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A caudofagia, um dos problemas comportamentais mais frequentes na produção intensiva de suínos, afeta tanto os índices zootécnicos como a saúde e o bem-estar dos animais e pode ser influenciada por condições ambientais (e o seu enriquecimento), alimentação, saúde dos animais e outros fatores individuais.
A amputação de caudas é utilizada como prevenção da caudofagia em aproximadamente 95% das explorações portuguesas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito do enriquecimento ambiental na incidência de lesões, comparativamente à prática de amputação de caudas, numa exploração intensiva de produção de leitões, na Quinta de Santo Cristo, Euroeste, Agrupalto, SA. Estudaram-se ainda, dentro do enriquecimento ambiental, vários manipuláveis: 12 manipuláveis comerciais, cedidos pela Morepig, no primeiro ensaio (1200 animais) e cortiça (em bruto e em aglomerados) cedidos pela Corticeira Amorim (208 animais), em lotes de animais com densidade fixa (0,23 m2/animal), durante o período de recria de leitões.
No fim da recria, observou-se maior % de animais com lesões, nos lotes com cauda inteira e com o ambiente “mínimo” (enriquecimento apenas com correntes). No tratamento com alternância semanal de manipuláveis, o nível de lesões foi menor (51,9±14,7%) e menos graves (50,9±14,7% L1 e 1±0,5% L2).
O tratamento com os manipuláveis “Luna 117” e “Cordas”, colocados em simultâneo, foi o que apresentou mais interações (54,4±2% animais/lote) em contraste com o menor valor observado, no ambiente “mínimo” (21,2±0,5% animais/lote).
Entre os manipuláveis estudados, o “cesto de aparas com jornal” foi o preferido pelos leitões (17,5±5,1% de interação, lotes com cauda amputada e 24,1±4,7%, lotes com cauda inteira); as menores interações observaram-se com a “bola branca pendurada” (3,2±0,5%, lotes com cauda amputada e 2,1±0,4%, lotes com cauda inteira).
As interações com as “caudas” entre os leitões do lote, foram maiores nos tratamentos com cauda inteira (9,5±0,5% animais/lote) e ambiente “mínimo” (8,4±0,5% animais/lote).
A interação com a cortiça (34,3±4,4%) foi superior quando comparada às correntes (10,1±0,5%). O bloco de cortiça em bruto foi o preferido (48,9±9%), ao contrário do aglomerado 8405/00 (5cm) que apresentou a menor interação (8,4±3%).
Concluindo, a amputação de caudas poderá representar uma importante ferramenta de maneio nas explorações porque diminui significativamente as lesões por caudofagia. O enriquecimento ambiental revelou ser uma medida fulcral para diminuir as interações com as caudas e orelhas e, consequentemente, diminuir a incidência de caudofagia; os melhores resultados foram obtidos com alternância semanal de manipuláveis.
Apesar de já existirem estudos, ainda é importante sensibilizar os produtores e as empresas envolvidas neste setor, para o impacto que estas medidas poderão ter nas práticas diárias das explorações.
