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Este Relatório de Estágio, foi elaborado de forma a apresentar a contextualização das Práticas Supervisionadas em Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e integrar a investigação intitulada, “Da Importância Didática da Implementação de Jogos Tradicionais na Prática Pedagógica com Alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino”, no âmbito do cumprimento dos requisitos para o desenvolvimento e a conclusão do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. As crianças aprendem através do movimento, da exploração e manipulação de objetos, do brincar e do jogo. Os Jogos, no âmbito e do Programa de Educação Física (EF), podem ser trabalhados de uma forma interdisciplinar proporcionando à criança uma aprendizagem mais enriquecedora, tanto em termos motores como cognitivos. No desenvolvimento da investigação aplicada durante a Prática Supervisionada em 1º Ciclo, procurámos recolher, analisar e interpretar todas as informações consideradas fulcrais, de forma a identificar e a compreender quais as melhores estratégias a aplicar.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal realizar uma reflexão geral sobre os jogos tradicionais portugueses aplicados na prática do 1.º CEB, nas várias áreas de estudo, (português, matemática, estudo do meio e expressões) demonstrando que constituem um veículo de excelência para o desenvolvimento psicomotor, sendo considerados como uma atividade rica para o desenvolvimento integral da criança.
Metodologicamente trata-se de um estudo de cariz quantitativo com base na bateria de testes “Motor Competence Assessment” (MCA), instrumento cientificamente fiável.
Conclui-se que os professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, têm um papel importante no desenvolvimento motor e ao mesmo tempo ajudam na perpetuação do legado e património cultural destes jogos em ambiente educativo.
O Relatório de Estágio e a investigação constituem a súmula de uma etapa repleta de aprendizagens, experiências e autorreflexão que nos permitiram estabelecer a articulação entre a teoria e a prática.
Abstract: This Internship Report was prepared to present the context of Supervised Practices in Pre-School Education and the Elementary Education, and to integrate the research entitled “The Didactic Importance of Implementing Traditional Games in Pedagogical Practice with 1st Cycle Students” as part of the requirements for the development and completion of the Master's in Pre-School Education and the Elementary Education. Children learn through movement, exploration, and manipulation of objects, play, and games. Games, within the scope of the Physical Education (PE) Program, can be approached in an interdisciplinary way, providing children with a richer learning experience, both in motor and cognitive terms. In the development of the research applied during the Supervised Practice in the Elementary School, we pursued to collect, analyze, and interpret all information considered crucial for studying the attention of students in the Elementary school Education (ESE) to identify and understand the best strategies. The main goal of this work is to provide a general reflection an pedagogical value of the Portuguese traditional games applied in the practice of elementary students in various study areas (Portuguese, mathematics, and environmental studies), demonstrating that they serve as an excellent factor for psychomotor development, being considered a rich activity for the child's overall development. Methodologically, this is a qualitative study based on the "Motor Competence Assessment" (MCA) test battery, a scientifically reliable instrument. It was concluded that teachers in the elementary Education play an important role in motor development and at the same time help in the perpetuation of the cultural legacy and heritage of these games in an educational environment. This Internship Report and research constitute the summary of a stage full of learning, experiences, and self-reflection, which allowed us to establish the connection between theory and practice.
Abstract: This Internship Report was prepared to present the context of Supervised Practices in Pre-School Education and the Elementary Education, and to integrate the research entitled “The Didactic Importance of Implementing Traditional Games in Pedagogical Practice with 1st Cycle Students” as part of the requirements for the development and completion of the Master's in Pre-School Education and the Elementary Education. Children learn through movement, exploration, and manipulation of objects, play, and games. Games, within the scope of the Physical Education (PE) Program, can be approached in an interdisciplinary way, providing children with a richer learning experience, both in motor and cognitive terms. In the development of the research applied during the Supervised Practice in the Elementary School, we pursued to collect, analyze, and interpret all information considered crucial for studying the attention of students in the Elementary school Education (ESE) to identify and understand the best strategies. The main goal of this work is to provide a general reflection an pedagogical value of the Portuguese traditional games applied in the practice of elementary students in various study areas (Portuguese, mathematics, and environmental studies), demonstrating that they serve as an excellent factor for psychomotor development, being considered a rich activity for the child's overall development. Methodologically, this is a qualitative study based on the "Motor Competence Assessment" (MCA) test battery, a scientifically reliable instrument. It was concluded that teachers in the elementary Education play an important role in motor development and at the same time help in the perpetuation of the cultural legacy and heritage of these games in an educational environment. This Internship Report and research constitute the summary of a stage full of learning, experiences, and self-reflection, which allowed us to establish the connection between theory and practice.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Estágio da prática Supervisionada em 1º Ciclo do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
Desenvolvimento motor Jogos tradicionais Ensino básico Competência motora Motor development Traditional games Basic education Motor competence