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Santos, Jorge Manuel Folgado

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  • Attention in physical education classes: differences between colletive sports
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Lercas, Afonso Jorge Vicente; Maia, Luis
    Attention is considered an important mediator variable in the teaching / learning process, because of that, the scientific community made several investigations in order to understand what students are thinking, what strategies are best to captivate their attention and the type of instructions and/or feedback to develop students’ performance in achieving motor skills. In this research we tried to find differences in attentional profiles, of students during the practice of football and basketball at different moments of a Physical Education class. The sample consists of 156 students of both genders (84 females and 72 males), between 12 and 16 years old ( of 3rd Primary School (7th, 8th and 9th grade) to which a questionnaire was applied, ATEST- EF (Petrica 2010). Questionnaire which students had to point out what they were thinking at certain time of the Physical Education class. This was applied in team sports (football and basketball). In descriptive terms we found that students are in general aware of the task, information and behavior, and there are a few differences between the percentages between them, but from the test Chi_Square we found no statistical differences between the different moments of the Physical Education class. We concluded that, in this sample we didn’t verified the importance of attention and students focus in the different moments of team sport’s practice
  • Exercise and academic performance : implications of aerobic capacity and hand grip strength in middle-school students
    Publication . Honório, Samuel; Ramos, Luís de Sousa Aguilar; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Batista, Marco
    Abstract: The regular practice of physical exercise has a positive role on mental health and a positive contribution to the development of cognitive function, considered beneficial to academic performance. The present study aimed to analyse the impact of physical exercise on students' academic performance. 227 students participated, of which 112 (49.3%) were male and 115 (50.6%) were female, aged between 10 and 13 years old, from 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese public school. The Susan Harter Self-Concept Scale validated for the Portuguese population was used, and a descriptive and inferential analysis of the data was conducted to analyse the levels of handgrip strength, aerobic capacity and academic performance. Linear regression analysis was used to interpret the predictive variables and we calculated the magnitude of the effect. The results suggest that the practice of physical exercise enhances the levels of aerobic capacity, handgrip strength and academic performance of students. In addition to physical education classes, the individual sports combined with the team sports present very positive values in relation to the variables described.
  • Attention in physical education classes: Differences between different individual modalities
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Maia, Luis; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel
    Introduction: Sport activities demand a focused and polarized attention, as necessary condition to learning process. Described as an essential condition to the learning process, attention is considered a powerful mediating variable, because we can notice its influence on the teaching-learning process, as well as its influence on the teacher’s behaviour, the student’s behaviour and the learning results. According to this fact, the focused attention arises as a fundamental condition to the learning process, since the greater the power to keep the focus on a certain object or task, the better the chance of success. Objective: We intend to know the aspects to which the students pay attention during the different moments of the Physical Education class, in individual sportive activities. Methodology: The sample consisted of 156 students from the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education, of both genders (84 female and 72 male). We applied the questionnaire ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), in which the students signalized what they were thinking of at certain moments of the Physical Education classes, more precisely of Athletics and Gymnastics classes. The results indicate that there are no significant differences, because after the application of the test of “Chi-Square” to associate the variable “Attention” and the variable “Signal” for the individual activities, we can verify the value of (p= .373). From the analysis performed, we can infer that in relation to students' attention profile study in individual sportsathletics and gymnastics, there are no statistically significant differences.
  • Effects of swimming and water walking on body composition and spirometric values in young children
    Publication . Honório, Samuel; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Paulo, Rui; Oliveira, João Filipe Moiteiro Dias de; Petrica, João; Santos, Jorge
    Aquatic activities have been recommended as frequent practices due to the physical properties of water with improvements in body composition of young. Objective: To study if there are differences in body composition and spirometric values in children who practice swimming complemented with water walking and those who only practice swimming. Methodology: 28 individuals (6 to 12 years) were divided into two groups: swimming group (SG: n=9) and swimming complemented with water walking group (SWWG: n=19) in three different moments with 6 weeks between them. For body composition a bio-impedance scale was used and an anthropometric tape for the waist circumference. For spirometric values: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and even peak expiratory flow (PEF) a Cosmed Microquark spirometer was used. For statistical procedures the SPSS (20.0) program for descriptive statistics, the Shapiro Wilk test for testing the normality, inferential statistics (non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests, Friedman's Anova), and for the effect size the d-Cohen test. Results: Regarding the inter-group analysis (comparison between the SG and SWWG) we observed that there were significant differences in weight (p=0,004), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,025) and peak expiratory flow (PEF: p=0,033). Concerning intra-group differences (improvements in the SG and SWWG), the SWWG showed significant improvements in weight muscle mass (p=0,029), fat mass (p=0,002), percentage of water (p=0,018),, body mass index (BMI: p=0,000), body percentiles (p=0,000), forced vital capacity (FVC: p=0,003) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,008). We have concluded that the practice of swimming and water walking have benefits with differences in the analysed group variables, however, the two activities complemented (swimming and water walking) present improvements much more significant.
