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O crescente envelhecimento da população mundial representa um desafio no século
XXI, em vários setores, como na saúde, na economia, na sociedade, tanto ao nível
individual como comunitário e organizacional. Apesar da conquista da longevidade, o
envelhecimento é considerado uma ameaça ao futuro das sociedades, ignorando-se as
inúmeras oportunidades que se associam a este processo inevitável no ser humano. No
entanto, é fundamental que se criem estratégias, políticas e caminhos que permitam
responder aos requisitos, desejos e direitos que o processo de envelhecimento exige para
que a velhice seja vivida consoante as necessidades e expetativas reais de cada indivíduo.
Com este trabalho projeto pretende-se identificar as necessidades e expetativas dos
idosos da União de Freguesias de Teixoso e Sarzedo, o qual contemplou os seguintes
objetivos específicos: identificar os principais recursos de saúde e sociais à disposição da
população-alvo; identificar as necessidades das pessoas idosas da freguesia; analisar as
expectativas em relação ao processo de envelhecimento; propor um projeto de
intervenção para promover a qualidade de vida e a inclusão social da pessoa idosa.
Trata-se de um estudo de caráter quantitativo e descritivo, com uma amostra por
conveniência, constituída de acordo com os critérios do estudo. Foram inquiridos 50
idosos com mais de 65 anos e foi utilizado um questionário como instrumento de recolha
de dados validados através do projeto PerSoPerAge (SAICT-POL/23678). Foi assegurado a
confidencialidade e o caráter voluntário de cada participante.
Os resultados demonstram que a maioria da população inquirida tem uma baixa
escolaridade; fracos recursos económicos; uma rede de apoio familiar e social bastante
reduzida que acarreta sentimentos de isolamento social; e a participação nas atividades
propostas é quase nula. A grande maioria manifesta o desejo de permanecer nas suas
casas, nas suas comunidades e consideram inadequadas as instituições de apoio à pessoa
Após análise e discussão dos resultados, foi elaborado uma proposta de projeto de
intervenção com o objetivo de colmatar estas necessidades e promover o envelhecimento
positivo, ativo e saudável da freguesia em estudo. Este plano contempla três eixos de
intervenção: 1 – Promover um envelhecimento positivo, ativo e saudável, 2 – Fornecer
qualidade e eficiência nos cuidados e serviços prestados, e 3 – Impulsionar a participação
ativa das pessoas idosas.
Abstract: The growing aging of the world's population represents a challenge of the 21st Century, in various sectors such as health, the economy, society, both at the individual, community and organizational level. Despite the achievement of longevity, aging is considered a threat to the future of societies, alienating us from the countless opportunities associated with this inevitable process in humans. However, it is essential to create strategies, policies and paths that allow responding to the requirements, desires and rights that the aging process demands so that old age can be lived according to the real needs and expectations of each elderly person. This project aims to identify the needs and expectations of the elderly in the Union of Parishes of Teixoso and Sarzedo, which included the following specific objectives: identify the main health and social resources available to the target population; identify the needs of elderly people in the parish; analyze expectations regarding the aging process; and propose an intervention plan to promote the quality of life and social inclusion of elderly people. This is a quantitative and descriptive study, with a convenience sample, constituted in accordance with the study criteria. 50 elderly people over 65 years of age were interviewed and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument validated through the PerSoPerAge project (POCO-010145-FEDER-023678). The confidentiality and voluntary nature of each participant were assured. The results demonstrate that the majority of the surveyed population has a low level of education; weak economic resources; a very small family and social support network that leads to feelings of social isolation; and participation in the proposed activities is almost null. The vast majority express the desire to remain in their homes, in their communities and consider institutions that support elderly people to be inadequate. After analysing and discussing the results, a proposal for na intervention plan was drawn up with the aim of meeting these needs and promoting positive, active and healthy aging in the parish under study. This plan includes three intervention axes: 1 – Promote positive, active and healthy aging; 2 – Provide quality and efficiency in the care and services provided, and 3 – Encourage the active participation of elderly people.
Abstract: The growing aging of the world's population represents a challenge of the 21st Century, in various sectors such as health, the economy, society, both at the individual, community and organizational level. Despite the achievement of longevity, aging is considered a threat to the future of societies, alienating us from the countless opportunities associated with this inevitable process in humans. However, it is essential to create strategies, policies and paths that allow responding to the requirements, desires and rights that the aging process demands so that old age can be lived according to the real needs and expectations of each elderly person. This project aims to identify the needs and expectations of the elderly in the Union of Parishes of Teixoso and Sarzedo, which included the following specific objectives: identify the main health and social resources available to the target population; identify the needs of elderly people in the parish; analyze expectations regarding the aging process; and propose an intervention plan to promote the quality of life and social inclusion of elderly people. This is a quantitative and descriptive study, with a convenience sample, constituted in accordance with the study criteria. 50 elderly people over 65 years of age were interviewed and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument validated through the PerSoPerAge project (POCO-010145-FEDER-023678). The confidentiality and voluntary nature of each participant were assured. The results demonstrate that the majority of the surveyed population has a low level of education; weak economic resources; a very small family and social support network that leads to feelings of social isolation; and participation in the proposed activities is almost null. The vast majority express the desire to remain in their homes, in their communities and consider institutions that support elderly people to be inadequate. After analysing and discussing the results, a proposal for na intervention plan was drawn up with the aim of meeting these needs and promoting positive, active and healthy aging in the parish under study. This plan includes three intervention axes: 1 – Promote positive, active and healthy aging; 2 – Provide quality and efficiency in the care and services provided, and 3 – Encourage the active participation of elderly people.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de
Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de
Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Idosos Envelhecimento saudável Ageing in place Meio rural Older people Healthy ageing Ageing in place Rural environment