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  • Rotinas de vida de crianças e jovens acolhidos em lares de infância e juventude
    Publication . Machado, Tiago; Serrano, João
    O grande objectivo deste trabalho foi identificar as actividades realizadas nos tempos livres das crianças e jovens acolhidos em Lares de Infância e Juventude (LIJ), e, verificar o grau de satisfação face às actividades desenvolvidas de acordo com as variáveis idade e género. A amostra é composta por 103 crianças e jovens, acolhidos nos seis Lares de Infância e Juventude existentes no distrito de Castelo Branco. O instrumento de recolha de dados foi um questionário, aplicado a todas as crianças e jovens institucionalizadas. Os resultados demostram que as crianças e jovens realizam sobretudo atividades como ver TV, conversar com os colegas durante os seus tempos livres dentro das instituições, e fora das mesmas a prática desportiva é mais comum. As atividades variam de acordo com o género e escalão etário ao qual pertencem.
  • Ansiedade, Traços de Personalidade e Carga Interna Objetiva em praticantes de paraquedismo: Revisão Sistemática
    Publication . Machado, Tiago; Serrano, João; Mesquita, Helena; Ibáñez, Sergio J.
    Esta revisão sistemática teve o objetivo de sumariar a literatura publicada anteriormente acerca da modalidade de paraquedismo, centrados nas áreas da Psicologia, Fisiologia e Psicofisiologia. As plataformas e bases de dados eletrónicas utilizadas para a pesquisa bibliográfica foram: Web of Science, MEDline e Scopus. Foram selecionados 21 artigos, após passarem pelos critérios de seleção. Tendo em conta a área de estudo, encontramos três artigos no âmbito da Fisiologia, oito artigos no âmbito da Psicologia e 10 artigos no âmbito da Psicofisiologia. Os instrumentos utilizados na recolha de dados relacionados com a medição da frequência cardíaca (FC) foram sobretudo os monitores de FC Polar e ECG Holter. Nos estudos de ansiedade o instrumento mais usado foi STAI - State Trait- Anxiety Inventory, complementado com recolha de amostras salivares através do teste de cortisol. Para estudar os traços de personalidade foram utilizados: SSS- Sensation Seeking Scale – V, NEO PI-R, EPQ-R - Questionário de Personalidade de Eysenck revisto e TAS 20 - Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto. Na generalidade amostras até 25 sujeitos com experiência na modalidade e do sexo masculino foram predominantemente utilizados. Apesar da utilização preponderante de alguns instrumentos, os procedimentos utilizados foram bastante diversificados não existindo uma metodologia unanime e consensual.
  • Adapted sports: an experience for initial skills development of sport professionals
    Publication . Pires, Pedro Rui Inês; Mesquita, Helena; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Serrano, João; Machado, Tiago; Ibáñez, Sergio J.
    The lack of specific training in Adapted Sports in Portugal is an obvious reality and according to this context, the Polytechnic of Castelo Branco, through their School of Education presents in the study plan of the bachelor’s degree of Sports and Physical Activity, the specialization of Sport for People with Disabilities. One of the Curricular Units (CU) included in the study plan is Adapted Sports, where several practical and collaborative methodologies are used. A questionnaire was address to 30 students with the purpose of evaluating the teacher’s performance and the importance of functional and practical dynamism of this Curricular Unit. The teaching methodologies used are highly appreciated by the students, as confirmed by the results of the curricular unit evaluation (mean 5.62) as well as the teacher’s performance (mean 5.66), for a maximal evaluation of 6. This CU also aims to sensitize the entire academic community to Adapted Sports, in order to develop workshops and continuous training in this field.
  • Training and leadership profile in adapted sport coaches and the implication in athletes with intellectual disabilities
    Publication . Pires, Pedro Rui Inês; Mesquita, Helena; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Serrano, João; Machado, Tiago; Ibáñez, Sergio J.
