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Os amenities, produtos de higiene pessoal dis-ponibilizados aos hóspedes pelos estabeleci-mentos de hospedagens, se apresentam como elementos potenciais para gerar valor agrega-do, cativar, encantar e fidelizar os hóspedes e para dar maior visibilidade para as marcas dos meios de hospedagem. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho analisa, em duas etapas, os produtos de higiene pessoal ofertados pelos hotéis localizados na Via Costeira na cidade Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram identificados quais produtos são oferecidos e seus os atributos diferenciadores e, em seguida, a avaliação de qualidade a partir da percepção de especialistas e um comparativo entre os produtos utilizados pelos hotéis pesquisados, a fim de discutir as possíveis contribuições que estes produtos fornecem às respectivas marcas hoteleiras. O estudo adotou abordagem me-todológica qualitativa, descritivo-exploratória, e utilizou a técnica “teste cego” para a coleta, e a análise de conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. Diante dos resultados obtidos, onclui--se que os amenities oferecidos pela maioria dos hotéis da Via Costeira não apresentam diferenciais significativos, revelando a neces-sidade da melhoria da sua qualidade e do seu uso como estratégia de marca e encantamento de clientes pelos hotéis pesquisados
Abstract : The personal care amenities made available to guests by lodging establishments, present themselves as potential elements to gener-ate added value, enchant, delight and retain guests and to give greater visibility to their brands. Therefore, this work analyzes, in two stages, the personal care amenities offered by the hotels located on Via Costeira in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. First, we sought to identify which products are offered and their differentiating attributes. Then, a quality assessment was carried out based on the perception of specialists, and a comparison between the products used by the hotels surveyed, in order to discuss the possible contributions, they provide to their brands. The study adopted a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory methodological approach, and used the “blind test” technique for data col-lection, and content analysis for data handling. In view of the results obtained, it is concluded that the amenities offered by most Via Costeira hotels do not present significant differentials, revealing the need to improve their quality and use as a brand strategy and customers delight by the hotels surveyed.
Abstract : The personal care amenities made available to guests by lodging establishments, present themselves as potential elements to gener-ate added value, enchant, delight and retain guests and to give greater visibility to their brands. Therefore, this work analyzes, in two stages, the personal care amenities offered by the hotels located on Via Costeira in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. First, we sought to identify which products are offered and their differentiating attributes. Then, a quality assessment was carried out based on the perception of specialists, and a comparison between the products used by the hotels surveyed, in order to discuss the possible contributions, they provide to their brands. The study adopted a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory methodological approach, and used the “blind test” technique for data col-lection, and content analysis for data handling. In view of the results obtained, it is concluded that the amenities offered by most Via Costeira hotels do not present significant differentials, revealing the need to improve their quality and use as a brand strategy and customers delight by the hotels surveyed.
Estratégia de marca Encantamento Amenities Meios de hospedagem Brand strategy Costumer delight Lodging
SILVA, Miriam Rayane; DIAS, Maria Carolina Cavalcante; FERREIRA, Lissa Valéria Fernandes (2021) - Amenities como estratégia de marca e encantamento de clientes. Convergências : Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes. ISSN 1646 - 9054. XIV:28, p. 129-138.