Abstract : Caudophagia is one of the most frequent behavioural problems in the intensive swine production, it has a great zootechnical, animal health and well-being impact and can be influenced by environmental conditions, environmental enrichment, feeding, animal health and other individual factors. Tail docking is used to prevent caudophagia in approximately 95% of the portuguese swine farms. The aim of this study was to study the effect of environmental enrichment on the incidence of injuries, compared to the practice of tail docking, in a weaned pigs intensive farm at Quinta de Santo Cristo, Euroeste, Agrupalto, SA. Several manipulables were also studied, within the environmental enrichment: 12 commercial manipulables, provided by Morepig, in the first trial (1200 animals) and cork (raw and in agglomerates) provided by Corticeira Amorim (208 animals), in lots with density (0.23 m2/animal). At the end of the nursery period, it was observed a higher percentage of animals with lesions, in pens with the whole tail and with “minimum” environment (enrichment only with chains). In the treatment where there was a weekly rotation of manipulables, the level of injuries was lower (51.9±14.7%) and less severe (50.9±14.7% L1 and 1±0.5% L2). The treatment with the manipulables “Luna 117” and “ropes”, placed simultaneously, showed more interactions (54.4±2% animals/pen) in contrast to the lowest value observed, in “minimum” environment (21, 2 ± 0.5% animals/pen). Among the manipulables studied, the “basket with shredded newspaper” was preferred by piglets (17.5±5.1% of interaction, in pens with docked tails and 24.1±4.7%, in pens with whole tails); the smallest interactions were observed with the “white ball” (3.2±0.5%, in pens with docked tails and 2.1±0.4%, in pens with whole tail). The "tails" interactions with among piglets on the same pen, were greater in the treatments with whole tail (9.5±0.5% animals/pen) and with "minimum" environment (8.4±0.5% animals/pen). The interaction with cork (34.3±4.4%) was greater when compared to chains (10.1±0.5%). The raw cork block was the most preferred (48.9 ± 9%), comparing to the agglomerate 8405/00 (5 cm) which had a lower interaction (8.4 ± 3%). In conclusion, tail docking may be an important tool in farms because it significantly decreases the caudophagia lesions. Environmental enrichment is crucial to decrease interactions with tails and ears and, consequently, decrease the incidence of caudophagia; the best results were obtained with weekly rotation of manipulables. Although there are already some studies, it is still important to aware the producers and companies involved in this sector, about the impact that these measures may have on the daily practices of farms.
Abstract : Caudophagia is one of the most frequent behavioural problems in the intensive swine production, it has a great zootechnical, animal health and well-being impact and can be influenced by environmental conditions, environmental enrichment, feeding, animal health and other individual factors. Tail docking is used to prevent caudophagia in approximately 95% of the portuguese swine farms. The aim of this study was to study the effect of environmental enrichment on the incidence of injuries, compared to the practice of tail docking, in a weaned pigs intensive farm at Quinta de Santo Cristo, Euroeste, Agrupalto, SA. Several manipulables were also studied, within the environmental enrichment: 12 commercial manipulables, provided by Morepig, in the first trial (1200 animals) and cork (raw and in agglomerates) provided by Corticeira Amorim (208 animals), in lots with density (0.23 m2/animal). At the end of the nursery period, it was observed a higher percentage of animals with lesions, in pens with the whole tail and with “minimum” environment (enrichment only with chains). In the treatment where there was a weekly rotation of manipulables, the level of injuries was lower (51.9±14.7%) and less severe (50.9±14.7% L1 and 1±0.5% L2). The treatment with the manipulables “Luna 117” and “ropes”, placed simultaneously, showed more interactions (54.4±2% animals/pen) in contrast to the lowest value observed, in “minimum” environment (21, 2 ± 0.5% animals/pen). Among the manipulables studied, the “basket with shredded newspaper” was preferred by piglets (17.5±5.1% of interaction, in pens with docked tails and 24.1±4.7%, in pens with whole tails); the smallest interactions were observed with the “white ball” (3.2±0.5%, in pens with docked tails and 2.1±0.4%, in pens with whole tail). The "tails" interactions with among piglets on the same pen, were greater in the treatments with whole tail (9.5±0.5% animals/pen) and with "minimum" environment (8.4±0.5% animals/pen). The interaction with cork (34.3±4.4%) was greater when compared to chains (10.1±0.5%). The raw cork block was the most preferred (48.9 ± 9%), comparing to the agglomerate 8405/00 (5 cm) which had a lower interaction (8.4 ± 3%). In conclusion, tail docking may be an important tool in farms because it significantly decreases the caudophagia lesions. Environmental enrichment is crucial to decrease interactions with tails and ears and, consequently, decrease the incidence of caudophagia; the best results were obtained with weekly rotation of manipulables. Although there are already some studies, it is still important to aware the producers and companies involved in this sector, about the impact that these measures may have on the daily practices of farms.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Zootécnica.
Amputação de caudas Bem-estar animal Enriquecimento ambiental Manipuláveis Mordedura de caudas Tail docking Animal welfare Sanity Enrichment materials Manipulable Tail-biting