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Na conceptualização e enquadramento teórico das organizações híbridas e na construção de um quadro de indicadores de desempenho, Alter (2004), e Ponte et al. (2017) referem-se às organizações híbridas como o resultado da hibridização, entre as entidades com e sem fins lucrativos. Estas organizações híbridas operam na fronteira entre os setores sem fins lucrativos (ou público) e com fins lucrativos (ou privados) e são simultaneamente orientadas para o mercado e voltadas para a missão.
O projeto de pesquisa apresentado neste trabalho mostra como uma organização híbrida, enfrenta o problema/desafio de gerir, mensurar e reportar a informação financeira e ainda os meios que utiliza para prevenir eventuais desvios, de missão ou de receita. Através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura pretende-se contribuir na identificação e caracterização de ferramentas de medição de desempenho, que permitam controlo equilibrado de ambos objetivos, sociais e performance financeira, no contexto organizacional híbrido, como forma de reduzir o risco de desvios, indesejados.
O desempenho de uma PPP é medido por pelo menos três perspetivas: (1) os aspetos privados, como um retorno sobre o investimento, (2) os aspetos públicos, como melhorias de qualidade de vida, e (3) a própria parceria, como uma organização e capacidade de gestão. Tratando-se de uma organização híbrida, a empresa não pode simplesmente procurar a performance financeira, as questões de responsabilidade social também estão em jogo, bem como a um conjunto de aspetos não mercantis, como por exemplo: comportamento ético, contribuição para o desenvolvimento social, bem como a melhoria da qualidade de vida da força de trabalho e das suas famílias (Ponte et al 2017).
Tendo em consideração que a gestão do desempenho só é tão eficaz quanto as suas medições (Grossman, 2012), propõe-se uma ferramenta de medição que condiz com os desafios estratégicos e necessidades de controlo das organizações híbridas. O modelo identificado, SBSC, proporciona uma melhor compreensão da estratégia de sustentabilidade da empresa, dentro e fora, associado a uma visão holística dos aspetos de responsabilidade social, bem como rastrear qual o seu impacto nos outros fatores-chave de sucesso.
Abstract: In the conceptualization and theoretical framework of hybrid organizations and in the construction of a role of key performance indicators, Alter (2004), and Ponte et al. (2017) refer to hybrid organizations as the result of hybridization, between the entities with and without profit. These hybrid organizations operate on the border between the non-profit (or public) and for-profit (or private) sectors and are both market-oriented and mission- -oriented. The research project presented in this work shows how a hybrid organization faces the problem/challenge of managing, measuring, and reporting financial information, as well as the tools it uses to prevent possible deviations from mission or revenue. Through a systematic review of the literature, the author intended to contribute to the identification and characterization of performance measurement tools, which allow the control of both objectives, social and financial performance, in the hybrid organizational context, to reduce the risk of unwanted deviations. The performance of a PPP is measured from at least three perspectives: (1) the private aspects, such as a return of investment, (2) the public aspects, such as improvements in quality of life, and (3) the partnership itself, as an organization and management capacity. As a hybrid organization, the company cannot simply look for financial performance, social responsibility issues are also at stake, as well as a set of non-market aspects, such as: ethical behavior, contribution to social development, as well as improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families (Ponte et al 2017). Bearing in mind that performance management is only as effective as its measurements (Grossman, 2012), the measurement tool proposed matches the strategic challenges and control needs of hybrid organizations. The identified model, SBSC, provides a better understanding of the company’s sustainability strategy, inside and outside, associated with a holistic view of the aspects of social responsibility, as well, tracking its impact on the other key performance factors.
Abstract: In the conceptualization and theoretical framework of hybrid organizations and in the construction of a role of key performance indicators, Alter (2004), and Ponte et al. (2017) refer to hybrid organizations as the result of hybridization, between the entities with and without profit. These hybrid organizations operate on the border between the non-profit (or public) and for-profit (or private) sectors and are both market-oriented and mission- -oriented. The research project presented in this work shows how a hybrid organization faces the problem/challenge of managing, measuring, and reporting financial information, as well as the tools it uses to prevent possible deviations from mission or revenue. Through a systematic review of the literature, the author intended to contribute to the identification and characterization of performance measurement tools, which allow the control of both objectives, social and financial performance, in the hybrid organizational context, to reduce the risk of unwanted deviations. The performance of a PPP is measured from at least three perspectives: (1) the private aspects, such as a return of investment, (2) the public aspects, such as improvements in quality of life, and (3) the partnership itself, as an organization and management capacity. As a hybrid organization, the company cannot simply look for financial performance, social responsibility issues are also at stake, as well as a set of non-market aspects, such as: ethical behavior, contribution to social development, as well as improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families (Ponte et al 2017). Bearing in mind that performance management is only as effective as its measurements (Grossman, 2012), the measurement tool proposed matches the strategic challenges and control needs of hybrid organizations. The identified model, SBSC, provides a better understanding of the company’s sustainability strategy, inside and outside, associated with a holistic view of the aspects of social responsibility, as well, tracking its impact on the other key performance factors.
Sustainabibility balanced scorecard Organizações híbridas Relato financeiro sustentabilidade Sustainability balanced scorecard Hybrid organizations Financial reporting sustainability
GARCIA, António (2023) - O efeito da hibridização na governança de uma parceria público privada (PPP) no conspecto do relato financeiro obrigatório e voluntário. GESTIN. ISSN 1645-2534. Nº 25, p. 7-25. DOI: 10.53681/P2060162288.25.04
Escola Superior de Gestão