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- Characterization of three monovariety olive oils of Beira Baixa (Portugal)Publication . Peres, Maria de Fátima; Henriques, Luís; Alves, M.C. Pinheiro; Lopes, P. SimõesBeira Baixa olive oil is mainly produced with Galega cv. Galega olive ouil is veryu stable and provides flavour and taste that are traditional for portuguese consumers. Bical and Cordovil de Castelo Branco cvs. are also important in the olive grove of the region. The goal of this study is to understand the role of the composition of the monovariety olive oils (mainly fatty acid composition and total phenol compounds) on the quality of Beira Baixa olive oil. Results for sterols are also shown.
- Oil content of three olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) in Beira Baixa (Portugal)Publication . Alves, M.C. Pinheiro; Lopes, P. Simões; Henriques, Luís; Peres, Maria de FátimaThe three main cultivars of Olea europaea L. at Beira Baixa are Galega vulgar, Bical and Cordovil de Castelo Branco. Humidity and oil content, by NMR, for the monovariety olive pastes were studied for two years, 1998/99 and 1999/2000.The results showed that Galega vulgar had significantly lower oil content when compared with Bical and Cordovil de Castelo Branco; but Bical and Cordovil de Castelo Branco did not differ significantly from each other concerning this parameter.The humidity values observed for the three cultivars are significantly different: Cordovil presents similar values during the three harvests while Galega vulgar and Bical showed their maximum values at the second harvest.
- Polifenóis e tocoferóis em azeites monovarietaisPublication . Gouveia, Cecília; Peres, Maria de Fátima; Vitorino, Conceição; Henriques, Luís; Alves, M.C. PinheiroEste trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo dos polifenóis totais, orto-difenóis e tocoferóis nos azeites monovarietais mais representativos da parte sul do distrito de Castelo Branco: ‘Galega’, ‘Bical’ e ‘Cordovil’. O estudo incidiu em azeites extraídos em sistema Oliomio 50, provenientes de árvores das três cultivares localizadas nos concelhos de Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco e Vila Velha de Ródão. Os resultados revelam que os azeites ‘Bical’ e ‘Cordovil’ apresentam os valores médios mais altos de polifenóis totais bem como de orto-difenóis. Os azeites ‘Galega’ e ‘Bical’ apresentaram teores médios de a-tocoferol muito semelhantes e mais elevados relativamente aos valores médios dos azeites ‘Cordovil’.