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Face à importância que a cultura da pera ‘Rocha’ representa no setor agrícola
nacional e em particular na região do Oeste, este trabalho pretende dotar as
Organizações de Produtores com uma ferramenta de apoio à gestão, visando
contribuir para o incremento da eficiência das práticas culturais e promovendo o
aumento do seu rendimento. Por conseguinte, este trabalho inicia-se com uma
breve revisão da literatura que procura identificar os principais pontos críticos
para o sucesso de uma exploração de pomares de pera ‘Rocha’. Posteriormente,
será apresentado o Manual de Instruções – ilustrado para maior simplificação – da
aplicação desenvolvida e que pode ser descarregado na plataforma online do
GesRocha ( Este instrumento funciona tendo por base a folha de
cálculo e permite um conjunto de análises de sensibilidade para a instalação e para
a exploração do pomar (com referência ao hectare), baseado nas folhas de cultura
da pera ‘Rocha’.
Abstract : Given the importance of the pear ‘Rocha’ for the Portuguese fruit production in particular in the west central coast (the “Oeste” region) of Portugal, this work is a contribution to increase the efficiency of the cultural practices performed by the farmers, by giving their organizations a management assistance tool to reallocate their resources and improve their income. Firstly, a brief literature review is presented, in order to identify the main critical factors for farming success in the pear ‘Rocha’ orchards, mostly, but not only, in the “Oeste” region of Portugal. Secondly, an illustrated Instruction Manual of the application is presented, to enable its comprehension and use. The Excel application, which may be downloaded from the GesRocha website (, goes along with an Excel spreadsheet that allows the User to perform a set of sensibility analysis based on the pear ‘Rocha’ culture sheets, to optimize the farm’s income.
Abstract : Given the importance of the pear ‘Rocha’ for the Portuguese fruit production in particular in the west central coast (the “Oeste” region) of Portugal, this work is a contribution to increase the efficiency of the cultural practices performed by the farmers, by giving their organizations a management assistance tool to reallocate their resources and improve their income. Firstly, a brief literature review is presented, in order to identify the main critical factors for farming success in the pear ‘Rocha’ orchards, mostly, but not only, in the “Oeste” region of Portugal. Secondly, an illustrated Instruction Manual of the application is presented, to enable its comprehension and use. The Excel application, which may be downloaded from the GesRocha website (, goes along with an Excel spreadsheet that allows the User to perform a set of sensibility analysis based on the pear ‘Rocha’ culture sheets, to optimize the farm’s income.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Agronómica.
Pera ‘Rocha’ Ferramenta Excel Apoio à gestão Pear ‘Rocha’ Excel Management support