    The coach role has been widely studied, and it has become a ruling factor in achievement of more knowledge, and by improving their competence. However, most studies are related to regular sports, making it essential to develop the same process in adapted sports. The present study aims to create a project that intends to establish a coaching profile in the field of Adapted Sport through the perspectives of coaches and athletes with Intellectual Disability (ID). Quantitative methods will be used as resource. We will question coaches through questionnaires for the mentoring profile (CPQ; SCDS; SCLS; SCPS) whereas for the leadership profile we will use the Sports Leadership Scale (ELD). As for the athletes they will be questioned through: BRSQ; BPNSS; SWLS and PANAS and Leadership Scale for Sports - LSS - Perception Version and Preferences). The results obtained in the described process, will serve to develop out the construction of a profile of training and performance for the coaches in the area of adapted sport.
  • La búsqueda de sensaciones en paracaidistas portugueses
    Publication . Machado, Tiago; Serrano, João; Silveira, Paulo; Ibáñez, Sergio J.
    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el rasgo de búsqueda de sensaciones en practicantes de paracaidismo en Portugal y comprobar si existen diferencias según las variables, sexo, nivel de experiencia y grupo de edad. Participaron en el estudio 114 paracaidistas. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el cuestionario Sensation Seeking Scale-V (SSS-V). Se realizaron pruebas de asunción de criterios para la definición de modelos de contraste de hipótesis. Para comparar las variables con la función de búsqueda de sensaciones se utilizaron las pruebas U de Mann-Whitney, la T-Student y la prueba de Kruskal Wallis atendiendo a las características de los datos. Se encontró que el nivel de intensidad del rasgo de búsqueda de sensaciones de la mayoría de los paracaidistas se encuentra en valores medios o altos. En cuanto a la búsqueda de sensaciones y sus dimensiones, teniendo en cuenta las variables en estudio, solo se encontraron diferencias significativas en la Desinhibición entre los grupos de edad, identificando en los más jóvenes valores medios más altos frente a los mayores. Se puede concluir que los paracaidistas que participaron en este estudio resultaron ser un grupo homogéneo con características de personalidad definidas en busca de aventura, emoción y experiencias muy similares.
  • Analysis of the objective internal load in Portuguese skydivers in the first jump of the day
    Publication . Machado, Tiago; Serrano, João; Pino Ortega, José; Silveira, Paulo; Ibáñez, Sergio J.
    The general objective of this study was to identify the variation in heart rate (HR) of Portuguese skydivers during 6 moments in their first jump of the day, bearing in mind the variable level of experience. Thirty-one Portuguese skydivers, 28 men and 3 women, aged between 19 and 62, participated in the study, 12 had A and B licenses (less experienced) and 19 had C and D licences (more experienced). The instrument used to record the heart rate of the skydivers at the different moments of their first jump of the day was the WIMU PRO. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyse HR at different moments in the jump and its relation with the variables level of experience. Bonferroni multiple comparisons were performed to study the importance of the differences observed in HR at the different moments. The effect size was evaluated with partial eta squared. The results showed that average HR in this group of skydivers was 130 bpm, in the different moments of the jump. HR increases from the value recorded at rest until the moment of jumping from the plane and opening the parachute, reaching the highest average at that moment, then decreasing until contact with the ground. Comparing the variable, we found that the less experienced had higher HR than the more experienced at all moments during the jump. Statistically significant differences were found at the different moments of the jump, regarding HR (Max: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.820; Min: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.821; AVG: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.834) Level of experience with jumping moment interaction, we only verified differences related to HR Min (p = 0.007, η 2 p = 0.056),. With regard to experience, the identified differences were not statistically significant. Skydiving triggers an acute adaptive cardiovascular response which is reflected in the increase in the HR, between the moment of boarding the plane and the moment at which the parachute opens, thereafter decreasing until contact with the ground. The most experienced parachutists recorded the highest HR at the moment of landing and the least experienced at the moment of free fall.