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The increasing acceptance of WiFi has created
unprecedented levels of congestion in the unlicensed frequency
bands, especially in densely populated areas. This results mainly
because of the unmanaged interference and uncoordinated op-
eration between WiFi access points. Radio Environment Maps
(REM) have been suggested as a support for coordination
strategies that optimize the overall WiFi network performance.
In this context, the main objective of this experiment is to assess
the benefit of a coordinated management of radio resources in
dense WiFi networks at 5 GHz band, using REMs for indoor
scenarios. It was shown that REMs can detect the presence of
interfering links on the network or coverage holes, and a suitable
coordination strategy can use this information to reconfigure
Access Points (AP) channel assignment and re-establish the client
connection, at a cost of diminishing the aggregate throughput
of the network. The technique of AP hand-off was tested to
balance the load from one AP to another. Using REMs, the Radio
Resource Management (RRM) strategy could reconfigure the
network to optimize the client distribution among available APs.
Although the aggregate throughput is lower after load balancing,
the RRM could increase the throughput of the overloaded AP.
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component of this work in other works.”
Interchannel interference; Interpolation Load management Throughput Wireless communication Wireless fidelity
DIONÍSION, Rogério [et al.] (2108) - Experimental assessment of RRM techniques in 5 GHz dense WiFi networks using REMs. In IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,19, Marrakesh, 2018. [S.l.]: IEEE. p. 80-85
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers