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O cenário pandémico causado pelo COVID-19, vivido desde o início de 2020, levou à necessidade de alterar diversas rotinas, no foro pessoal e profissional, na sociedade. Com a necessidade de confinamento por largos períodos, a prática de teletrabalho foi adotada por diversas empresas. As pessoas viram-se limitadas nos seus hábitos de consumo o que proporcionou que as compras online atingissem níveis nunca alcançados. Conforme é apontado no estudo E-commerce Report dos CTT (2021), categorias como entregas de comida em casa, material de escritório e mesmo as plataformas de streaming foram aquelas que viram as suas vendas atingir um maior crescimento. Assim, passados dois anos, os hábitos de consumo e o estilo de vida para muitos Portugueses, são completamente diferentes àqueles que tinham antes da pandemia. Dados do INE (2022) indicam que cerca de um milhão de portugueses trabalha hoje a partir de casa e é com este alinhamento que, numa perspetiva empreendedora, surge a ideia de criar a “Whomit”, uma marca que pretende servir este segmento de público, num formato de e-commerce, com uma oferta direcionada para as necessidades no teletrabalho, mas também para o desporto e lazer, sendo que cada vez mais assumimos o nosso lar como o “centro de operações” da nossa vida. A “Whomit” pretende ser uma referência neste segmento, proporcionando uma oferta de produtos alinhados com as necessidades dos seus clientes, assim como um plano de conteúdos que será partilhado nas suas redes sociais com temáticas relacionadas com o quotidiano do seu público-alvo. Após uma revisão da literatura e análises do mercado, foi construído um plano de negócios com base no posicionamento e na oferta da marca, definindo assim os objetivos e as estratégias de marketing a executar. O plano financeiro apresentado indica que o projeto evidencia uma perspetiva de rendabilidade positiva desde o primeiro ano, sem necessidade de um investimento elevado e com um payback period de um ano.
Abstract The pandemic scenario caused by COVID-19, experienced since the beginning of 2020, led to the need to change various routines, both personally and professionally, in society. With the need for confinement, for long periods, the practice of homeoffice was adopted by several companies. People found themselves limited in their shopping habits, which allowed online shopping to reach levels never reached before. As is pointed out in the CTT study E-commerce Report (2021), categories such as home food deliveries, office supplies and even streaming platforms were those that saw their sales increase and achieve greater growth. After two years, shopping habits and lifestyle, for many Portuguese, are completely different from those they had before the pandemic. Data from INE (2022) indicate that around one million Portuguese people work from home today and it is with this alignment that, from an entrepreneurial perspective, the idea of creating “Whomit” arises, a brand that aims to serve this segment of the public. , in an e-commerce format, with an offer aimed at home office needs, but also at sports and leisure, with our home increasingly becoming the “operations center” of our lives. “Whomit” intends to be a reference in this segment, providing a range of products aligned with the needs of its customers, as well as a content plan that will be shared on its social networks with themes related to the daily life of its target audience. After a literature review and market analysis, a business plan was built based on the brand's positioning and offer, defining the objectives and marketing strategies to be implemented. The financial plan presented indicates that the project shows a perspective of positive profitability from the first year, without the need for a high investment and with a payback period of one year.
Abstract The pandemic scenario caused by COVID-19, experienced since the beginning of 2020, led to the need to change various routines, both personally and professionally, in society. With the need for confinement, for long periods, the practice of homeoffice was adopted by several companies. People found themselves limited in their shopping habits, which allowed online shopping to reach levels never reached before. As is pointed out in the CTT study E-commerce Report (2021), categories such as home food deliveries, office supplies and even streaming platforms were those that saw their sales increase and achieve greater growth. After two years, shopping habits and lifestyle, for many Portuguese, are completely different from those they had before the pandemic. Data from INE (2022) indicate that around one million Portuguese people work from home today and it is with this alignment that, from an entrepreneurial perspective, the idea of creating “Whomit” arises, a brand that aims to serve this segment of the public. , in an e-commerce format, with an offer aimed at home office needs, but also at sports and leisure, with our home increasingly becoming the “operations center” of our lives. “Whomit” intends to be a reference in this segment, providing a range of products aligned with the needs of its customers, as well as a content plan that will be shared on its social networks with themes related to the daily life of its target audience. After a literature review and market analysis, a business plan was built based on the brand's positioning and offer, defining the objectives and marketing strategies to be implemented. The financial plan presented indicates that the project shows a perspective of positive profitability from the first year, without the need for a high investment and with a payback period of one year.
Projeto Aplicado apresentado à Escola Superior de Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Empresas.
Empreendedorismo e-commerce Marketing digital Teletrabalho Desporto Entrepreneurship e-commerce Digital marketing Home office Sports