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O presente Relatório de Estágio constitui o reflexo das Práticas Supervisionadas desenvolvidas na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Faz parte integrante deste Relatório de Estágio uma investigação-ação relativa ao desenho infantil na educação pré-escolar.
O interesse por esta temática surgiu aquando no 1.º ciclo de estudos (Licenciatura em Educação Básica), nos foi proposto pela docente que lecionava a unidade curricular Didática da Expressão Plástica um trabalho que se focou na análise das caraterísticas gráficas do desenho, não tendo havido oportunidade de analisar a importância que este tem para a evolução e desenvolvimento das crianças.
O projeto de investigação foi implementado no ano letivo 2013/2014, numa sala de educação pré-escolar, com crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 4 e os 6 anos, na qual desenvolvemos a nossa prática pedagógica. A problemática deste estudo centrou-se, sobretudo, no modo como a expressão gráfica pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento integral e harmonioso da criança, em idade pré-escolar. Estabelecida a questão problema, definimos os objetivos que nos permitissem validá-la, designadamente: conhecer dados identificadores das etapas do desenho infantil; conhecer/analisar o contexto escolar na ação da produção do desenho das crianças; identificar o que as crianças pensam sobre o desenho; verificar se as crianças comunicam através do desenho conhecimentos “trabalhados”; verificar se o desenho contribui para a interiorização de conhecimentos transmitidos pela educadora.
Com base na questão problema e nos objetivos estabelecidos intitulámos este Relatório de Estágio “O desenho infantil na educação pré-escolar”, apostando numa metodologia de investigação de natureza qualitativa, recorrendo a uma multiplicidade de técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas à educadora cooperante e às crianças participantes no estudo; inquéritos realizados aos encarregados de educação; observação participante; notas de campo; registos áudio e fotográficos; registos gráficos realizados pelas crianças, permitiram-nos averiguar a consecução entre os objetivos e a problemática em questão.
Abstract: This Training Report was the reflection of Supervised Practice developed in pre-school education and the 1st cycle of basic education within the Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st cycle of basic education. Is an integral part of this Training Report an action research on child drawing in preschool education. Interest in this theme arose during the 1st cycle of studies (Bachelor in Elementary Education), was proposed by the teacher who taught the course Didactics of Plastic Expression work that focused on the analysis of graphic design features, having there was an opportunity to analyze the importance that this has for the evolution and development of children. The research project was implemented in the school year 2013/2014, a pre-school room, with children aged between 4 and 6 years, in which we develop our teaching practice. The problem of this study focused mainly on how the graphic expression may contribute to the full and harmonious development of the child in preschool. Established the issue problem, we set goals that allow us to validate it, namely: know data identifying the stages of children's drawings; know / analyze the school context in action production Children's drawing; identify what children think about the design; verify that children communicate through drawing knowledge "worked"; verify that the design contributes to the internalization of knowledge imparted by the teacher. Based on question problem and the established goals we have entitled this Training Report "Drawing in childhood early education", focusing on a qualitative research methodology, using a variety of techniques and data collection instruments: semi-structured interviews the cooperative educator and children participating in the study; surveys to parents and guardians; participant observation; field notes; audio records and photographic; graphic records made by children, allowed us to ascertain the achievement of the objectives and the problems in question.
Abstract: This Training Report was the reflection of Supervised Practice developed in pre-school education and the 1st cycle of basic education within the Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st cycle of basic education. Is an integral part of this Training Report an action research on child drawing in preschool education. Interest in this theme arose during the 1st cycle of studies (Bachelor in Elementary Education), was proposed by the teacher who taught the course Didactics of Plastic Expression work that focused on the analysis of graphic design features, having there was an opportunity to analyze the importance that this has for the evolution and development of children. The research project was implemented in the school year 2013/2014, a pre-school room, with children aged between 4 and 6 years, in which we develop our teaching practice. The problem of this study focused mainly on how the graphic expression may contribute to the full and harmonious development of the child in preschool. Established the issue problem, we set goals that allow us to validate it, namely: know data identifying the stages of children's drawings; know / analyze the school context in action production Children's drawing; identify what children think about the design; verify that children communicate through drawing knowledge "worked"; verify that the design contributes to the internalization of knowledge imparted by the teacher. Based on question problem and the established goals we have entitled this Training Report "Drawing in childhood early education", focusing on a qualitative research methodology, using a variety of techniques and data collection instruments: semi-structured interviews the cooperative educator and children participating in the study; surveys to parents and guardians; participant observation; field notes; audio records and photographic; graphic records made by children, allowed us to ascertain the achievement of the objectives and the problems in question.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
Desenho infantil Literatura infantil Aprendizagem significativa Representação e comunicação Children's drawing Children's literature Meaningful learning Representation and communication