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Verificar a presença e a gravidade da doença aterosclerótica carotídea em doentes propostos para cirurgia cardíaca, e aferir quais os fatores de risco mais
associados a esta patologia.
Amostra constituída por 97 indivíduos, recolhida da
base de dados do Laboratório de Ultrasons Cardíaco
e Neurovascular no Hospital Espírito Santo de Évora.
Foram incluídos todos os indivíduos propostos para
cirurgia cardíaca que realizaram ecoDoppler carotídeo e vertebral durante dezasseis meses. Os indivíduos eram todos de raça caucasiana, sendo 64 do
género masculino (66%), com uma média de idades
de 70,77±1,27 anos.
Dos indivíduos propostos para cirurgia cardíaca
91,8% apresentavam alterações no ecoDoppler, sendo a mais frequente a ateromatose carotídea sem
repercussão hemodinâmica (69%). Em relação à indicação cirúrgica, verificou-se que o ecoDoppler com
alterações hemodinamicamente significativas, apresentava uma relação marginalmente significativa
com a cirurgia de bypass (p=0,056). Os fatores género masculino (p=0,007), presença de fibrilhação auricular (p=0,025) e antecedentes pessoais de enfarte
agudo do miocárdio (p=0,033) também estavam associados a uma maior probabilidade de realização de
cirurgias de bypass coronário. Observou-se também
que a dislipidémia é o fator de risco mais associado
à presença de alterações no ecoDoppler (p=0,006).
Os indivíduos com indicação cirúrgica para bypass
coronário apresentam maior percentagem de alterações no ecoDoppler comparativamente com indivíduos propostos para cirurgia valvular, o que nos
permite concluir acerca das propriedades difusas da
doença aterosclerótica, potenciando maior probabilidade de existir em pequenos vasos, condicionando
com maior facilidade a circulação sanguínea.
ABSTRACT: Objective To verify the presence and severity of carotid atherosclerotic disease in patients proposed for cardiac surgery, and to assess which risk factors are most associated with this disease. Methods A sample of 97 individuals, collected from the Cardiac and Neurovascular Ultrasound Laboratory database in Espírito Santo Hospital of Évora. All individuals proposed for cardiac surgery who underwent carotid and vertebral Doppler ultrasound for sixteen months were included. The subjects were all Caucasian, 64 males (66%), with a mean age of 70.77 ± 1.27 years. Results Of the individuals proposed for cardiac surgery, 91.8% presented alterations in Doppler ultrasound, the most frequent being carotid atheromatosis without hemodynamic repercussion (69%). Regarding the surgical indication, it was found that Doppler ultrasound with hemodynamically significant alterations had a marginally significant relationship with bypass surgery (p = 0.056). The factors male gender (p = 0.007), presence of atrial fibrillation (p = 0.025) and personal history of acute myocardial infarction (p = 0.033) were also associated with a higher probability of coronary bypass surgery. It was also observed that cholesterol is the risk factor most associated with the presence of Doppler changes (p = 0.006). Conclusion Individuals with surgical indication for coronary bypass have a higher percentage of changes in Doppler ultrasound when compared to individuals proposed for valvular surgery, which allows us to conclude about the diffuse properties of atherosclerotic disease, increasing the likelihood of existing in small vessels and conditioning more the blood circulation.
ABSTRACT: Objective To verify the presence and severity of carotid atherosclerotic disease in patients proposed for cardiac surgery, and to assess which risk factors are most associated with this disease. Methods A sample of 97 individuals, collected from the Cardiac and Neurovascular Ultrasound Laboratory database in Espírito Santo Hospital of Évora. All individuals proposed for cardiac surgery who underwent carotid and vertebral Doppler ultrasound for sixteen months were included. The subjects were all Caucasian, 64 males (66%), with a mean age of 70.77 ± 1.27 years. Results Of the individuals proposed for cardiac surgery, 91.8% presented alterations in Doppler ultrasound, the most frequent being carotid atheromatosis without hemodynamic repercussion (69%). Regarding the surgical indication, it was found that Doppler ultrasound with hemodynamically significant alterations had a marginally significant relationship with bypass surgery (p = 0.056). The factors male gender (p = 0.007), presence of atrial fibrillation (p = 0.025) and personal history of acute myocardial infarction (p = 0.033) were also associated with a higher probability of coronary bypass surgery. It was also observed that cholesterol is the risk factor most associated with the presence of Doppler changes (p = 0.006). Conclusion Individuals with surgical indication for coronary bypass have a higher percentage of changes in Doppler ultrasound when compared to individuals proposed for valvular surgery, which allows us to conclude about the diffuse properties of atherosclerotic disease, increasing the likelihood of existing in small vessels and conditioning more the blood circulation.
Aterosclerose da carótida Artérias carótidas Ultrassonografia Doppler Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos Atherosclerosis Carotid arteries Ultrasonography Doppler Cardiac surgical procedures
SANT’OVAIA, Henrique Bernardo Gaspar ; MATEUS, Sónia ; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2019) - Avaliação de patologia carotídea por ecodoppler em doentes propostos para cirurgia cardíaca. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano I, vol. 2, n.º 2, p. 29-37.