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O estresse é entendido como um desequilíbrio substancial entre uma demanda e a capacidade de resposta, sob condições em que a falha em satisfazer a exigência tem consequências significativas. No esporte, esse assunto tem sido alvo de estudos a mais de quarenta anos, con- tudo, ainda há muito o que se entender sobre esse complexo tema. Assim, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre o estresse e coping no esporte, identificando as principais teorias, suas evoluções ao longo dos anos e as formas efi- cientes de investigação. Para a análise, consultamos as bases de da- dos: Google® acadêmico, Science Direct e Scielo, buscando por livros, teses, dissertações e artigos relacionados ao tema. Como resultados, destacamos o estudo de Balbinotti et al. (2013) que propôs uma nova classificação de coping, e o Modelo Transacional Cognitivo, Motivacio- nal e Relacional (Lazarus, 1991; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), que verifica o processo de adaptação dos atletas ao contexto esportivo. Fletcher e Fletcher (2005) e Gomes (2014) também contribuíram para o desen- volvimento do Modelo de Lazarus, considerando as emoções presen- tes ao fim do processo cognitivo.
Stress is seen as a substantal imbalance between demand and responsiveness, under conditons where failure to meet the requirement has signifcant consequences. In sports, this issue has been investgated over forty years, however, there is stll much to understand about this complex topic. This research aimed to conduct a systematc review of literature on stress and coping in sport, identfying the main theories, their evoluton over the years and the efcient forms of research. For the analysis, we consulted the databases: Academic Google®, Science Direct and Scielo, searching for books, theses, dissertatons and papers related to the topic. As result, we highlight the study Balbinot et al. (2013) who proposed a new classifcaton of coping, and the Transactonal Stress Model (Lazarus, 1991, Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), which verifes the process of adaptaton of athletes to the sportng context. Fletcher and Fletcher (2005) and Gomes (2014) also contributed to the development of Lazarus Model in an emoton perspectve.
Stress is seen as a substantal imbalance between demand and responsiveness, under conditons where failure to meet the requirement has signifcant consequences. In sports, this issue has been investgated over forty years, however, there is stll much to understand about this complex topic. This research aimed to conduct a systematc review of literature on stress and coping in sport, identfying the main theories, their evoluton over the years and the efcient forms of research. For the analysis, we consulted the databases: Academic Google®, Science Direct and Scielo, searching for books, theses, dissertatons and papers related to the topic. As result, we highlight the study Balbinot et al. (2013) who proposed a new classifcaton of coping, and the Transactonal Stress Model (Lazarus, 1991, Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), which verifes the process of adaptaton of athletes to the sportng context. Fletcher and Fletcher (2005) and Gomes (2014) also contributed to the development of Lazarus Model in an emoton perspectve.
Desenvolvimento humano Estresse Coping Modelo transacional Human Development Stress Coping Transactonal Model
Aroni, A., Batista, M., Rebustini, F., Machado, A., & Gomes, A.R. (2019). O Estresse e o Coping no Esporte. In J. Petrica, H. Mesquita, M. Batista, P. Mendes (Coord) “Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício – Abordagens Académicas de Investigação”. (pp.35-44). Idanha-a-Nova: Câmara Municipal de Idanha-a-Nova. ISBN: 978-989-8936-01-1.
Câmara Municipal de Idanha-a-Nova