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  • The development of a prototype solution for collecting information on cycling and hiking trail users
    Publication . Miguel, Joaquim; Mendonça, Pedro; Quelhas, Agnelo; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.
    Hiking and cycling have gained popularity as ways of promoting well-being and physical activity. This has not gone unnoticed by Portuguese authorities, who have invested in infrastructure to support these activities and to boost sustainable and nature-based tourism. However, the lack of reliable data on the use of these infrastructures prevents us from recording a endance rates and the most frequent types of users. This information is important for the authorities responsible for managing, maintaining, promoting and using these infrastructures. In this sense, this study builds on a previous study by the same authors which identified computer vision as a suitable technology to identify and count different types of users of cycling and hiking routes. The performance tests carried out led to the conclusion that the YOLOv3-Tiny convolutional neural network has great potential for solving this problem. Based on this result, this paper describes the proposal and implementation of a prototype demonstrator. It is based on a Raspberry Pi 4 platform with YOLOv3-Tiny, which is responsible for detecting and classifying user types. An application available on users’ smartphones implements the concept of opportunistic networks, allowing information to be collected over time, in scenarios where there is no end-to-end connectivity. This aggregated information can then be consulted on an online platform. The prototype was subjected to validation and functional tests and proved to be a viable low-cost solution.
  • The development of a prototype solution for detecting wear and tear in pedestrian crossings
    Publication . Rosa, Gonçalo J.M.; Afonso, João M.S.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.
    Crosswalks play a fundamental role in road safety. However, over time, many suffer wear and tear that makes them difficult to see. This project presents a solution based on the use of computer vision techniques for identifying and classifying the level of wear on crosswalks. The proposed system uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze images of crosswalks, determining their wear status. The design includes a prototype system mounted on a vehicle, equipped with cameras and processing units to collect and analyze data in real time as the vehicle traverses traffic routes. The collected data are then transmitted to a web application for further analysis and reporting. The prototype was validated through extensive tests in a real urban environment, comparing its assessments with manual inspections conducted by experts. Results from these tests showed that the system could accurately classify crosswalk wear with a high degree of accuracy, demonstrating its potential for aiding maintenance authorities in efficiently prioritizing interventions.
  • Using computer vision to collect information on cycling and hiking trails users
    Publication . Miguel, Joaquim; Mendonça, Pedro; Quelhas, Agnelo; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.
    Hiking and cycling have become popular activities for promoting well-being and physical activity. Portugal has been investing in hiking and cycling trail infrastructures to boost sustainable tourism. However, the lack of reliable data on the use of these trails means that the times of greatest affluence or the type of user who makes the most use of them are not recorded. These data are of the utmost importance to the managing bodies, with which they can adjust their actions to improve the management, maintenance, promotion, and use of the infrastructures for which they are responsible. The aim of this work is to present a review study on projects, techniques, and methods that can be used to identify and count the different types of users on these trails. The most promising computer vision techniques are identified and described: YOLOv3-Tiny, MobileNet-SSD V2, and FasterRCNN with ResNet-50. Their performance is evaluated and compared. The results observed can be very useful for proposing future prototypes. The challenges, future directions, and research opportunities are also discussed.
  • Detecting and monitoring the development stages of wild flowers and plants using computer vision: approaches, challenges and opportunities
    Publication . Videira, João; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.
    Wild flowers and plants play an important role in protecting biodiversity and providing various ecosystem services. However, some of them are endangered or threatened and are entitled to preservation and protection. This study represents a first step to develop a computer vision system and a supporting mobile app for detecting and monitoring the development stages of wild flowers and plants, aiming to contribute to their preservation. It first introduces the related concepts. Then, surveys related work and categorizes existing solutions presenting their key features, strengths, and limitations. The most promising solutions and techniques are identified. Insights on open issues and research directions in the topic are also provided. This paper paves the way to a wider adoption of recent results in computer vision techniques in this field and for the proposal of a mobile application that uses YOLO convolutional neural networks to detect the stages of development of wild flowers and plants.
  • A mobile application for detecting and monitoring the development stages of wild flowers and plants
    Publication . Videira, João; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.
    Wild flowers and plants appear spontaneously. They form the ecological basis on which life depends. They play a fundamental role in the regeneration of natural life and the balance of ecological systems. However, this irreplaceable natural heritage is at risk of being lost due to human activity and climate change. The work presented in this paper contributes to the conservation effort. It is based on a previous study by the same authors, which identified computer vision as a suitable technological platform for detecting and monitoring the development stages of wild flowers and plants. It describes the process of developing a mobile application that uses YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny convolutional neural networks to detect the stages of development of wild flowers and plants. This application could be used by visitors in a nature park to provide information and raise awareness about the wild flowers and plants they find along the roads and trails.
  • Development of a prototype solution for reducing soup waste in an institutional canteen
    Publication . Correia, Ana; Aidos, Clara; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.
    Food waste has gained increasing attention and debate, given its economic, environmental, social, and nutritional implications. One-third of food intended for human consumption is wasted. Although it is present at all stages of the food supply chain, it is in the final stages of consumption, such as households and food services, that the problem becomes most evident. This work builds on a previous study by the same authors, which identified computer vision as a suitable technology for identifying and quantifying food waste in institutional canteens. Based on this result, this paper describes the proposal and implementation process of a prototype demonstration. It is based on a Raspberry Pi 4 platform, a Resnet-50 model adapted with the Faster Region-Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN) model, and an algorithm for feature extracting. A specially built dataset was used to meet the challenge of detecting soup bowls and classifying waste in their consumption. A web application was developed to visualize the data collected, supporting decision making for more efficient food waste management. The prototype was subjected to validation and functional tests, and proved to be a viable, low-cost solution.
  • Detecting wear and tear in pedestrian crossings using computer vision techniques: approaches, challenges, and opportunities
    Publication . Rosa, Gonçalo J.M.; Afonso, João M.S.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.
    Pedestrian crossings are an essential part of the urban landscape, providing safe passage for pedestrians to cross busy streets. While some are regulated by timed signals and are marked with signs and lights, others are simply marked on the road and do not have additional infrastructure. Nevertheless, the markings undergo wear and tear due to traffic, weather, and road maintenance activities. If pedestrian crossing markings are excessively worn, drivers may not be able to see them, which creates road safety issues. This paper presents a study of computer vision techniques that can be used to identify and classify pedestrian crossings. It first introduces the related concepts. Then, it surveys related work and categorizes existing solutions, highlighting their key features, strengths, and limitations. The most promising techniques are identified and described: Convolutional Neural Networks, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Maximally Stable Extremal Regions, Canny Edge, and thresholding methods. Their performance is evaluated and compared on a custom dataset developed for this work. Insights on open issues and research opportunities in the field are also provided. It is shown that managers responsible for road safety, in the context of a smart city, can benefit from computer vision approaches to automate the process of determining the wear and tear of pedestrian crossings.
  • A new approach towards waste container detection in smart cities
    Publication . Valente, Miguel; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Silva, Hélio; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis
    This paper presents a new approach to help redesigning waste management for the cities of the future. The current state of tracking waste containers is rigid, inefficient and hard to oversee. Although attempts have been made in the past using radio-frequency identification for waste container detection, it has shown problems like flexibility, cost and environmental impact. We propose and demonstrate a solution based on the use of computer vision techniques, for object detection and classification, towards the differentiation between different types of waste containers.