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A vida agitada nos centros urbanos faz com que os consumidores optem por produtos saborosos, previamente preparados, fáceis de consumir e a preços acessíveis.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de fruta em pó, à base de medronho e dióspiro cv. Rojo Brilhante e cv. Fau fau. Snacks e goma de dióspiro cv. Rojo Brilhante, com a finalidade de possibilitar o consumo destas frutas sazonais, subaproveitadas na região de Castelo Branco, criando produtos saudáveis e evitando o desperdício alimentar.
Os frutos foram desidratados por convecção a 60 °C e com uma velocidade do ar de 1,2 m s-1, alcançando humidade final de 1 % no medronho em pó, 3 % no dióspiro em pó. Nos snacks 1,52 % na rodela, 1,60 % no palito, 3,23 % no cubo e 14 % na goma. Sendo estudada a sua cinética através de curvas de desidratação. A qualidade destes produtos foi avaliada através de parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos.
Os frutos em fresco e desidratados foram avaliados nutricionalmente, realçando no medronho o perfil de ácidos gordos, destacando-se o ácido linolénico (C18:3) (29,38 % em medronho fresco e 31,17 % e 21,19 % em medronho desidratado lote 1 e 2, respetivamente), ácido oleico (C18:1) (27,67 % em medronho fresco e 27,42 % e 30,26 % em medronho desidratado lote 1 e 2, respetivamente) e ácido linoleico (C18:2) (20,19 % em medronho fresco e 22,54 % e 20,77 % em medronho desidratado lote 1 e 2, respetivamente). Quanto ao dióspiro os predominantes foram o ácido palmítico (C16:0) (26,01 % e 21,69 % no dióspiro em pó e goma, respetivamente) e o ácido oleico (C18:1) (18,70 % e 25,88 % no dióspiro em pó e goma, respetivamente).
Os snacks (rodela, palito e cubo) de dióspiro foram avaliados sensorialmente por um painel de 60 provadores não treinados, através do teste de ordenação, atribuindo a pontuação entre 1 a 3 pontos, segundo a sua preferência, sendo o snack rodela o mais apreciado com uma aprovação de 47 %. De seguida, realizou-se o teste de aceitação, aos snacks de dióspiro (rodela, palito, cubo) e goma, onde foram consideradas as variáveis sensoriais definindo como limite de aceitação 5,0 pontos, numa escala de 1 a 9. Todos foram aceites, com pontuações compreendidas entre 5,15 e 7,33 pontos.
Abstract: The type of living in an urban environment makes consumers choose tasty products, that were previously prepared, easy to consume and at affordable prices. This work aimed to the development of powdered fruit, based on strawberry tree fruit and persimmon of cultivar(cv) Rojo Brilhante and cv. Fau fau. Snacks and a gum of cv. Rojo Brilhante, whith this enabling the consumption of these seasonal fruits, which are underused in the region of Castelo Branco and creating healthy products whith the plus of avoiding waste of food. The fruits were dehydrated by convection at 60 °C and with an air velocity of 1.2 m s-1, reaching a final moisture of 1 % in powdered strawberry tree fruit, 3 % in powdered persimmon. In snacks 1.52 % in the slice, 1.60 % in the chip, 3.23 % in the cube and 14% in the gum. Its kinetics are demonstraded through dehydration curves. The quality of these products was evaluated through physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. Fresh and dehydrated fruits were nutritionally evaluated, enhancing the fatty acid profile in strawberry tree fruit, highlighting linolenic acid (C18:3) (29.38 % in fresh arbutus and 31.17 % and 21.19 % in strawberry tree fruit dehydrated batch 1 and 2), oleic acid (C18:1) (27.67 % in fresh strawberry tree fruit and 27.42 % and 30.26 % in dehydrated strawberry tree fruit, batch 1 and 2) and linoleic acid (C18: 2) (20.19 % in fresh arbutus and 22.54 % and 20.77 % in dehydrated strawberry tree fruit, batch 1 and 2). As for persimmon, the predominant were palmitic acid (C16:0) (26.01 % and 21.69 % in persimmon powder and gum) and oleic acid (C18:1) (18.70 % and 25, 88 % in persimmon powder and gum). Persimmon snacks (slice, chip and cube) were sensory evaluated by a panel of 60 untrained tasters, through a ranking test, attributing a score between 1 and 3 points, according to their preference, with the slice snack being the most appreciated with an approval of 47%. Was carried too for persimmon snacks (slice, chip, cube) and gum a acceptance test, defining 5.0 points as the acceptance limit, on a scale from 1 to 9. All were accepted, with scores ranging between 5.15 and 7.33 points.
Abstract: The type of living in an urban environment makes consumers choose tasty products, that were previously prepared, easy to consume and at affordable prices. This work aimed to the development of powdered fruit, based on strawberry tree fruit and persimmon of cultivar(cv) Rojo Brilhante and cv. Fau fau. Snacks and a gum of cv. Rojo Brilhante, whith this enabling the consumption of these seasonal fruits, which are underused in the region of Castelo Branco and creating healthy products whith the plus of avoiding waste of food. The fruits were dehydrated by convection at 60 °C and with an air velocity of 1.2 m s-1, reaching a final moisture of 1 % in powdered strawberry tree fruit, 3 % in powdered persimmon. In snacks 1.52 % in the slice, 1.60 % in the chip, 3.23 % in the cube and 14% in the gum. Its kinetics are demonstraded through dehydration curves. The quality of these products was evaluated through physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. Fresh and dehydrated fruits were nutritionally evaluated, enhancing the fatty acid profile in strawberry tree fruit, highlighting linolenic acid (C18:3) (29.38 % in fresh arbutus and 31.17 % and 21.19 % in strawberry tree fruit dehydrated batch 1 and 2), oleic acid (C18:1) (27.67 % in fresh strawberry tree fruit and 27.42 % and 30.26 % in dehydrated strawberry tree fruit, batch 1 and 2) and linoleic acid (C18: 2) (20.19 % in fresh arbutus and 22.54 % and 20.77 % in dehydrated strawberry tree fruit, batch 1 and 2). As for persimmon, the predominant were palmitic acid (C16:0) (26.01 % and 21.69 % in persimmon powder and gum) and oleic acid (C18:1) (18.70 % and 25, 88 % in persimmon powder and gum). Persimmon snacks (slice, chip and cube) were sensory evaluated by a panel of 60 untrained tasters, through a ranking test, attributing a score between 1 and 3 points, according to their preference, with the slice snack being the most appreciated with an approval of 47%. Was carried too for persimmon snacks (slice, chip, cube) and gum a acceptance test, defining 5.0 points as the acceptance limit, on a scale from 1 to 9. All were accepted, with scores ranging between 5.15 and 7.33 points.
Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Inovação e Qualidade na Produção Alimentar.
Medronho Dióspiro Snack Fruta em pó e desidratação Strawberry tree fruit Persimmon Powdered fruit and dehydration