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O presente relatório tem como objetivo descrever as funções e competências desenvolvidas pela mestranda, no âmbito da realização do estágio curricular, no atelier Filipa Borges Nascimento Arquitectura e Interiores, sediada em Coimbra, Portugal.
Esta formação decorreu com o intuito de aquisição do grau de Mestre em Design de Interiores e Mobiliário através da Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco.
No decorrer do período de estágio foi possível ter contato com a grande maioria das etapas de desenvolvimento de projeto, desde sua conceção, desenvolvimento e acompanhamento de obra até a finalização e montagem final na casa dos clientes. Ter a oportunidade de aplicar novos conhecimentos adquiridos, no primeiro ano de mestrado em design de interiores e mobiliário, no universo profissional, foi de um imenso ganho, contribuindo cada vez mais ao desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional da mestranda.
No relatório de estágio a seguir é possível observar a trajetória curricular da mestranda no decorrer de sete meses de estágio curricular. De maneira geral, o percurso conta com a participação em sete projetos, entre eles a maioria residencial e um projeto comercial na área da saúde. Para além dos trabalhos realizados no atelier, houve a oportunidade de visitar duas feiras nacionais na área do design de interiores e mobiliário, a Homeing e a Architect@Work. Com o objetivo de contextualizar o período de maneira pormenorizada, o presente relatório conta com recortes dos trabalhos realizados durante os meses do estágio académico e as experiências paralelas ao atelier. Toda a trajetória curricular foi essencial para ampliar, cada vez mais, competências técnicas e práticas no campo profissional.
Abstract: This report aims to describe the functions and skills developed by the master's student as part of her internship at the Filipa Borges Nascimento Architecture and interior design Studio, based in Coimbra, Portugal. This training took place with the aim of acquiring a master’s degree in interior and Furniture Design through the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco. During the internship period, it was possible to have contact with most project development stages, from its conception, development and final steps. Having the opportunity to apply the knowledge from the first year of the master's degree in interior and furniture design in the professional world was an immense gain, increasingly contributing to the master's student's personal and professional development. In the following internship report, it is possible to observe the master's student's trajectory over the course of seven months of curricular internship. In general, it involves participation in seven projects, most of them residential and one commercial project in the health sector. In addition to the work carried out in the studio, there was the opportunity to visit two national fairs in interior design and furniture field, Homeing and Architect@Work. With the aim of contextualizing the period in detail, this report includes excerpts from the work carried out during the months of the academic internship and experiences outside the studio. The entire trajectory was essential to increasingly expand technical and practical skills in the professional field.
Abstract: This report aims to describe the functions and skills developed by the master's student as part of her internship at the Filipa Borges Nascimento Architecture and interior design Studio, based in Coimbra, Portugal. This training took place with the aim of acquiring a master’s degree in interior and Furniture Design through the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco. During the internship period, it was possible to have contact with most project development stages, from its conception, development and final steps. Having the opportunity to apply the knowledge from the first year of the master's degree in interior and furniture design in the professional world was an immense gain, increasingly contributing to the master's student's personal and professional development. In the following internship report, it is possible to observe the master's student's trajectory over the course of seven months of curricular internship. In general, it involves participation in seven projects, most of them residential and one commercial project in the health sector. In addition to the work carried out in the studio, there was the opportunity to visit two national fairs in interior design and furniture field, Homeing and Architect@Work. With the aim of contextualizing the period in detail, this report includes excerpts from the work carried out during the months of the academic internship and experiences outside the studio. The entire trajectory was essential to increasingly expand technical and practical skills in the professional field.
O presente documento é o Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto
Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em
Design de Interiores e Mobiliário.
Estágio Design de interiores Arquitetura e interiores Design de mobiliário Atelier FBN Internship Interior design Architecture and interiors Furniture design FBN Studio