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  • IoT system to monitor the well-being of senior citizens who self-isolate during the pandemic
    Publication . Gonçalves, Fábio; Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos; Fernandes, Francisco; Rosa, Rafaela; Dionísio, Rogério Pais
    The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for selfisolation has decreased the frequency of visits to senior citizens by family members or caregivers. Because of this, many health concerns of the elderly remained unresolved. We created a IoT system, called Zelar@CB, that monitors the daily activities of isolated elderly people who do not have access to at-home care. The proposed project detects unusual activity by monitoring the person’s usage of electrical appliances to track if the user left the stove on or if there is a change in usage. It can also detect when the user falls, and sends an alert to family members or caregivers.
  • Nyon-data : a fall detection dataset from a hinged board apparatus
    Publication . Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Rosa, Ana Rafaela; Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos
    Nyon-data : a fall detection dataset from a hinged board apparatus.
  • Nyon-data, a fall detection dataset from a hinged board apparatus
    Publication . Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Rosa, Ana Rafaela; Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos
    Falls are one of the causes of severe hilliness among elders, and the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of unattended cases because of the social distancing measures. This study aims to create a dataset that collects the data from a 3-axis acceleration sensor fixed on a hinged board apparatus that mimics a human fall event. The datalogging system uses off-the-shelf devices to measure, collect and store the data. The resulting dataset includes data from different angle positions and heights, corresponding to joints of the lower limbs of the human body (ankle, knee, and hip). We use the dataset with a threshold-based fall detection algorithm. The result from the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve shows a good behavior with a mean Area Under the Curve of 0.77 and allow to compute a best threshold value with False Positive Rate of 14.8% and True Positive rate of 89.1%. The optimal threshold value may vary depending on the specific population, activity patterns, and environmental conditions, which may require further customization and validation in real-world settings.
  • Nyon : a ubiquitous fall detection device for elders
    Publication . Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos; Rosa, Ana Rafaela; Dionísio, Rogério Pais
    Falls are one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity in the elderly worldwide. This had let to the research and development of electronic fall-detection systems. We propose a complete fall-detection system, that combines a wearable device (called Nyon) and a message microservice (for email and SMS) to alert caregiver every time a fall occurs. The wearable uses a simple threshold method and has the capability of search and switch between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, using the available communication technology when a fall occurs. The results have shown that the wearable autonomy is adequate for a daily use and the server microservices are reliable and deliver a message to the caregiver every time a fall alert occurs. Several improvements are planned to increase the autonomy and range of the wearable device.
  • Zelar@CB: IoT system to care for elder people living in isolated rural areas
    Publication . Gonçalves, Fábio; Fernandes, Francisco; Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos; Rosa, Rafaela; Dionísio, Rogério Pais
    Because senior citizens are at a higher risk of suffering serious complications from COVID-19, medical officials have cautioned them to stay at home. Their family and caregivers have also cut back on visits due to fear of spreading the virus to them. This situation has left many of the elderly increasingly isolated and without anyone to keep a watchful eye on their health. Zelar@CB is a wearable monitoring system that keeps track of a person’s daily routine and alerts caregivers if it suspects something is amiss. The system detects unusual activity by monitoring the person’s usage of electrical appliances to track if the user left the stove on or if there is a change in usage. The system sends an alert to family members or caregivers if it detects that. It can also detect when the user falls. The system uses a LoRa Network, combined with a low-power wearable device that can be worn as a bracelet or embedded in clothing, and an energy monitor that connects to the user’s electrical appliances. The wearable device is equipped with an accelerometer and a gyroscope. The gyroscope can detect if the user has fallen. The energy monitor is connected to the main electrical line of the home. The system monitors the power consumption of each electrical appliance and timestamps related to the users’ daily activities. Zelar@CB also uses an artificial intelligence algorithm previously trained with data on the user’s regular consumption of power. The energy monitor uses Wi-Fi to send either an SMS or email alert, or a message through the mobile application we developed. Because the amount of data produced by the energy monitor is substantial, the monitor cannot use LoRa alone. The LoRa system implements a Fair Access Policy: 10 downlink messages and 30 seconds uplink time on air per 24 hours, perdevice. Although this is adequate for the rare fall detection events, it is not enough for regular energy consumption measurements.
  • Deteção de quedas em pessoas idosas e alerta à distância: potencialidades de um dispositivo wearable
    Publication . Rosa, Ana Rafaela; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Grilo, Eugénia; Jesus, Cassandra Sofia dos Santos; Gonçalves, Fábio; Fernandes, Francisco
    O aumento exponencial do número de idosos das últimas décadas impõe novos desafios. O envelhecimento é um processo natural que ocorre ao longo de toda a vida e, apesar de bastante heterogéneo, acarreta uma panóplia de alterações biopsicossociais que potenciam situações de maior fragilidade e vulnerabilidade, entre elas as quedas. Mundialmente, as quedas são uma das principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade nos idosos, decorrentes de diversas causas: biológicas, comportamentais, ambientais e socioeconómicas. A solidão e o isolamento são fatores que contribuem também para a sua ocorrência, diminuindo a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Este trabalho pretende dar a conhecer o protótipo de um dispositivo de detecção de quedas em pessoas idosas e os seus benefícios. Materiais e métodos: O protótipo foi desenvolvido em contexto académico no âmbito do projeto ZELAR@CB. Trata-se de um dispositivo de deteção de quedas de dimensões e consumo reduzidos, alimentado por uma bateria, passível de ser utilizado numa peça de vestuário ou acessório de acordo com a preferência do idoso. Usa um acelerómetro que em caso de queda, detecta o evento e classifica-o como queda através de algoritmos de inteligência artificial incorporados. Este dispositivo vem equipado com tecnologia LoRa 􀂱 rede comparável à rede WIFI, contudo com maior alcance, até cerca de 10 km. Aliado à Internet das Coisas 􀂱 IOT 􀂱 tem a capacidade de reunir e transmitir um conjunto de informações para um servidor na cloud. Esta arquitetura permite armazenar dados, e em simultâneo, emitir um alerta ao cuidador (in)formal, sob a forma de mensagem SMS ou de e-mail. O presente dispositivo permitirá reduzir o tempo decorrido entre a queda e a chegada de auxílio, seja auxílio da pessoa mais próxima do idoso ou às pessoas que mais rapidamente o podem ajudar, e consequentemente reduzir as consequências decorridas da queda. A utilização de uma rede LoRa permite um maior alcance comparativamente à rede Wi-Fi e restantes redes, pelo que o dispositivo poderá ser usado no exterior da habitação, possibilitando aos idosos manter as suas atividades diárias. Conclusão: A tecnologia atual pode ser usada na manutenção do bem-estar e qualidade de vida dos idosos, contribuindo para a sua autonomia e independência, mesmo quando estes vivem isolados. Este protótipo, ainda em fase experimental, beneficiará os idosos na medida em que diminuirá o tempo entre a ocorrência da queda e a chegada de auxílio, reduzindo as consequências e os recursos necessários ao tratamento e recuperação das quedas nesta população. Este dispositivo, permitirá a perceção de maior segurança melhorando a mobilidade e incentivando o Ageing in place.