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da Costa Oliveira Veloso Macedo, Abel

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  • Use of digestate and cattle slurry as alternative sources for crop fertilisation : effects on ryegrass production.
    Publication . Monteiro, M.C.H.; Carneiro, J.P.; Batista, Marta; Dias, Isabel; Veloso, Abel
    This work aims to compare the effects of slurry, digestate and a mineral fertiliser on the yield of Lolium sp. A pot trial was conducted in a Dystric Regosol with ryegrass sown in December 2018. Treatments were: Control (without fertilisation), mineral fertiliser (MF), digestate (DG) and cattle slurry (CS). MF was applied at an Ni rate of 85 kg ha-1 at sowing and 42.5 kg ha-1 at the first cut and the remaining 42.5 kg ha-1 at the second cut. DG and CS were applied at a rate corresponding to the application of 170 N kg ha-1 only at sowing (170No) or with 85 kg No ha-1 at sowing and 42.5 kg Ni ha-1 at the first cut and the same amount at the second cut. MF, DG and CS treatments were also done with and without the application of 35 kg P ha-1 at sowing as single superphosphate. Irrespective to the fertilisers used the fertilisation increased significantly (p < 0.001) the crop yield. DG and CS showed similar yields between the same treatments. MF showed the highest yield that was similar to DG with No+Ni application and to CS with only No or No+Ni but always with P fertilisation.
  • The effect of controlled atmosphere storage on fruit quality and postharvest performance of ‘Sweet Henry’ peach cultivar
    Publication . Veloso, Abel; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Andrade, L.P.; Espírito Santo, Christophe; Resende, Mafalda; Silva, Pedro Dinho da; Teixeira, M.C.C.; Simões, M.P.
    Peach is a highly perishable climacteric fruit. Cold storage is the most widely used method for peach storage, delaying fruit deterioration. This study describes the experimental tests developed to evaluate the evolution of peach characteristics under different storage conditions of controlled (CA) and normal atmosphere (NA) of ‘Sweet Henry’ cultivar. Tests were performed in refrigeration chambers in industrial and laboratory facilities, throughout 2years. In the controlled atmosphere chamber, the tests were performed with 3different concentrations of O2 and CO2, namely 3 treatments of controlled atmosphere (2% O2-5% CO2, 2% O2-10%CO2and 2% O2-15% CO2), 2treatments of normal atmosphere (at Research Centre and at FarmersOrganization facilities). From each treatment, peach samples were extracted and analyzed at 14, 21, 28, 35 (for all treatments) and at 42, 49, and 56 days(for controlled atmosphere). The analysis of the biometric parameters NDASHsize, weight, color, firmness, total soluble solids, acidity – were performed inorder to evaluate peach quality. In FO treatment, a weight loss of -13% in 2020 and -11% in 2021 was observed after 35 days. In NA treatment the maximum weight loss was -5% after 35 days of storage. A decrease of fruit firmness and acidity content was observed in all the treatments throughout time, but firmness remain globally similar between CA treatments. The CA treatments maintained the fruit quality in terms of weight, and firmness, thus increasing fruit market life. First chilling injury (CI) symptoms were observed at 35 + 2days of storage. The treatment 2% O2-15% CO2 allowed fruit firmness maintenance, the minimal decrease of acidity content and low CI incidence of Sweet Henry cultivar for a storage period of 56 days.
  • New flavour bars with cherry, almond and honey
    Publication . Pintado, Cristina Miguel; Veloso, Abel; Maria, Zamira; Silveira, Ana; Beato, Helena; Andrade, L.P.; Delgado, F.M.G.
  • Production and nutritional composition of two annual ryegrass cultivars (Diploid and Tetraploid)
    Publication . Rodrigues, A.M.; Veloso, Abel; Vaz, Edgar Santa Rita; Almeida, J.P.F.
    The feed cost represents the major cost in milk production. Direct grazing and forage produced on the dairy farm could allow the farmer to a better feed production cost control. Ryegrass have been extensively used for grazing and forage production. This study evaluates the production and nutritional composition of two ryegrass cultivars diploid and tetraploid alone or in a binary mixture (50:50). The results showed that the binary mixture is a good option because of its higher production of DM/ha, higher ME and NFC and lower content of NDF, ADF and ADL.
  • Efeito das condições de conservação na análise sensorial de cerejas da cv. Satin
    Publication . Espírito Santo, Christophe; Veloso, Abel; Pintado, Cristina Miguel; Andrade, L.P.; Simões, M.P.
    Efeito das condições de conservação na análise sensorial de cerejas da cv. Satin, apresenta os resultados da análise sensorial das cerejas sujeitos às diferentes modalidades e tempos de conservação, que inclui a utilização de Atmosfera Normal e Atmosfera Controlada.
  • Efeito de diferentes condições de conservação (atmosfera normal e atmosfera controlada) na qualidade dos pêssegos da cv. Sweet Henry
    Publication . Simões, M.P.; Veloso, Abel; Teixeira, M.C.C.; Beato, Helena; Paulo, Luísa; Resende, Mafalda; Pintado, Cristina Miguel; Espírito Santo, Christophe; Andrade, L.P.; Morais, Diogo; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis
    Efeito de diferentes condições de conservação (atmosfera normal e atmosfera controlada) na qualidade dos pêssegos da cv. Sweet Henry, apresenta os resultados de um ensaio de conservação, que decorreu durante 4 anos, que compreende a utilização de Atmosfera Normal e Atmosfera Controlada, com vista ao prolongamento da vida útil dos pêssegos.
  • Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin
    Publication . Espírito Santo, Christophe; Resende, Mafalda; Caseiro, Catarina; Beato, Helena; Reis, João; Brandão, Inês; Silveira, Ana; Riscado, Ana; Baptista, Cátia; Pintado, Cristina Miguel; Veloso, Abel; Ferreira, Dora; Andrade, L.P.; Nunes, José; Simões, M.P.; Morais, Diogo; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Silva, Pedro Dinho da
    A cereja é muito apreciada e apresenta um tempo de comercialização muito curto devido a ser um fruto altamente perecível. Técnicas de conservação pós-colheita são essenciais para manter a qualidade da cereja até serem consumidas. Baixas temperaturas são utilizadas para retardar o processo de deterioração da fruta e como complemento a aplicação de atmosferas controladas permite retardar o processo de amadurecimento e envelhecimento. A diminuição de oxigénio e o aumento de dióxido de carbono e azoto inibe o amadurecimento, mantendo o sabor e a qualidade da fruta. Neste trabalho experimental, cerejas da cultivar Satin foram conservadas em câmaras de refrigeração no produtor e nas instalações do CATAA com equipamento de atmosferas controladas. Quatro atmosferas controladas com diferentes combinações de oxigénio e dióxido de carbono foram testadas e o seu efeito na qualidade das cerejas foi avaliado. Ao longo do tempo de conservação as cerejas foram analisadas a diferentes níveis: qualidade (peso, dureza, cor e sólidos solúveis totais), microbiológico e organolético. Os resultados de temperatura e humidade no produtor e no CATAA, foram comparados e indicam que ambas as situações apresentam ótimas condições de conservação. No entanto, complementar a conservação com atmosferas controladas sugere que a qualidade da cereja é mantida por mais tempo, através da minimização do envelhecimento e processo de amadurecimento.
  • Use of olive mill waste compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the fertilization of ryegrass
    Publication . Carneiro, J.P.; Monteiro, M.C.H.; Veloso, Abel; Soto, Jesús; Almeida, C.A.M.; Nunes, José Manuel; Andrade, L.P.
    Organic matter has an unquestionable important role in agriculture productivity due to its capacity to store water and nutrients, increase of the soil biodiversity and immobilize pollutants. Although fresh olive mill waste has phytotoxic properties, its compost can be used as a fertilizer. Mycorrhizal fungi can, potentially, increase crop productivity due to its relation with higher water and nutrients absorption by the roots. This work intended to evaluate the application of mycorrhizal fungi and composted olive mill waste on biomass production of ryegrass. The results showed that the olive mill waste compost could be used as an alternative source of fertiliser for ryegrass, but there must be a simultaneous application of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. In that case, the application of mycrorrhizal fungi demonstrated to be able to improve ryegrass forage yield.
  • Effect of controlled atmospheres and environmental conditions on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of sweet cherry cultivar Satin
    Publication . Andrade, L.P.; Veloso, Abel; Espírito Santo, Christophe; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Silva, Pedro Dinho da; Resende, Mafalda; Beato, Helena; Batista, Cátia; Pintado, Cristina Miguel; Paulo, Luísa; Simões, M.P.
    Sweet cherry is a highly appreciated seasonal fruit with a high content of bioactive compounds; however, this highly perishable fruit has a relatively short shelf-life period. Here, we evaluated the evolution of the physicochemical and sensory qualities of sweet cherries (Prunus avium (L.) cv. Satin) under different storage conditions, namely at a Farmers’ Organization (FO) and in a Research Centre (RC) under normal and four different conditions of controlled atmosphere for 49 days. Additional parameters were monitored, such as rotten fruit incidence and stem appearance. Temperature was the factor that most influenced the fruit quality changes over the study time. In fact, fruits stored at higher mean temperatures showed higher weight loss, higher variation in CIE-Lab colour parameters, higher firmness loss, and browner and more dehydrated stems and were less appealing to the consumer. Controlled atmosphere conditions showed a smaller decrease in CIE-Lab colour parameters and lower weight loss. The incidence of rotting was very low and was always equal or lower than 2% for all conditions. Thus, RC chamber conditions were able to sustain fruit quality parameters over 28 days under normal atmosphere conditions and 49 days under controlled atmosphere conditions.
  • Manutenção do solo em pomares de pessegueiro – monitorização da ocupação do solo por infestantes
    Publication . Veloso, Abel; Fonseca, Hugo Alexandre Vidinha; Barateiro, Anabela; Ramos, Cristina; Lopes, Sandra; Fragoso, Preciosa; Vieira, Francisco José Pereira; Silvino, Paulo; Ferreira, Dora; Ramos, António Santos; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Simões, M.P.
    Manutenção do solo em pomares de pessegueiro – monitorização da ocupação do solo por infestantes, apresenta os resultados da monitorização do desenvolvimento das infestantes em 4 pomares ao longo do ciclo, durante 3 ciclos vegetativos consecutivos.