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gonçalves Pereira, Cristina

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  • Emotional intelligence and self-regulation in the teaching and learning process of music ensemble with singing
    Publication . Picado, Mariana Batista; Pereira, Cristina; Castilho, M.L.C.
    The motivation behind the development of the research project “Emotional Intelligence and Self-regulation in the teaching and learning process of Music Ensemble with singing” was the academic and professional background of one of the authors who, throughout her experience in the field of music, she became aware of the decisive role that Emotional Intelligence and Self-regulation play in performance - in classes, in individual/group study and in the performative context. The context of the curricular stage of the Master in Music Teaching – Singing and Music Ensemble, in the academic year 2020/2021, created the opportunity to design and implement the research project with a music ensemble – Estúdio Repertório de Canto e Correpetição – Chamber Music, composed of three singing students and one piano student. Music and Emotional Intelligence go “hand in hand” in the teaching and learning process, as one stimulates the other. The Teaching of Music could, therefore, be an opportunity for students to raise awareness of the emotions associated with music, understand their role in the creative and artistic dimension of musical performance, developing, in parallel, their cognitive and metacognitive skills, associating with “know how to do”. The main objectives of the research were: to understand the role of Emotional Intelligence and Self-regulation in learning processes; to promote Emotional Intelligence skills in the music teaching-learning process; design and implement strategies that promote self-regulation skills in learning; and evaluate the results through the monitoring and follow-up of the project, with a view to its reorientation. According to the context and objectives of the research, we organized the investigative process following the methodology of an action-research of a qualitative nature, making use of storytelling, focus group, questionnaires, interview and field notes for data collection. The analysis of results was supported by content analysis and data triangulation. As the most significant results, we highlight the fact that, through the chosen repertoire, a Performative Story was developed, inserting texts chosen or created by the students, movements (staging) and music, from a context and characters created by them. Through these elements and from the emotions that the students felt as interpreters and as a “character” of the poems, the songs and the story, the emotions were worked on, in the sense of the defined objectives. All Emotional and Musical Intelligence development tasks had a self-regulating basis, promoting self-reflection and self-analysis. The Performative Story was presented by the students in a public performance.
  • Autoeficácia e estilos de aprendizagem: um estudo comparativo entre os alunos que frequentam o ensino artistico especializado da música e os alunos que frequentam o ensino regular
    Publication . Pereira, Cristina; Castilho, M.L.C.; Ramírez Celis, Nicolás
    Tendo como pressuposto que a aprendizagem musical é uma ferramenta importante para o desenvolvimento das crianças e que poderá promover e/ou exigir estilos de aprendizagem específicos, bem como níveis de perceção de autoeficácia elevados, pretende-se comparar dois grupos de alunos, estudantes de música e alunos que nunca tiveram esta experiência, relativamente às variáveis “perceção da auto-eficácia” e “estilos de aprendizagem”. De forma a dar resposta aos objetivos do estudo, optou-se pela implementação de um design de investigação descritivo de cariz correlacional que permitiu identificar níveis significativamente superiores de autoeficácia nos estudantes do ensino especializado da música, apesar de não se terem identificado diferenças significativas nos estilos de aprendizagem entre os grupos analisados. Neste percurso investigativo, destacamos o facto de ter tido como ponto de par􀆟da um problema que imergiu da prática profissional docente de um dos autores do artigo e que se foi organizando a par􀆟r de dados indutivos recolhidos nesse contexto. Este processo permitiu a identificação de questões de investigação decorrentes das observações participantes realizadas e que considerámos importante aferir de uma forma mais objetiva e suportada por dados quantitativos, de forma a clarificar e validar uma primeira análise de natureza meramente qualitativa.
  • The role of music in lifelong learning
    Publication . Castilho, M.L.C.; Pereira, Cristina; Castilho, Filipa M.C.
    Understanding the motivations, objectives, advantages and constraints in participating in music activities is the topic for the present investigation, organized as an exploratory and descriptive study. In this communication we point out the results of our investigation, analysing what music means in the lives of individuals and identifying the advantages and constraints felt in participating in musical activities. A questionnaire survey “Music in lifelong learning (MALV)” and the scales “SWLS—Satisfaction with life scale” and “Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)” were applied to our target audience, defined according to the following criteria: age over 65 years, involved in some activity with music. The results point to medium or high levels of satisfaction with life associated with pleasure and a sense of accomplishment in the performance of musical activities.