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O envelhecimento populacional é um fenómeno global com propensão para permanecer nas sociedades, inclusivamente na portuguesa. As alterações biológicas, psicológicas e sociais, associadas ao processo de envelhecimento, levam normalmente a perdas a nível da aptidão funcional e da qualidade de vida. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se a funcionalidade e a satisfação com a vida em idosos institucionalizados variam em função do meio. A amostra é constituída por 48 idosos institucionalizados (27 do meio urbano e 21 do meio rural), de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 66 e 98 anos ( =84,02 e DP=6,50). Foram utilizados como instrumentos, a bateria de testes Senior Fitness Test de Rikli e Jones (2001) para avaliar a funcionalidade dos idosos e para mensurar os níveis de satisfação com a vida, foi aplicada a versão portuguesa do questionário Medical Outcomes Study – Item Short Form Healthy Survey – versão 2 (Ferreira, 2000). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a nível da funcionalidade, existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação entre meios, apenas no teste flexão do antebraço e no teste alcançar atrás das costas. Quanto ao género masculino não existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Enquanto no feminino verificamos diferenças significativas nas variáveis da flexibilidade inferior e superior, na agilidade, velocidade e equilíbrio dinâmico, como também no IMC. Relativamente ao nível de satisfação com a vida, os resultados indicam que as diferenças verificadas não foram estatisticamente significativas na comparação entre meios, nem quanto ao género masculino. No género feminino, apenas se verificaram diferenças, nas dimensões função física e na componente mental. Verificamos também, que existem poucas correlações entre a satisfação com a vida e o nível de funcionalidade em função do meio e do género. Conclui-se então, que em função do meio onde os idosos se encontram institucionalizados não se verificam diferenças consideradas estatisticamente significativas relativamente aos níveis de funcionalidade e de satisfação com a vida.
Population aging is a global phenomenon, with a propensity to remain in societies, including the Portuguese. The biological, psychological and social changes associated with the aging process, usually lead to losses in terms of functional ability and quality of life. This study aims to verify whether functionality and satisfaction with life in institutionalized elderly people vary according to the environment. The sample consists of 48 institutionalized elderly people (27 from urban environment and 21 from rural environment), of both genders and aged between 66 and 98 years old ( =84,02 and SD=6,50). The Senior Fitness Test battery of Rikli and Jones (2001) was used as instruments to assess the functionality of the elderly and to measure levels of satisfaction with life, was applied the Portuguese version of the questionnaire Medical Outcomes Study – Item Short Form Healthy Survey – version 2 (Ferreira, 2000). The results obtained demonstrate that in terms of functionality, there are statistically significant differences in the comparison between environments, only in the forearm flexion test and in the test to reach behind the back. As for the male gender, there were no statistically significant differences, while in the female we verified significant differences in the variables of lower and upper flexibility, in agility, speed and dynamic balance, as well as in BMI. Regarding the level of satisfaction with life, the results indicate that the verified differences were not statistically significant in the comparison between environments, neither as for the male gender. In the female gender, there were only differences, in terms of physical function and mental component. We also found that there are few correlations between satisfaction with life and the level of functionality depending on the environment and gender. It is concluded, then, that depending on the environment where the elderly people are institutionalized, there are no differences, considered statistically significant in relation to the levels of functionality and satisfaction with life.
Population aging is a global phenomenon, with a propensity to remain in societies, including the Portuguese. The biological, psychological and social changes associated with the aging process, usually lead to losses in terms of functional ability and quality of life. This study aims to verify whether functionality and satisfaction with life in institutionalized elderly people vary according to the environment. The sample consists of 48 institutionalized elderly people (27 from urban environment and 21 from rural environment), of both genders and aged between 66 and 98 years old ( =84,02 and SD=6,50). The Senior Fitness Test battery of Rikli and Jones (2001) was used as instruments to assess the functionality of the elderly and to measure levels of satisfaction with life, was applied the Portuguese version of the questionnaire Medical Outcomes Study – Item Short Form Healthy Survey – version 2 (Ferreira, 2000). The results obtained demonstrate that in terms of functionality, there are statistically significant differences in the comparison between environments, only in the forearm flexion test and in the test to reach behind the back. As for the male gender, there were no statistically significant differences, while in the female we verified significant differences in the variables of lower and upper flexibility, in agility, speed and dynamic balance, as well as in BMI. Regarding the level of satisfaction with life, the results indicate that the verified differences were not statistically significant in the comparison between environments, neither as for the male gender. In the female gender, there were only differences, in terms of physical function and mental component. We also found that there are few correlations between satisfaction with life and the level of functionality depending on the environment and gender. It is concluded, then, that depending on the environment where the elderly people are institutionalized, there are no differences, considered statistically significant in relation to the levels of functionality and satisfaction with life.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física.
Idoso Funcionalidade Institucionalização Satisfação com a vida Meio Elderly Functionality Institutionalized Satisfaction with life Environment