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Com este trabalho pretendemos investigar quais os principais motivos e influências para a prática de atividade desportiva de jovens, analisando a interferência das variáveis género, idade, e tipo de desporto praticado. A amostra foi constituída por 186 praticantes de desporto. Os principais motivos da prática desportiva dos jovens estão essencialmente relacionados com a saúde, a sociabilidade e a técnica desportiva. As raparigas parecem valorizar mais os motivos ligados à sociabilidade, e os rapazes valorizam mais os aspetos técnico-desportivos. Os mais novos realçam os aspetos relacionados com a sociabilidade, enquanto os mais velhos parecem valorizar o aperfeiçoamento das capacidades técnicas. Os praticantes de natação valorizaram os aspetos ligados à saúde, os praticantes de basquetebol realçam os aspetos ligados à técnica, à sociabilidade, ao prestígio social e à condição financeira. Nas influências para a prática desportiva, os pais desempenham um papel fundamental, seguido dos amigos e dos treinadores dos clubes que exercem uma influência mais preponderante sobre os rapazes mais velhos.
With this research we looked into the main reasons and influences to encourage young people to do sports, analyzing the influence of gender, age, and the type of sport practiced. The sample consisted of 186 practitioners of sport. The main reasons for young people to do sports and physical activities are mainly related to health, sociability and sports techniques. Girls seem to give more importance to the social aspects of sports, and boys value technical sports` abilities. The youngest also emphasize the social aspects, while the older ones seem to value the improvement of technical skills. Swimmers give more importance to aspects of health, while basketball players stress highlight the aspects of technique development, sociability, social prestige and financial reward. In terms of motivation for doing sports, parents play a key role, followed by friends and coaches at the clubs, who have a more dominant influence on the older boys.
With this research we looked into the main reasons and influences to encourage young people to do sports, analyzing the influence of gender, age, and the type of sport practiced. The sample consisted of 186 practitioners of sport. The main reasons for young people to do sports and physical activities are mainly related to health, sociability and sports techniques. Girls seem to give more importance to the social aspects of sports, and boys value technical sports` abilities. The youngest also emphasize the social aspects, while the older ones seem to value the improvement of technical skills. Swimmers give more importance to aspects of health, while basketball players stress highlight the aspects of technique development, sociability, social prestige and financial reward. In terms of motivation for doing sports, parents play a key role, followed by friends and coaches at the clubs, who have a more dominant influence on the older boys.
Motricidade infantil Atividade desportiva Motivação Influência Children's kinetics Sports activity Motivation Influence
SERRANO, João [et al.] (2014) - Qué lleva a los jóvenes a practicar deporte en un club. Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos. ISSN 1989-841X. Nº 20, p. 23-33.
Asociación Española de Deportes Colectivos