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  • Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour on Cardiovascular Risk and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults: A Systematic Review
    Publication . Santos, Beatriz; Monteiro, Diogo; Silva, Fernanda; Flores, Gonçalo; Bento, T.; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro
    Background: This systematic review analysed the association between objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour with cardiovascular risk and HRQoL in adults without previous CVD. Additionally, we analysed the impact of the intensity of the physical activity in this association. Methods: The search was carried out in three electronic databases with access until February 2023 to find studies with an observational design. For quality assessment, we used The National Institute of Health (NIH) Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Results: We identified 5819 references, but only five studies were included. One study shows a positive association between physical activity and HRQoL, while sedentary behaviour was negatively related to HRQoL. Another study showed an association between high-intensity physical activity with a better physical component of HRQoL and low-intensity physical activity with a better mental component of HRQoL. Three studies concluded that higher levels of physical activity are associated with lower levels of cardiovascular risk and higher levels of sedentary behaviour are associated with higher levels of cardiovascular risk. Conclusion: Our findings suggested that people who spend more time being active and spend less time being sedentary appear to have lower cardiovascular risk and higher HRQoL.
  • Proposição e avaliação da aplicação de uma sequência didática baseada no pensamento computacional para pessoas idosas
    Publication . Oliveira Jr, Emerson; De Bortoli, Lis; Pasqualotti, Adriano; Gil, Henrique; De Marchi, Ana; Kieling, Mônica
    Este artigo apresenta a proposiçãoe avaliação de uma sequência didática, estruturada em dez vivências ,baseada nos pressupostos do pensamento computacional com foco para pessoas idosas. A amostra foi composta por 22 pessoas, entre adultas e idosas. O desenvolvimento das vivências ocorreu com uma periodicidade de uma vez por semana, com duração de 90 minutos, por sete meses. A sequência didática foi elaborada com diversas atividades que foram realizadas por meio da linguagem de programação de blocos Scratch. Para a avaliação qualitativa, foram identificadas em quais partes da vida cotidiana dos participantes houve melhora. Para a análise quantitativa, foi empregado o instrumento de avaliação neuropsicológica breve –Neupsilin, avaliando a atenção, as funções executivas e a memória de trabalho. A aplicação do Neupsilin ocorreu em três momentos distintos: antes do início da intervenção, logo após o término da intervenção e seis meses após o encerramento da intervenção. O principal resultado aponta que é possível utilizar o pensamento computacional em atividades didáticas para as pessoas idosas, acarretando ganhos cognitivos relativos à função neuropsicológica de atenção, além de proporcionar momentos de maior socialização com seus pares acarretando, assim, uma melhoria na sua qualidade de vida.
  • Analysis of the frequency and effectiveness of the technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championship according to the elapsed time of combat
    Publication . Gaspar, Bruno; Batista, Marco; Sombra, Katia; Mesquita, Helena; Paulo, Rui; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Ramalho, André; Rocha, João; Vaz, Luis; Louro, Hugo gonçalo Duarte
    The interpretation of temporal parameters during competitive practice is always interesting and pertinent, and specifically in judo, which requires high preparation from athletes to be able to control or throw the opponent in a short space of time. The interest of this study perspective, which allows us to interpret competitive action in more detail, is also important to reflect that according to the legal adaptations dictated by the rules of a modality, it makes its study necessary. The objective was to analyse the frequency and effectiveness of technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championship depending on the elapsed time of combat. The study sample focused on 400 combats of the European Judo Championship 2021, with 6731 technical actions in combat being categorized. We used an observation system created for this purpose, according to the classification system proposed by Kodokan. Cross-frequency tables were produced, where the association degree between variables was analysed using the Chi Square test, where the significance level was set at p ≤ .05. We complemented the association analysis between variables by calculating the adjusted standardized residuals. The number of technical actions tends to decrease over the 1st to 4th minute of combat and consequently also towards the golden score time. The relative percentage of technical actions scored from the 1st to the 4th minute of combat tends to increase, with the Ippon advantage assuming an increasing percentage trend and the Waza-ari advantage a decreasing trend, maintaining this trend in golden score.
