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- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Production Economics and Project EvaluationPublication . Farinha, Luís; Araújo, Madalena; Rigueiro, Constança; Raposo, Daniel; Neves, João Vasco; Anjos, O.; Dionísio, Rogério PaisInternational Conference on Production Economics and Project Evaluation.
- Os contributos do Projeto Ordo Christi para conhecimento e divulgação do património da Beira InteriorPublication . Castilho, M.L.C.; Silva, Ricardo J. Nunes da; Pinho, Joana; Neves, João Vasco; Raposo, Daniel; Desterro, Teresa; Paiva, Teresa Maria; Ramos, Elsa; Rodrigues, Joana; Serrão, Vitor; Grilo, FernadoO projeto do Ordo Chriti - Património Artístico da Ordem de Cristo entre o Zézere e o Tejo (séc. XV e XVI) procura contribuir para o estudo, valorização e divulgação do património artístico da Beira Interior que se encontra inerente à Ordem de Cristo.
- Guidance and public information systems : diagnosis and harmonization of tourist signagePublication . Neves, João Vasco; Silva, Fernando Moreira da; Raposo, Daniel; Silva, José Gago da; Ribeiro, Rogério Paulo dos Santos; Correia, Ricardo Andrade LopesThe greater influx of tourists to certain territories raised the need to inform, guide and communicate basic messages, with a universal language, expressed through various analog and digital supports. This proliferation of means has led to a profusion of guidance and public information systems, some of which are regulated (such as the traffic signs system, signaling of routes and paths or the signaling of protected areas) and other unregulated systems (such as the signaling of religious, equestrian, municipal, historical, heritage and cultural routes, etc.). This article is the result of an ongoing research project, which aims to systematize tourist signage in Portugal, in order to satisfy and induce the potential or real demand for guidance, direction and information of tourists, in a clear and precise way, in addition to transmitting a unique and homogeneous image of the tourist product. Its scope will provide a clear reference framework, which facilitates the implementation of a normalized system by the organizations responsible for the standardization and implementation of tourist signage in Portugal.
- Gamification in communicating the concept of circular economy : a design approachPublication . Silva, José Gago da; Raposo, Daniel; Neves, João Vasco; Silva, Fernando Moreira da; Ribeiro, Rogério Paulo dos Santos; Fernandes, Maria EduardaThis paper aims to present a paradigm regarding the circular economy (CE) concept's communication, referring to the difficulty presented by the type of reflexivity involved in the circular economy process. We conduct an exploratory study methodology intended “to develop pertinent hypotheses and propositions for further inquiry, a study developed in the context of the project, Program INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020, REiNOVA_SI (Re-industrialization of the agri-food sector - Sustainability and Innovation) is a transnational cooperation project between Portugal and Spain which aims to promote the use of circular economy practices in agri-food micro-enterprises and SMEs. The paper draws the hypothesis, in Design thinking context, that gamification can induce a reflexivity thinking on CE, specifically on Agrofood entrepreneurs in the Portuguese context. Reflexivity could empower the connection between the company and its local context and stakeholders dissuading the drivers for abroad markets positioning.
- Contribution of visual ergonomics to a holistic view of the symbols applied in touristic and cultural signage: the portuguese casePublication . Neves, João Vasco; Silva, Fernando Moreira da; Raposo, Daniel; Silva, José Gago daTraffic signs are not globally standardized, and there are different signage systems all over the world. The system of traffic signaling in Portugal comes from the European System, ratified on 19th September 1949 in Geneva, which has slowly evolved, with occasional changes and often driven by international agreements. Currently the road signaling system is regulated by the Regulatory Decree No. 22-A/98 of October 1st, which approves the Traffic Signaling Regulation. For the present research it is vital to include, in the vertical signaling system to be placed on public roads, tourist-cultural signaling, which is intended to convey information about places, buildings or groups of buildings and other motifs of particular relevance (cultural, historical-heritage or landscape). Following a first case study, it was found that not all pictograms present in vertical signaling are perceptible and understandable. The level of simplification and development of pictograms for application in projects for vertical signaling is very disparate, some of them extremely simplified and easily perceptible and other require a higher level of interpretation by the user, due to sign complexity.
- Design and communication for the territory : promotion and enhancement of heritage based on tourist routesPublication . Neves, João Vasco; Silva, Ricardo J. Nunes da; Raposo, Daniel; Silva, José Gago da; Martins, Nuno; Brandão, DanielThis article results from the analysis of results of the Ordo Christi Project - Artistic Heritage of the Order of Christ between Zêzere and Tejo rivers (15th and 16th centuries), developed by the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and other organizations in Portugal. This document focuses on integrated communication and the theme of information design. The investigative process starts from the case study of the Ordo Christi Project, namely the analysis of the supports and means of communication developed, applying a interventionist research methodology, qualitative basis. The project aimed to promote knowledge and contribute to make historiographic information clearer and more accessible to society, seeking its applicability for tourism and educational purposes. For the pursuit of the proposed objectives, it was found in communication and information design the strategic tools for divulgation of the results and the developed routes, expressed through multiple means of information, dissemination and promotion.
- Designing the visual communication strategy. A creative workshop to boost communication effectivenessPublication . Raposo, Daniel; Neves, João Vasco; Paiva, Teresa Maria; Veríssimo, Maria de FátimaThe main purpose of this article is to contribute to facilitate the understanding and the design of an integrated Communication Strategy. The specific literature tends to be generic and complex, with few proposals that are easy to understand, teach and implement in design projects. This study used a mixed methodology, with a non-interventionist component based on a literature review and an active research part, where an exploratory project was developed to visualise and improve the understanding and use of a vast number of concepts inherent in a Visual Communication Strategy. The results consist of card sorting to be used by working groups, with the aim of creating conditions for co-operation, avoiding the linearity of the process, as well as ensuring that the proposals are robust and grounded in the company's general strategy, research, and objectives, as well as being sustainable in terms of resources and efficient in terms of their alignment with the profiling of the recipients.
- Visual identity design as a cultural interface of a territoryPublication . Raposo, Daniel; Neves, João Vasco; Peres, Maria de Fátima; Paiva, Teresa Maria; Amaral, Mariana; Silva, José Gago da; Silva, Fernando Moreira daThe purpose of the article is to study how the brand’s visual identity contributes to the understanding, accessibility and enjoyment of information, adapting the message to different cultures and profiles of people, users or target audiences. Identity promotes sustainability and respect for people’s quality of life. The methodology used is mixed, including a non-interventionist phase consisting in the study of competing brands, audience map and persona method and an interventionist component through project-grounded design research, which includes participatory methods such as co-design and Design thinking. The results are a visual identity of the mountain olive oils brand that acts simultaneously as an interface of representation of the collective, the individual and the region (internal audiences), fulfilling the expectations and needs of the target public and other stakeholders. Design principles and good practices are also defined to ensure that visual identity continues to function as a cultural interface of the territory in a sustainable logic and not just business requirements.
- Brand Marks' performance in digital mediaPublication . Raposo, Daniel; Correia, Ricardo Andrade Lopes; Ribeiro, Rogério Paulo dos Santos; Neves, João VascoThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the graphic resistance and visual performance of Brand Marks in use on websites and social media. It aims to bring knowledge about the impact of digital media on the design of contemporary Brand Marks, but especially the limitations observed in brand trademarks originated during the 20th century or previously. Considering nowadays impact of online and digital communication, the internet of things, and the diversity of multiple screen dimensions, it is important to take a closer look at the performance of Brand Marks on websites, responsive web pages, audio-visuals, and social media. This topic is very relevant when studying or developing flexible systems of brand identification or even Brand Mark variants and respective visual guidelines. Specifically, we intend to observe how the design of Brand Marks and the digital environment compromise the graphic coherence of Visual Identity and brand identification. A systematic methodology was adopted, with a non-interventionist base, with the case study of 32 large and international brands. The results consist in the identification of a set of principles and graphic features which Brand Marks should follow to ensure its recognition, the coherence of Visual Identity and brand identification.
