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Num ambiente cada vez mais adverso em termos competitivos, torna-se relevante para as empresas e instituições apostarem em metodologias de trabalho que lhes permitam a obtenção de índices de produtividade acima das expetativas delineadas pela gestão. Os últimos anos foram impactantes caracterizando-se por novas realidades pautadas pela perda de liberdade e maior isolamento social. As pessoas foram forçadas a uma nova forma de estar e assistiu-se a uma organização e implementação do Teletrabalho em todas as áreas de atividade social e económica. A Administração Pública não foi exceção e procurou adaptar-se à realidade existente enfrentando um conjunto de desafios que surgiram com uma rapidez extrema. Pretende-se com este estudo através do objetivo geral, analisar as experiências e perspetivas dos trabalhadores da Administração Pública na adoção do Teletrabalho. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivos específicos, identificar qual a perceção dos trabalhadores da Administração Pública sobre o equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e profissional no contexto do Teletrabalho. Como é que as diferenças demográficas sexo e idade influenciam a perceção dos trabalhadores da Administração Pública e quais os principais desafios enfrentados pelos trabalhadores da Administração Pública ao adotar o Teletrabalho. E por fim, saber qual a perceção dos trabalhadores em relação à aplicabilidade do Teletrabalho na Administração Pública. Utilizou-se uma metodologia quantitativa através da aplicação de um questionário de forma online a organismos da Administração Pública, onde se obteve uma amostra de 311 inquiridos em que todas as respostas foram consideradas válidas. Os resultados permitem concluir que, de uma forma geral, os trabalhadores inquiridos encontraram-se motivados e aceitaram esta modalidade como práticas de trabalho na Administração Pública, mas sobressai a importância de haver condições de trabalho para a execução das tarefas, nomeadamente questões de ergonomia, equipamentos informáticos bem como o pagamento de despesas tais como, eletricidade e internet. O estudo salienta que, os trabalhadores da Administração Pública revelam um equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e profissional na adoção do Teletrabalho realçando uma maior qualidade de vida e satisfação pessoal e profissional. De realçar ainda que, as organizações em nada motivaram os seus funcionários para a realização das tarefas em regime de Teletrabalho. O estudo refere ainda, que para que esta modalidade funcione em pleno, deverá haver uma comunicação sólida entre chefias e funcionários e um conhecimento aprofundado em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Esta investigação promove o regime de Teletrabalho como forma e meio de aplicação desta modalidade na Administração Pública.
Abstract: In an increasingly adverse competitive environment, it becomes important for companies and institutions to participate in work methodologies that allow them to obtain productivity rates above the expectations outlined by management. The last few years have been impactful, characterized by new realities marked by the loss of freedom and bigger social isolation. People were forced into a new way of being and helped to organize and implement Teleworking in all areas of social and economic activity. Public Administration was no exception and adapted to the standing reality by facing a set of challenges that emerged extremely quickly. The overall aim of this study is to analyze the experiences and perspectives of Public Administration workers in adopting Teleworking. Consequently, this study has the specific purposes of identifying Public Administration workers' perception of the balance between personal and professional life in the context of Teleworking. How do demographic differences, genders, and age influence the perception of Public Administration workers and what are the main challenges faced by Public Administration workers when adopting Teleworking. Lastly, find out what workers’ perception is regarding the applicability of Teleworking in Public Administration. A quantitative methodology was used through the application of an online questionnaire to Public Administration bodies, where a sample of 311 respondents was obtained in which all responses were considered effective. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, the workers surveyed were motivated and accepted this modality as work practices in Public Administration, but the importance of having working conditions for carrying out tasks stands out, particularly ergonomic issues, computer equipment as well as payment of expenses such as energy and internet. The study highlights that Public Administration workers establish a balance between personal and professional life when adopting Teleworking, highlighting a greater quality of life and personal and professional satisfaction. It should also be noted that the organizations did not motivate their employees to carry out tasks via teleworking. The study also states that for this modality to work fully, there must be solid communication between managers and employees and in-depth knowledge of Communication and Information Technologies. This investigation promotes the Teleworking regime as a way and means of applying this modality in Public Administration.
Abstract: In an increasingly adverse competitive environment, it becomes important for companies and institutions to participate in work methodologies that allow them to obtain productivity rates above the expectations outlined by management. The last few years have been impactful, characterized by new realities marked by the loss of freedom and bigger social isolation. People were forced into a new way of being and helped to organize and implement Teleworking in all areas of social and economic activity. Public Administration was no exception and adapted to the standing reality by facing a set of challenges that emerged extremely quickly. The overall aim of this study is to analyze the experiences and perspectives of Public Administration workers in adopting Teleworking. Consequently, this study has the specific purposes of identifying Public Administration workers' perception of the balance between personal and professional life in the context of Teleworking. How do demographic differences, genders, and age influence the perception of Public Administration workers and what are the main challenges faced by Public Administration workers when adopting Teleworking. Lastly, find out what workers’ perception is regarding the applicability of Teleworking in Public Administration. A quantitative methodology was used through the application of an online questionnaire to Public Administration bodies, where a sample of 311 respondents was obtained in which all responses were considered effective. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, the workers surveyed were motivated and accepted this modality as work practices in Public Administration, but the importance of having working conditions for carrying out tasks stands out, particularly ergonomic issues, computer equipment as well as payment of expenses such as energy and internet. The study highlights that Public Administration workers establish a balance between personal and professional life when adopting Teleworking, highlighting a greater quality of life and personal and professional satisfaction. It should also be noted that the organizations did not motivate their employees to carry out tasks via teleworking. The study also states that for this modality to work fully, there must be solid communication between managers and employees and in-depth knowledge of Communication and Information Technologies. This investigation promotes the Teleworking regime as a way and means of applying this modality in Public Administration.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Gestão de Idanha-a-Nova do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Empresas.
Teletrabalho Satisfação no trabalho Impacto no Serviço Público Administração Pública Perceção Teleworking Job satisfaction Impact on Public Service Public Administration Perception