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A qualidade alimentar é um problema identificado, mas todo o interesse que se
desenvolve, prende-se essencialmente com o consumidor. Este é cada vez mais exigente e
conhecedor dos seus direitos.
Os problemas associados à qualidade, não se limitam apenas aos restaurantes. Também
num estabelecimento hospitalar, a segurança alimentar atinge contornos especiais, pois
estamos perante uma população vulnerável. A salvaguarda do direito à proteção do
consumidor hospitalar está expresso na Resolução ResAP (2003)3. A existência de um
sistema de qualidade é importante para a sobrevivência e, continuidade de uma empresa.
Com este trabalho pretende-se conhecer o panorama nacional quanto à certificação e
acreditação das unidade de preparação de refeições hospitalares, conhecer as melhorias e
constrangimentos associados à implementação de sistema de gestão da qualidade. Face ao
conhecimento tido com a investigação levada a cabo, pretende-se apresentar uma proposta
ao Conselho de Administração da Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco, para
implementação da ISO 22000:2005, na cozinha do hospital de Castelo Branco.
Para a concretização do estudo, procedeu-se a uma análise da bibliografia associada à
temática e, aplicou-se um inquérito elaborado para o efeito, a 60 hospitais nacionais
identificados como entidade pública empresarial agregados em 28 centros hospitalares ou
unidades locais de saúde.
Os resultados obtidos indicam a existência de hospitais acreditados e certificados, em que
a maior parte não obteve apoio externo para a implementação dos sistemas de gestão da
qualidade. Não foram identificadas dificuldades de relevo na implementação dos sistemas. As
melhorias identificadas no estudo são consentâneas com a revisão bibliográfica realizada,
sendo a carga documental, o constrangimento identificado em grande parte das respostas. As
respostas obtidas apontam os gastos com o pessoal técnico, com a implementação e
manutenção do sistema, como um constrangimento para a não implementação de um sistema
de gestão da qualidade.
Abstract: The food quality is an identified problem, but an interest that develops relates mainly to the consumer. This is increasingly demanding and knowledgeable of their rights. The problems associated with quality, not limited to the restaurants. Also a hospital, food security reaches special contours, because we are dealing with a vulnerable population. Safeguarding the right to hospital consumer protection is expressed in Resolution ResAP (2003)3. The existence of a quality system is important for the survival and continuity of a company. This work was intended to meet the national scene as the certification and accreditation of preparation oh hospital meals drive, as well as hospital kitchens, know the improvements and constraints associated with the implementation of quality management system. Given the knowledge with the research carried out, we intend to submit a proposal to the board of directors of the local unit of Castelo Branco, for implementation of ISO 22000:2005, in Castelo Branco hospital kitchen. For study concretization, we proceeded to a bibliography of analysis associated with thematic and applied a survey prepared based for the purpose, the 60 national hospitals identified as a corporate public entity, aggregated into 28 hospitals or local health units. The results indicate the existence of accredited and certified hospitals, where most didn’t receive external support for the implementation of quality management systems. We found no difficulties in implementation of quality manage systems. Relief difficulties were identified in implementing the systems. The improvements identified in the study are consistent with the literature review, constraint identified in most of the answers. The answers obtained point spending on technical personnel implementing and maintaining the system as a constraint for the failure to implement a quality management system.
Abstract: The food quality is an identified problem, but an interest that develops relates mainly to the consumer. This is increasingly demanding and knowledgeable of their rights. The problems associated with quality, not limited to the restaurants. Also a hospital, food security reaches special contours, because we are dealing with a vulnerable population. Safeguarding the right to hospital consumer protection is expressed in Resolution ResAP (2003)3. The existence of a quality system is important for the survival and continuity of a company. This work was intended to meet the national scene as the certification and accreditation of preparation oh hospital meals drive, as well as hospital kitchens, know the improvements and constraints associated with the implementation of quality management system. Given the knowledge with the research carried out, we intend to submit a proposal to the board of directors of the local unit of Castelo Branco, for implementation of ISO 22000:2005, in Castelo Branco hospital kitchen. For study concretization, we proceeded to a bibliography of analysis associated with thematic and applied a survey prepared based for the purpose, the 60 national hospitals identified as a corporate public entity, aggregated into 28 hospitals or local health units. The results indicate the existence of accredited and certified hospitals, where most didn’t receive external support for the implementation of quality management systems. We found no difficulties in implementation of quality manage systems. Relief difficulties were identified in implementing the systems. The improvements identified in the study are consistent with the literature review, constraint identified in most of the answers. The answers obtained point spending on technical personnel implementing and maintaining the system as a constraint for the failure to implement a quality management system.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Inovação e Qualidade na Produção Alimentar.
Qualidade Certificação Acreditação Segurança alimentar Hospitais Entidade Pública Empresarial Quality Certification Accreditation Food security Corporate public hospital