- Investigação e ensino em Design e Música IIIPublication . Neves, João Vasco; Castilho, M.L.C.; Dias, Rui; Raposo, DanielEste livro é resultado do EIMAD 2022 – 8º Encontro Internacional de Investigação em Música, Artes e Design, que teve lugar de 7 a 8 de Julho, em Castelo Branco, Portugal. O livro inclui os artigos curtos, submetidos ao EIMAD 2022 e aprovados pelo processo de revisão por pares, dupla e cega. A conferência mantém a missão de divulgar, alavancar e promover a investigação nos campos do Design, da Música, das Artes e suas intersecções. Esta missão ganhou maior relevância com a COVID-19 e a atual situação geopolítica, uma vez que se repensam conceitos de mobilidade, das fronteiras terrestres e a globalização. O EIMAD 2022 adota um modelo híbrido, acontecendo online e presencialmente, o que poderá permitir o aumento da participação e o impacto do congresso. Participam 162 autores de países como Tailândia, Malásia e Índia, Brasil, Equador e Estados Unidos da América, Portugal, Itália, Irlanda do Norte, Espanha, Alemanha e Suíça, assinalando o crescimento e notoriedade do encontro a nível internacional. Sem comprometer a incumbência de disseminar resultados e processos de investigação, em linhas específicas ou campos transdisciplinares, o EIMAD 2022 associa-se ao projeto Nova Bauhaus Europeia (New European Bauhaus – NEB), promovido pela Comissão Europeia. O NEB tem um âmbito reformista centrando-se na resolução de problemas sociais e na transição climática da UE de modo mais estético, sustentável e inclusivo. As comunicações dos quatro keynote speakers estão alinhadas ao New European Bauhaus, bem como os artigos de diversos autores. Deste modo, este livro inclui resultados de investigação, diferentes abordagens, novos avanços de conhecimento sobre questões sociais e técnicas em Design, Música, Artes, relativas à prática profissional, ensino e educação. Os capítulos do livro estão organizados em três secções: – Design e Ensino do Design; – Música, Musicologia e Ensino de Música; – Áreas de Intersecção. Na primeira secção, encontramos capítulos com o propósito de compreender como as condições do contexto de ensino-aprendizagem impactam no ensino do design, face à abordagem de problemas complexos; uma proposta de um modelo conceptual de análise de tendências socioculturais, com vista à gestão visual de projetos em ambiente colaborativo; uma análise da efemeridade dos participantes da moda no Brasil; uma revisão do sentido e codificação das imagem como meios de comunicação; um caso de estudo sobre ilustrações de figurinos para teatro; um estudo sobre vestuário para idosos com limitações decorrentes de patologias degenerativas das articulações; uma proposta de ação de design social que liga a xilogravura à consciencialização ambiental através do design de superfície e, por fim, uma revisão da literatura sobre o branding das marcas de moda, particularmente a comunicação que mantém a relação com os consumidores e atrai novos clientes. No que diz respeito à segunda parte, está incluído um estudo sobre a canção como recurso didático e pedagógico facilitador do desenvolvimento de competências musicais e técnicas do violoncelo; uma análise de diversas abordagens utilizadas na formação musical; uma investigação-ação sobre as dificuldades de aquisição da leitura rítmica verificadas em contexto de sala de aula; um estudo de caso descritivo sobre o Ensemble Dias de Música Electroacústica – Collegium Musicum Electroacústico; um estudo sobre processos de registo, classificação e expressão de informação de diferentes fontes para uso educativo, turístico e museológico. Já a terceira parte, inclui um estudo de caso sobre conceção e desenvolvimento de produtos personalizados, com recurso à tecnologia de fabrico aditivo, para apoiar indivíduos com limitações físicas na aprendizagem de instrumentos musicais, um estudo de caso sobre a obra do escultor Cesare Sighinolfi em Portugal, e por fim uma revisão da literatura e casos descritivos na interseção da escultura com a joalharia.