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Decorrente das alterações demográficas que se têm vindo a acentuar nas últimas décadas, o envelhecimento populacional apresenta-se como um desafio do século XXI. Em Portugal, cerca de 50% dos agregados familiares unipessoais são constituídos por uma única pessoa com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. A morte do cônjuge, familiares e amigos, bem como as distâncias geográficas de membros da família pode originar situações de isolamento e solidão.
A presente investigação teve como principais objetivos identificar as causas que poderão estar na origem de situações de isolamento social, da perceção de solidão nas pessoas idosas que residem sós na União de Freguesias de Sobreira Formosa e Alvito da Beira, bem como identificar o nível de satisfação das pessoas idosas com o suporte social.
Trata-se de um estudo de carácter misto e descritivo, com uma amostra por conveniência e constituída de acordo com os critérios de inclusão no estudo. Foi utilizado como instrumento de recolha de dados um questionário, devidamente testado através de pré-teste e uma entrevista semiestruturada ao presidente da União de Freguesias. Foi assegurado a confidencialidade e o carácter voluntário da participação. Foram inquiridas 117 pessoas idosas que residem sozinhas na freguesia em estudo, dos quais 96 são do sexo feminino e 21 do sexo masculino.
Os resultados do estudo demonstram que a maioria da população inquirida, refere que costuma sentir-se só, 55% das mulheres e 62% dos homens inquiridos. São as pessoas idosas que apresentam rendimentos mensais mais baixos que percecionam maiores níveis de solidão, sentimento que tende a acentuar-se também com o avanço da idade, verificando-se uma tendência para o sentimento de solidão estar mais presente em pessoas idosas com menor escolaridade. A maioria das pessoas idosas inquiridas apresentam um número reduzido de contactos semanais, 44% dos inquiridos contactam apenas com até 5 pessoas durante a semana.
Com base nas necessidades identificadas, foi desenhada uma proposta de intervenção que procura minimizar sentimentos e situações de isolamentos e solidão em pessoas idosas que residem sós na área geográfica em estudo.
Abstract: As a result of the demographic changes that have taken place over the last few decades, population ageing is a challenge of the 21st century. In Portugal, around 50 per cent of one-person households are made up of a single person aged 65 or over. The death of spouses, family members and friends, as well as the geographical distances of family members, can lead to situations of isolation and loneliness. The main objectives of this research were to identify the causes of social isolation and the perception of loneliness among the elderly who live alone in the Sobreira Formosa and Alvito da Beira Parish Union, as well as to identify the level of satisfaction of the elderly with social support. This is a mixed and descriptive study, with a convenience sample made up according to the study's inclusion criteria. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire, duly pre-tested, and a semi-structured interview with the president of the Parish Council. Confidentiality and voluntary participation were guaranteed. 117 elderly people living alone in the parish under study were surveyed, 96 of whom were female and 21 male. The results of the study show that the majority of the population surveyed say that they often feel lonely, 55 per cent of the women and 62 per cent of the men surveyed. It is older people with lower monthly incomes who perceive greater levels of loneliness, a feeling that also tends to increase with advancing age, with a tendency for the feeling of loneliness to be more present in older people with lower levels of education. Most of the elderly people surveyed have a low number of weekly contacts, with 44 per cent of those surveyed only contacting up to five people during the week. Based on the needs identified, an intervention proposal was designed to minimise feelings and situations of isolation and loneliness among elderly people living alone in the geographical area under study.
Abstract: As a result of the demographic changes that have taken place over the last few decades, population ageing is a challenge of the 21st century. In Portugal, around 50 per cent of one-person households are made up of a single person aged 65 or over. The death of spouses, family members and friends, as well as the geographical distances of family members, can lead to situations of isolation and loneliness. The main objectives of this research were to identify the causes of social isolation and the perception of loneliness among the elderly who live alone in the Sobreira Formosa and Alvito da Beira Parish Union, as well as to identify the level of satisfaction of the elderly with social support. This is a mixed and descriptive study, with a convenience sample made up according to the study's inclusion criteria. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire, duly pre-tested, and a semi-structured interview with the president of the Parish Council. Confidentiality and voluntary participation were guaranteed. 117 elderly people living alone in the parish under study were surveyed, 96 of whom were female and 21 male. The results of the study show that the majority of the population surveyed say that they often feel lonely, 55 per cent of the women and 62 per cent of the men surveyed. It is older people with lower monthly incomes who perceive greater levels of loneliness, a feeling that also tends to increase with advancing age, with a tendency for the feeling of loneliness to be more present in older people with lower levels of education. Most of the elderly people surveyed have a low number of weekly contacts, with 44 per cent of those surveyed only contacting up to five people during the week. Based on the needs identified, an intervention proposal was designed to minimise feelings and situations of isolation and loneliness among elderly people living alone in the geographical area under study.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Envelhecimento Meio rural Isolamento social Solidão Ageing Rural environment Social isolation Loneliness