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Em termos de práticas de ensino, a prática pedagógica supervisionada, é efetivamente uma sólida estratégia de formação, onde a competência dos formadores supervisores e o tipo de relações supervisivas que se estabelecem neste processo são determinantes. Os autores abordados consideram que o processo de Supervisão pode ser considerado como um processo de resolução de problemas, em que o observador e o observado desenvolvem formas de resolução de tarefas através de estratégias técnico-didáticas adequadas num contexto afetivo-relacional adequado envolvido numa atmosfera favorável. São vários os fatores que determinam e influenciam diretamente o ensino da natação: A relação professor-aluno em natação depende da sua capacidade ou habilidade em comunicar com os seus alunos; Criar um ambiente seguro, com um domínio exímio dos conteúdos técnicos, uma estratégia de ensino adequada a cada situação de aprendizagem são a chave para o tipo de trabalho que se pretende em natação.
A modalidade específica da natação requer procedimentos e intervenções específicas que se prendem essencialmente com a transição para o meio aquático, ou seja, dotando os professores de capacidades interventivas na modalidade, cujos padrões técnicos e metodologias de ensino se tornam necessárias para dominar e promover um ensino de sucesso.
In terms of teaching practices, supervised pedagogical practice is effectively a solid training strategy, where the competence of supervisors and the type of supervision relationships that are established in this process are decisive. The cited authors consider that the Supervision process can be considered as a problem-solving process, in which the observer and the observed develop techniques of solving tasks through appropriate technical-didactic strategies in an adequate affective-relational context involved in a favourable atmosphere. There are several factors that determine and directly influence swimming instructions: The teacher-student relationship in swimming depends on his ability or ability to communicate with his students; Creating a safe environment, with an excellent knowledge of technical content, a teaching strategy appropriate to each learning situation are the keys to the type of work that is intended in swimming. This specific sport requires specific procedures and interventions that are essentially related to the transition to the aquatic environment, that is, increase in teachers with interventional skills, whose technical standards and teaching methodologies become necessary to dominate and promote a success in teaching.
In terms of teaching practices, supervised pedagogical practice is effectively a solid training strategy, where the competence of supervisors and the type of supervision relationships that are established in this process are decisive. The cited authors consider that the Supervision process can be considered as a problem-solving process, in which the observer and the observed develop techniques of solving tasks through appropriate technical-didactic strategies in an adequate affective-relational context involved in a favourable atmosphere. There are several factors that determine and directly influence swimming instructions: The teacher-student relationship in swimming depends on his ability or ability to communicate with his students; Creating a safe environment, with an excellent knowledge of technical content, a teaching strategy appropriate to each learning situation are the keys to the type of work that is intended in swimming. This specific sport requires specific procedures and interventions that are essentially related to the transition to the aquatic environment, that is, increase in teachers with interventional skills, whose technical standards and teaching methodologies become necessary to dominate and promote a success in teaching.
Pedagogia Desporto Natação Supervisão Pedagógica Supervision Pedagogy Swimming Teaching
Samuel Honório, Marco Batista, João Serrano, João Petrica, Jorge Santos, João Rocha, Júlio Martins (2020). Supervisão Pedagógica em Natação. In Petrica J, Faustino A, Santos J, Paulo R. (Eds). Pedagogia do Desporto, Abordagens Académicas de Investigação. Novas Edições Académicas: ISBN: 978-620-2-80606-0.
Novas Edições Académicas