and Artistic Studies Project of the MasterÂŽs Degree in Music Education for solo and ensem-ble lessons. The repor in question is divided into two main sections. The first section refers to the Supervised Teaching Practice that took place at Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo (AMPB) during the academic year of 2020/2021, where the contextualization of the school environment and all its elements is made, concluding with a reflection about the practical questions of this unit. The second section is related to the Research Project on the influence of parental support on violin learning according to the Suzuki Method. The main focus of this sec-tion is to find the relevance of this support in the process of violin learning in Music Initiation, using the case study of the violin class at Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo. Hereupon, this second section is structured as follows: the exposure of the problem and its purpose; a second part concerning a literature revision where a con-text of the parental support in children til pre-adolescence is made; a third part desti-ned to the presentation of the research plan and its methodologies and a fourth and last part where the results will be exposed and analised. The methodology used in this investigation is based on a bibliographic research and data collection of the violin class students of Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo and their respective parents resorting to the use of questionnaires, as well as the adhibition of interviews to a psychologist of a general education school and to the teachers of the violin class of AMPB.
Abstract : The report here presented relates to the course of Supervised Teaching Practice and Artistic Studies Project of the MasterÂŽs Degree in Music Education for solo and ensem-ble lessons. The repor in question is divided into two main sections. The first section refers to the Supervised Teaching Practice that took place at Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo (AMPB) during the academic year of 2020/2021, where the contextualization of the school environment and all its elements is made, concluding with a reflection about the practical questions of this unit. The second section is related to the Research Project on the influence of parental support on violin learning according to the Suzuki Method. The main focus of this sec-tion is to find the relevance of this support in the process of violin learning in Music Initiation, using the case study of the violin class at Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo. Hereupon, this second section is structured as follows: the exposure of the problem and its purpose; a second part concerning a literature revision where a con-text of the parental support in children til pre-adolescence is made; a third part desti-ned to the presentation of the research plan and its methodologies and a fourth and last part where the results will be exposed and analised. The methodology used in this investigation is based on a bibliographic research and data collection of the violin class students of Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo and their respective parents resorting to the use of questionnaires, as well as the adhibition of interviews to a psychologist of a general education school and to the teachers of the violin class of AMPB.
Dissertação apresentada Ă Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto PolitĂ©cnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de MĂșsica - Instrumento e MĂșsica de Conjunto.
Acompanhamento parental Academia de MĂșsica de Paços de BrandĂŁo Violino Iniciação MĂ©todo Suzuki Parental support Violin Music initiation Suzuki method