  • Biomechanical analysis of technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championship as a function of combat time and golden score
    Publication . Batista, Marco; Conceição, Ana; Sombra, Katia; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Honório, Samuel; Louro, Hugo Gonçalo Duarte
    In Judo, each motor action depends greatly on the behavioural and technical variability of each judoka, which largely determines the options and the predominance of biomechanical actions inherent to the movements themselves. It is, therefore, important to understand the biomechanical action trends implemented by judokas in the dynamics of current judo, allowing for more assertive competitive preparation. The objective was to biomechanically analyse the technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championships based on combat time and gold score. The study sample focused on 400 combats of the European Judo Championship 2021. We used an observation system created for this purpose, according to the classification system proposed by Sacripanti. Cross-frequency tables were produced, where the association degree between variables was analysed using the Chi Square test, where the significance level was set at p ≤ .05. We complemented the association analysis between variables by calculating the adjusted standardized residuals. In both genders and phases of combat, the use of torque techniques predominated over lever techniques, with the hierarchy of technical resources used by judokas being identical. In golden score, women showed a significant association with the use of torso-leg binary techniques. Throughout the fights, women registered differences in the use of groups of techniques.
  • Analysis of the predominance of technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championship depending on combat time and golden score
    Publication . Batista, Marco; Torres, Diana; Sombra, Katia; Honório, Samuel; Santos, Jorge; Galan-Arroyo, Carmén; Rebelo, Miguel; Silveira, Paulo; Louro, Hugo gonçalo Duarte
    The interest of this study perspective, which allows us to interpret competitive action in more detail, is also important to reflect that according to the legal adaptations dictated by the rules of a modality, it makes its study necessary. The objective was to analyse the predominance of technical actions used in the 2021 European Judo Championship based on combat time and golden score. The study sample focused on 400 combats of the European Judo Championship 2021. We used an observation system created for this purpose, according to the classification system proposed by Kodokan. Cross-frequency tables were produced, where the association degree between variables was analysed using the Chi Square test, where the significance level was set at p ≤ .05. We complemented the association analysis between variables by calculating the adjusted standardized residuals. The predominance of techniques and their effectiveness presented a similar hierarchy in both the combat and golden score phases. In golden score, women showed a significant association with hip techniques and men with frontal sacrifice techniques. Female athletes proved to be more effective in percentage terms in the golden score phase.
  • Otava mental skill for sports 3 - validation and gender invariance for the portuguese version
    Publication . Silva, Carlos; Torres, Diana; Louro, Hugo gonçalo Duarte; Borrego, Carla; Batista, Marco
    The aim of the study was to validate the Portuguese version of the Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT 3p) through confirmatory factor analyses of the measurement model, and gender invariance. A total of 524 Portuguese athletes (male and female) aged between 12 and 42 years old, participated in this study (M = 19.21; SD = 5.46). The main results show that the psychometric qualities of the 48-item OMSAT 3 are adequate and that it has acceptable validity, allowing it to assess Foundation Skills (SRMR = 0.042, CFI = 0.999, TLI = 0.998, RMSEA = 0.008 and χ2 /df = 1.46), Psychosomatic Skills (SRMR = 0.056, CFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.975, RMSEA = 0.042 and χ2 /df = 1.93) and Cognitive Skills (SRMR = 0.058, CFI = 0.973, TLI = 0.968, RMSEA = 0.044 and χ2/df =1.99). This version also showed adequate values for configural, metric and scalar invariance by gender (ΔCFI < 0.01) (ΔRMSEA<0,01). The Portuguese version of the OMSAT 3 can be used with reasonable confidence to assess psychological skills in a sports context.
  • Predominant technical actions used in the European judo championship
    Publication . Batista, Marco; Silva, Carlos; Torres, Diana; Conceição, Ana; Borrego, Carla; Louro, Hugo Gonçalo Duarte
    Judo is an Olympic combat sport that is divided into male and female weight categories. Each weight category implies significant differences in technical and strategic dimensions, as well as physiological, performance, and body composition among com- petitors. This study aimed to determine the technical actions predominance used by judokas in the European Judo Championship 2021. We observed 398 judo combats, in the various weight categories male and female, disputed in the European Judo Championship 2021. It was used an observation system in accordance with the classification of judo techniques proposed by Kodokan. An observation system was used according to the Kodokan classification of judo techniques. In Nage-Waza combat, there was a predominance leg technique (Ashi-Waza), arm technique (Te-Waza), hip technique (Koshi-Waza), side sacrifice techniques (Yoko-Sutemi-Waza) and frontal sacri- fice techniques (Ma-Sutemi-Waza). When we focused our observation on the effectiveness of applied techniques, we observed more techniques scored with Ippon than Wazari. We can also observe that Shido was the significantly more recurrent punishment during male combats.
