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A moda, muitas vezes, é vista como algo fútil, direcionada a pessoas frívolas e abastadas. Contudo, cada vez mais, a moda toma ca-minhos que levam ao consumo consciente, à responsabilidade social e, acima de tudo, à inclusão social. A marca Milena Fernandes nasce em tempos de consciência e inclusão, em tempos de compartilhar valores positivos e de cultivar a alma por meio de seu propósito. O objetivo do presente artigo é descrever o processo, a criação e o desenvolvimento de uma marca de moda com propósito, bem como, sua primeira coleção, direcionada a todas as mulheres, mas que oferece alterna-tivas para aquelas que lutam contra o cân-cer, que perderam o cabelo e/ou realizaram mastectomia radical. A metodologia utilizada para este estudo foi a qualitativa exploratória (Gil, 2010) e os instrumentos foram: pesqui-sa bibliográfica (Stumpf, 2015), pesquisa de internet (Yamaoka, 2015) e estudo de caso (Duarte, 2015). Já para a criação da mar-ca, utilizamos a metodologia de construção de marcasmutantes (Kreutz, 2012). Como resultados, podemos ar que a moda é muito mais do que aexploração estético--mercadológica; ou seja, ela deve fazer sentido para as pessoas; por isso, os designers de moda devem repensar o seu papel na sociedade e atuar em prol dela.
Abstract : Fashion is often seen as something futile, aimed at frivolous and wealthy people. How-ever, more and more, fashion takes paths that lead to conscious consumption, to social re-sponsibility and, above all, social inclusion. The brand Milena Fernandes emerges during times of consciousness and inclusion, in times of sharing positive values and cultivating the soul through its purpose. The objective of this article is to describe the process, creation and development of a fashion brand with purpose, as well as, its first collection, directed towards all women, but that also offers alternatives for those who battle cancer, who have lost their hair and/or underwent radical mastectomy. The methodology used for this study was qualitative exploratory (Gil, 2010) and the instruments were: bibliographical research (Stumpf, 2015), internet research (Yamaoka, 2015) and case study (Duarte, 2015). As for the creation of the brand, we used a mutant brand construction methodology (Kreutz, 2012). As results, we can affirm that brand is much more than aesthetic-market ra-tion; in other words, it must make sense to people; because of this, fashion designers should rethink their role in society and act on its behalf.
Abstract : Fashion is often seen as something futile, aimed at frivolous and wealthy people. How-ever, more and more, fashion takes paths that lead to conscious consumption, to social re-sponsibility and, above all, social inclusion. The brand Milena Fernandes emerges during times of consciousness and inclusion, in times of sharing positive values and cultivating the soul through its purpose. The objective of this article is to describe the process, creation and development of a fashion brand with purpose, as well as, its first collection, directed towards all women, but that also offers alternatives for those who battle cancer, who have lost their hair and/or underwent radical mastectomy. The methodology used for this study was qualitative exploratory (Gil, 2010) and the instruments were: bibliographical research (Stumpf, 2015), internet research (Yamaoka, 2015) and case study (Duarte, 2015). As for the creation of the brand, we used a mutant brand construction methodology (Kreutz, 2012). As results, we can affirm that brand is much more than aesthetic-market ra-tion; in other words, it must make sense to people; because of this, fashion designers should rethink their role in society and act on its behalf.
Marca Moda Branding Propósito Inclusão Brand Fashion Branding Purpose Inclusion
ALLGAYER, Milena Fernandes; KREUTZ, Elizete de Azevedo (2021) - Criação e desenvolvimento de uma marca de moda com propósito. Convergências : Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes. ISSN 1646 - 9054. XIV:28, p. 99-116.