  • Supervisão Pedagógica em Natação
    Publication . Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Santos, Jorge; Rocha, João
    Em termos de práticas de ensino, a prática pedagógica supervisionada, é efetivamente uma sólida estratégia de formação, onde a competência dos formadores supervisores e o tipo de relações supervisivas que se estabelecem neste processo são determinantes. Os autores abordados consideram que o processo de Supervisão pode ser considerado como um processo de resolução de problemas, em que o observador e o observado desenvolvem formas de resolução de tarefas através de estratégias técnico-didáticas adequadas num contexto afetivo-relacional adequado envolvido numa atmosfera favorável. São vários os fatores que determinam e influenciam diretamente o ensino da natação: A relação professor-aluno em natação depende da sua capacidade ou habilidade em comunicar com os seus alunos; Criar um ambiente seguro, com um domínio exímio dos conteúdos técnicos, uma estratégia de ensino adequada a cada situação de aprendizagem são a chave para o tipo de trabalho que se pretende em natação. A modalidade específica da natação requer procedimentos e intervenções específicas que se prendem essencialmente com a transição para o meio aquático, ou seja, dotando os professores de capacidades interventivas na modalidade, cujos padrões técnicos e metodologias de ensino se tornam necessárias para dominar e promover um ensino de sucesso.
  • Sistemas de fornecimento e gastos de energia no exercício físico : uma revisão
    Publication . Honório, Samuel; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Rebelo, Miguel; Vieira, Fernando; Batista, Marco
    Muitas atividades desportivas, recreativas e ocupacionais requerem uma libertação de energia moderada a intensa e contínua. O fracionamento aeróbio de carboidratos, gorduras e proteínas fornece energia para o exercício devido à fosforilação do difosfato de adenosina (ADP) em trifosfato de adenosina (ATP). Um desequilíbrio energético anaeróbio-aeróbico se instala na ausência de um ritmo estável (steady rate) entre a fosforilação oxidativa do ADP em ATP e a energia necessária para o exercício. Quando há um desequilíbrio, a acidez dos tecidos aumenta e eventualmente manifesta-se um estado de fadiga. Dois fatores influenciam a forma como os indivíduos são capazes de manter um elevado nível de atividade física com o mínimo de fadiga: a capacidade e integração dos sistemas fisiológicos para fornecer oxigénio e a capacidade de fibras musculares específicas ativadas durante o exercício para gerar ATP aeróbica.
  • Physical Exercise related to student’s academic performance
    Publication . Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Santos, Jorge; Vandoni, Matteo
    Academic performance is a topic of extreme relevance given the fact that it influences many other areas of children's and adolescents' lives. Academic performance is defined as a concrete assessment of the knowledge obtained by students. In practice, it refers to the results of assessment evaluations that teachers apply in the school context. The evaluation is then a classification that is attributed to the works and tests carried out for the school context and that informs students, parents, teachers and the community in general of the learning acquired by the student. The purpose of evaluation is to certify, assess and verify the degree of achievement of these objectives. It can also be added that the objective of this evaluation is to summarize the performance of the students, in a group of strategies and learning objectives and that it was designed so that it is possible to make decisions about the results of those evaluated. Academic performance is then the externally evaluated result achieved by the student. Several variables have been associated with school results, that is, academic performance, self-esteem, self-concept, parents' education as well as their involvement in the children's lives, and the sociocultural context in which the child or adolescent is inserted. In this sense, physical exercise has been reported to increase academic performance, assertiveness, confidence, emotional stability, intellectual functioning, memory, perception, positive body image, self-control, well-being and efficiency at work. Physical exercise can help children to achieve higher academic performance levels and postulate that while high-intensity, short-term exercise promotes mental and intellectual functioning, long-term strenuous exercise can inhibit the subject's performance, unless he possesses high physical aptitudes. The practice of physical exercise in schools promotes an increase in muscle tension, which is a facilitating element in the performance of various psychological tasks. In their study, subjects submitted to physical exercise show faster acquisition and evolution of meaningless syllables and a greater ability in terms of learning/memorizing associated pairs, greater accuracy in solving simple mathematical problems and greater efficiency in a test perceptive color naming than subjects who perform the same tasks under normal conditions. Some studies suggest, however, that exercise can help students improve their academic performance through a variety of approaches and strategies, considering that when someone feels good physically, they are able to function at a higher level academically.