  • Comparative study of physical activity, leisure preferences, and sedentary behavior among portuguese, italian, and spanish university students
    Publication . Paulo, Rui; Ramalho, André; Scursatone, Isabella; Caire, Maria; Calle, Nicolás Bores; Bores-García, Daniel; Espada, María; Rebelo, Miguel; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro
    Objective: The objective of this study is to describe and compare the levels of physical activity, preferences for leisure-time physical activity, and the frequency of non-sedentary behaviors of Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish students attending higher education. Methods: A total of 1354 students (21.2 ± 2.9 years) participated in the study, with data collected through an online questionnaire for 6 months. Results: The highest levels of sedentary behavior are found among Spanish students, followed by the Portuguese, and lastly the Italians. In relation to physical activity levels, Spanish students perform more low and moderate physical activity, while Italian students perform more vigorous activities and naturally have a lower level of sedentary behavior. Conclusions: However, it is worth highlighting that students from all three countries reach the minimum levels of physical activity recommended by the WHO.
  • Avaliação da composição corporal, da potência de membros inferiores e da potência anaeróbia de jogadores de futebol: diferenças consoante a posição em campo
    Publication . Tereso, Diogo; Gamonales, José M.; Petrica, João; Ibañez, Sergio J.; Paulo, Rui
    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a composição corporal, a potência de membros inferiores e a potência anaeróbia, comparando as posições em campo de jogadores de futebol. Participaram 81 jogadores de futebol e foram realizadas avaliações de bioimpedância, Countermovement Jump e Running Anaerobic Sprint Test. Verificou-se que existem diferenças na composição corporal, apresentando os guarda-redes e os defesas centrais os valores mais elevados. Relativamente à variável altura, as principais diferenças ocorrem quando comparamos os alas (p< 0.001) com as restantes posições e os defesas centrais em comparação com os médios centros (p= 0.002), e avançados (p= 0.010). Também os alas em relação à maioria das outras posições, na variável massa corporal (p≤ 0.010), massa muscular (p≤ 0.033), massa livre de gordura (p≤ 0.024) e massa gorda (p≤ 0.045). Na avaliação da potência de membros inferiores, verificaram se diferenças entre os guarda-redes e avançados, na variável maior salto (p= 0.021), por sua vez, foram encontradas diferenças quando comparamos os guarda-redes com os alas, médios centro e avançados (p≤ 0.028) e entre os defesas centrais com os alas, na força máxima produzida (p= 0.002). Nas avaliações de potência anaeróbia, não se verificaram diferenças. Pode-se assim concluir que existem características específicas de composição corporal entre as posições de jogadores de futebol. As posições que envolvem movimentos explosivos e um maior número de ações aéreas, apresentam melhores desempenhos nestas avaliações como se verificou. Por fim, nas avaliações de potência anaeróbia, esta homogeneidade poderá ser explicada pelas exigências comuns que o futebol moderno apresenta.
  • Influence of breastfeeding type and gender on child development : differences in global and fine motor skills
    Publication . Paulo, Rui; Corte, Vivian Isabel Faria da; Rebelo, Miguel; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Petrica, João; Serrano, João
    Background: There are few studies that approach the subject of breastfeeding related to the development of motor skills. The study aimed to verify if there are differences in the global and fine motor skills, considering the variables gender and type of breastfeeding, in children from 18 to 44 months. Methods: We developed a quantitative correctional typology, being a cross-sectional study with a sample of 128 children of both genders. The instruments used in the study were the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2, and to assess the profile of the children a questionnaire was delivered to the parents. To test the normality of the sample, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and the Shapiro-Wilk Test. The Mann-Whitney U-Test was used for independent samples, also calculating the effect size. Results: The boys obtained higher mean values in all motor skills, except for the fine motor skills and fine motricity, and in these, the girls obtainied the higher mean values. With respect to the inferential analysis, concerning the variable gender, there are statistically significant differences (P<0.00) in the variables: locomotor skills, object handling skills, global motricity and global motor quotient (P=0.017) the boys exhibiting the higher values, which means the better performances. We also verify that children who were not breastfed with breast milk, through feeding bottle with replacement milk, obtained higher mean values in all motor skills when compared to the ones who were breastfed with breast milk, and there is a statistically significant difference in the variable fine manipulation skills (P=0.024). Conclusions: Male children obtained better results in all motor skills, except for fine motricity, comparing with female children. Regarding breastfeeding, the children who were not breastfed with breast milk, show better results, mainly in Fine manipulation skills, which may be due to the previous need to handle the bottle on early age.