  • Gender differences in self-determined motivation and subjective well-being of adapted sport athletes members of the special with intellectual and developmental difficulties members.
    Publication . Domingues, Ana Margarida Martins; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Petrica, João
    The Theory of Self-Determination has been used as a theoretical model of support in several studies on motivation in Sport. In this sense, we realize that motivation is a topic to which researchers have devoted much of their time, however, when researching adapted sports, and the person with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulty we observe a shortage in research.This study aimed to verify the levels of self- determination and subjective well-being of athletes members of the Special Olympics of Portugal, and ii) to compare the variables under analysis according to gender. In this quantitative study participated 94 athletes of Adapted Sports, aged between 11 and 63 years (‹=32.61 ± SD=13.8) of both genders, competitors of individual and collective sports.The monitoring instruments used were Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), Life Satisfaction Scale (S WLS) and Positive and Negative Attachment Scale (PANAS). Data analysis was based on the verification of the internal consistency of the scales applied through the calculation of alpha and Cronbach, descriptive analysis of data and application for gender comparison through the nonparametric test U Mann- Whitney, as well as a linear regression, meeting a significance level of 0.05. As a result, we observed that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and motivation predict good levels of life satisfaction also of positive attachment.We also found statistically significant differences in life satisfaction and negative attachments when comparing gender outcomes.
  • What are students thinking in Physical Education classes
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Honório, Samuel; Ivone, Rente
    Attention is also considered an influential mediating variable because it influences the teaching-learning process, as well as the teacher's behavior, the student's behavior, and the learning results. According to this factor, focused attention arises as a funda- mental condition of the learning process since the greater the ability to maintain focus on a particular object or task, the better the chance of success. Objective: To know the aspects the students pay attention to during the different moments of the Physical Education class. Methods: The sample consisted of 156 students from the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades of high school, of both genders (84 female and 72 mal, = 14,9 ± 1,3 ). The questionnaire ATEST-EF (Petrica, 2003, 2010) was applied, in which the students signalized their thoughts at certain moments of the Physical Education classes. Results: The results indicate that there are no significant differences because after the application of the "Qui-Square" test to associate the variable "Attention" and the variable "Signal," it verified the value of (p= .373). Discussion: From the analysis performed, it was observed that there are no significant differences concerning students' attention profile study. Only a small magnitude of size effect (d = 0.219) was observed at the level of the general attention profile. Conclusions: It was concluded that student's attention during the physical education class is mainly focused on the task and with less attention focused on things outside the class regardless of their academic performance.
  • A atenção e o rendimento escolar em educação física : educação física e lazer
    Publication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João Manuel Patrício Duarte
    As pesquisas sobre o pensamento dos alunos, têm as suas bases na psicologia cognitiva, a qual releva as atitudes, percepções pessoais, crenças e valores como elementos mediadores no processo ensino-aprendizagem, bem como destaca a influência mútua existente entre o comportamento do professor, o comportamento do aluno e os resultados das aprendizagens. O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar o pensamento dos alunos, isto é saber no que estão a pensar (atenção) os alunos durante as aulas, na disciplina de Educação Física. Foram seleccionados 150 alunos do 7ª, 8ª e 9º anos do Ensino Básico, com idades compreendidas entre 12 e 16 anos. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha de dados foi um questionário no qual os alunos assinalavam em que é que estavam a pensar em determinados momentos da aula de Educação Física (ATEST_EF). A análise e tratamento dos dados recolhidos, foi realizada com recurso à estatística descritiva, para se apreciar e ao teste de Mann- Whitney para efectuar as comparações. A partir dos resultados da aplicação do questionário e da análise dos mesmos, pensamos poder caracterizar os alunos, como pessoas que em relação ao seu pensamento durante as aulas de Educação Física, estão a pensar (atentos) por ordem decrescente de importância, com atenção à tarefa, atenção ao comportamento, atenção á informação, atenção afectiva, atenção á informação e só depois noutras coisas. Após aplicação das provas estatísticas às distintas hipóteses verificou-se a não existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas em todas elas, como tal podemos rejeitar a nossa hipótese geral: Existem diferenças significativas nos processos de pensamento (atenção) entre alunos com bom rendimento escolar e alunos com suficiente e fraco rendimento escolar na disciplina de Educação Física.